This month we are partnering with Alec Sproten from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) to study the effects of abstaining from masturbation and porn for a period of time.
It has been a long while since the birth of NoFap® and the rise in awareness of the harmful effects of masturbation/porn abuse. People have been talking a lot about improvements in their relationships, their well-being and their lives in general after joining the platform. Yet, people also have been talking a lot about scientific evidence on how masturbation/porn abstinence impacts their lives. Truth is, this evidence is still scarce. And we need to change that! Stephen Hawking said science is as well a discipline of romance and passion: why not take him literally?
With an ever growing community of members of NoFap, a survey on user preferences, masturbation and porn abuse is overdue. This is why we want to make an attempt to plug the holes in masturbation research with a well-assembled survey. After all, wouldn’t it be great to substantiate the potential benefits of masturbation and porn abstinence with some solid scientific facts?
This is why NoFap® agreed to facilitate a user survey in the community, designed by Alec Sproten, a social scientist from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). The goal of the survey is threefold. First, it will help the community to know its membership a little better. Second, backed by scientific evidence that “rebooting” affects the reward system in the brain, the survey will help find out how this influences preferences for uncertainty and for time: It will provide answers to the questions if masturbation and porn abstinence have an effect on the ability to delay rewards or on the ability to rationally assess risks. And third, questions on NoFap® user experiences will help improve the quality of services offered to the community.
You, the members, are a scientific gold mine, and this survey was designed to tap into that, in the best way that we can. Please take it seriously, give it some of your precious time, and let’s make some science happen here!
The survey is divided into two parts. The first part is released right now. It will ask questions about you, your history, your preferences, your attitudes toward masturbation and pornography, and the experiences you’ve had along the way. This section will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Link Removed: The survey is now closed.
The second part will be released in one month. It will ask the same questions (minus a few questions if you participated in the current survey) in order to assess how your preferences change over time. You are not required to take part in both parts of the survey, however the more people participate in both parts, the greater the value of this study.
This survey is COMPLETELY anonymous. Public data as well as a summary of the results will be released after both survey periods ended.
And if you need any further motivation, here is a quote from Isaac Asimov: “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny…’”
I am with you all the way. I know the complications in using por at a large period. The worst part is to accept you are a porn addict. The best part is that you feel free.
Blaming the society is common, you are not alone. It always begin with: i have to try, common curiosity. Suddenly you are going to deeper stuff and there is when you know you are being to get addict.
Other things about porn personally, to speak to another and admit, it’s a hard work, so take your time and don’t end it forever (strong will) because it will strike back and your mind will keep stream the pics you last saw.
Some made 6 months hardwork training, others 5 years, the double click ability was left.
Guys and also girls, it’s never late.
Consider porn as drugs. Scan your heads and see the difference. Try drogs if you don’t believe it.
The differences when it works in your brain is that porn is more satisfying than drugs. I scanned mine but I didn’t get to pics otherwise I would post it. I was in chock.
Good luck to you who believes you gonna be a gangsta just by looking porn. You are not criminal by looking at it, you just become more dumb.
I am no feminist or gay hipster defender liker I just admit to myself that porn isn’t a way for a free life.
Porn for me is girl with problems that needs money.
All you see is planned and enterprised. We who have no strong will, can’t see that the bosses of industries, are manipulatin us.
Because you will find all kind of girls. All your dreams will collapse with the time. You maybe still gets a boner but you won’t miss her anymore, not that way you felt.
Are you ready to become a zombie? Then I welcome you to visit porn at…..
just kiddin, who wants to be a zombie? goes to medication just because you didn’t have to guts to tell her: HEY GIRL WHATS YOUR CELLPHONE NUMBER or maybe WANNA GO TO THE MOVIES?
You know the whole intention dies, I dont like porn doing that shit to me. I wont COMPARE myself to Hugh Jeffner just because he is gettin money with girls. I know I am a macho guy, I dont need his steam. I wont be slave to that old man.
Porn is Viagra reverse man, it gets your lust smaller. You must seek help if you ve been trying and not working. I can tell nobody is strong to end it like you do.
Sometimes it works when you believe in something, in your family, friends, training, job, God, anything.
Just hold it, play videogames, it works for me.
Angerness is part of porn behaviour. Yes because you are frustrated to feel agitated when you are with her, shyness comes in the way, erases all the brave soul in you.
Man I am tellin this because I am into porn again. I didnt see porn in 1 year, sometimes in 6 months. I must blame the society, it’s fucked up and we must accept that.
If you wanna know who I am, I am black, I speak spanish and I love the bunny movies starring Hugh Jeffner, he is a motherfucking monster, I am telling you. Right now my eyes are on Cara Lavigne, I know she go for girls but who cares, so long the camera is on baby.
/Johan R.
as long as you dont masturbate is it all right to look at nudity? is it considered a slip?
I tried to take the survey. I got as far as the page on employment and income levels.
I completed that page in full. I tried to CONTINUE but the system locked up and
wouldn’t load the next page. Was that the last page of the survey? Can I come back and finish it later
if that wasn’t the last page? Can the survey people e-mail me the last pages?
Thank you. –Rusty
Hi there,
Your best bet is to just try retaking the survey. We haven’t seen any other reports like this, so it is probably a local issue. Try using another browser if necessary. Unfortunately, we cannot email you the last pages.
Does having sex count as breaking November?
Probably not. For more information on NoFap’s programs, see