You have better days ahead.

NoFap™ is a website dedicated to helping people overcome porn addiction, excessive masturbation, and other compulsive sexual behavior. We’re open to anyone seeking sexual self-improvement, better sex, healthier relationships, and more fulfilling lives. You CAN quit porn and live a happier life. Join our community of over a million members.

As Seen On

“I can’t believe I’ve gone this far considering where I started. I’m not sad and alone anymore. I am alive and it’s just the beginning.”
A NoFap® User
"Amazing that a forum like this exists as a support group for people without even having to leave their homes. And even more amazing that I've known about it for years, and not used this resource to help myself get better."
A NoFap® User
"If civilization was able to get by without Internet porn for thousands of years, you should be able to manage to get by without it for 30-90 days."
The NoFap® Team
"Live a life that's so fulfilling that there's no room for porn addiction to reenter it."
The NoFap® Team
"I've been able to do things I never thought I would be able to do ... Being able to achieve when most people just throw in the towel at the first sign of adversity."
A NoFap® User
"Almost everybody knows someone who is secretly struggling with porn addiction."
The NoFap® Team
"My girlfriend nearly left me due to my porn addiction. But since then, I’ve made incredible strides. And today, I’m asking her to marry me. And I know she’s going to say yes. There is hope, friends. Stay strong."
A NoFap® User
"You CAN quit porn."

From The Blog