Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn remembered in memorial video

Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn passed away on May 20, 2021. Gary Wilson is the author of the book Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, presenter of the popular TEDx talk The Great Porn Experiment, and the creator of, a clearinghouse for the latest research on pornography.

On March 25, 2022, a friend of Gary Wilson, porn addiction recovery advocate Gabe Deem, published a memorial video on his YouTube channel.

The beginning of the memorial video features an interview where Gary Wilson described his motivations for starting Your Brain on Porn, which was to help suicidal people who were posting on message boards. Gary Wilson wasn’t interested in cultural porn wars, he just wanted to help people who were struggling with excessive porn use.

“There’s a lot of people suffering. I’m not out there to stop porn. I’m out there to educate so that the people who want to get over some of these symptoms caused by excessive porn use can find the information and do it. There’s a lot of guys suffering out there.”

Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn

The video concludes with a slideshow of photos of Gary with family members and friends. People who were impacted by Gary’s life and work are asked to leave comments on a memorial website set up by the family, available at

“I would have killed myself if not for the information Gary published on his site. He is a legend and I will never forget the help he provided by listening and taking seriously the ramblings of lost souls online.”


16 thoughts on “Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn remembered in memorial video”

  1. Miss this man ,Its just amazing that people like david ley and nicole prause still smear the movement and he defintntly didnt deserve the attacks and false accusations from nicole especially,im sure his wife also didnt appreciate the accusations.Rip sir gary wilson.Hopefully prause and ley lay off and let him r.ip ,but im sure they wont and will attack others like fight the new drug ,no fap ,reboot nation etcdon hilton.Over a million members fighting this across the world and yet they are still attacking .Gary was a hero to everyone in the movement,he was taken to soon .Hopefully Hes in a better place ,i know he was non relgious but i hope there is some kinda after life bc im sure his family would love to See him again,theres gotta be something better then this.Im currently trying deep tms therpy and spravato a nasel spray to hopefully help with this,i refuse any other andepressants bc of side effects,taking supplemts ,still pretty withdrawn and lethargic,terry crews saught rehab in 2010 bc of thisgarbage,and several other celebtrys as well,fight the good fight in his honor everyone,its also good to know girls also can be addctive to this dopamine machine,most notably jada smith,cameron diaz,nikki glasner,Billy eillish,even performers themselves in the industry,beggars daughter Jessica harris,pastors,women ,men,all races ,non relgious,relgiousetc.all walks of life,matt fradd you name it.Anyway my condolnces again to garys family

  2. Type deep tms therpy,there will be several states that show up,or it will ask you for your zip code and it will tell you how close the center within miles of your location ,you can call and ask about the treatment,it should also give a list of insurance they are working with,people swear by this,it supposed to help with dopamine and seratonin ,norephrine,unlike meds which can cause crazy sideffects including weight gain ,which make people more depressed and cause health issues,the treatments are 20 minutes a day 5 days a week beteewn 36 to 44 treatments ,they use magnetic pulses on the prefrontel cortex ,it might take all treatment s before you have improvement ,ive done 8 only so far,i tried nero star tms last year fully covered but deep tms brainsway goesdeeper into the brain and nero star tms can actually miss ceratain areas .Unfortunately most meds work on seratonin,this works on 3 nerotransmitters,they also have a spray called spravota or ketamine that also can help with depression,my first treatment is approaching ,the sideffects for that are supposed to subside after the first treatment,but you have to stay for two hours after bc they need to monitor the sideffects,one being high blood pressure ,anyway this might be a option ,ive tried a bunch supplemt s that dint help,of course they cant help with death grip.Worth a shot ,try looking into it,it beats being a guinea pig from bev.Doctors or what have you ,they have centers all over the place,even one of the producers of chapell show tried nero star ,hopefully this will put most big pharma out of business,some need meds still,lady ga ga takes meds for depression,even modafnil ,anyway give it a shot ,insurance covers it thank god ,.

  3. Its 4th of july 2022,im still not healed,feel broken ,lethargic,death grip,no motavation for anything,on disabilty,david ley arrgonance is astoning ,david ley bregged about someone wife burning his book ethical porn for dicks,miss gary ,another athiest in heaven,hope there is after life .

  4. I miss my xg terribly,girl iv known since childhood,sux she wasnt more supportive,and she also told me she watches ,

  5. Im sorry,this is probably not the place for this,but i have to comment,nicole prause is still spreading more lies,even after all this time,she called him a fraud,she said he threatened to kill people and he was paid for this,kinda hoping he was a bit,desrved some kida composation for the stress and lies he was put through ,god she is relentless and evil,she also goes after Lawrence tucker whom Accually had brain scans ‘and pics of its damage in the frontel lobs pfc etc.Frustrating miss gary ,way to young ,lyme diease and stress of all things ,lifes no fair .I thought he died from cancer or something more deadly then lyme diease,very rare from my under standing .Hope hes in a better place .Another athiest in heaven .

  6. Ive also been banned for some strange reason on the reboot nation web sight,im just letting out my frustration and def.Gary and everyone else whom gets the science .Im not making threats or anything ,i Wouldn’t give nicole more amo,or lies already she makes.I did leave a long post and pretty much called them both out ,i shouldnt be banned for freedom of speech on any form as long as im not threating or hurting anyone .Went on twitter made my case to david ley and told him how is everyone else wrong and he is not,was banned for that for sometime,used a few choice words,still no threats ,sep 14th 2022 siters 53 bday still no change,i think im permanent damanged

  7. He has shown ye o man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God? (This quote from me is unoriginal)

  8. Trust is good, but caution is still the best remedy for everything. Not only does it save you a lot of trouble, you get through life much better with it!

  9. Hi Todd
    It’s clear this has been a difficult journey so far for you brother. I’m sorry it’s been so hard getting the healing, recovery and support you need.

    I feel the need to point out something to you. You’ve been fighting this for years, and though you haven’t fully experienced the victory and freedom you probably desire, your persistence alone is a victory MANY will never get to claim in this life!

    Keep fighting, and keep remembering to speak out and not fight alone, and we will get through this.

    There’s way more to this privilege called life than this.

  10. Thanks gary said some never recovery ive tried everything ,supplemnts,nero star tms,deep tms ,ltyrosine,several supplemnts,sick of the mood swings and loss of motavation .Nyromyst device .Eating less sweets,junk food,less fast food.Wellbutrin etc,going for walks,excersise machines,my back and junk are sore

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