We have some bad news. missyaley, one of our dedicated moderators, has passed away earlier this week. missyaley was in charge of our accountability group for women.
She was loved by many people in her offline life. In her husband’s own words, “She was the most beautiful, gentle soul and we’re devastated.”
In her online life, her work impacted many thousands of people around the world.
Without people like missyaley, the existence of NoFap wouldn’t be possible. These dedicated volunteers keep the site running smoothly. They are the ones on the front lines, battling the trolls and people spamming pornography all over the place. Although many community members may have no idea how much moderation goes on, mods generally take that as a compliment, as that means they’re doing a very good job.
I have grown to know missyaley personally through NoFap, and can attest that she was a kind-hearted & beautiful person. She was passionate about helping other people. I wholeheartedly believe in the butterfly effect and the power of empowering individuals to change the world. Her work, lifting up people, helping them through their reboots, and making them feel comfortable changed the world. Her death is a loss for humanity.
The community responded with many condolences.
Here are just some of the words our community had to say:
To show the worldwide impact my words in German: Mein aufrichtiges Beileid an alle Angehörigen. Ruhe in Frieden. (My sincerest condolences to all family members. Rest in Peace.) -Schmuggles
She changed lives. Rest in peace. -EveryDayANewChance
RIP, may her badge keep on counting -Shankar_
I never had a chance to speak to her, but I could already tell she was a huge bright spot for the community and everyone who had a chance to know her. -Turlast
May her soul live on in the lives of those who knew her and those whom she impacted. RIP -GoodOlDayss
May she rest in peace. She’ll be remembered for all the good work she has done for others! -InsaneConfusion
Oh my God, this is such shocking news. I am devastated, just devastated. I had the privilege of knowing her through Reddit and we would text from time to time…I feel just awful for not knowing anything was up. She was a beautiful soul, kindhearted, sweet, funny, everything. She was a strong woman, a sweetheart, and a wonderful friend. I can’t imagine the loss her family and close friends feel…For her husband and all of you I am wholeheartedly sorry for your loss, it’s a big one. She will be missed and cherished, and I will remember her always… -Hopeful_Hopeless2
Nofap has been a tremendous help for me and for many others. I may have not had any interaction with her but I am sure through her actions in this community she has affected everybody here. God bless her and may she rest in peace. I am deeply sorry for not only the community’s loss, but her husband’s loss as well. -mattdeflavis
We love you Missy, tho I did not know you personally, you are my sister. We’re all family here and to lose someone who dedicated themselves to helping others to grow and overcome their weaknesses hurts us even if we never met you face to face. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us and your contribution to humanity ,we’ll miss you our dear sister,until we see you again. One Love. -Fall7timesGetup8
I’m shocked to hear this! Though I didn’t know her personally, I can attest to her dedication and constant support of the NoFap women’s group. I’m so sorry for your loss -rhiarhia
May she rest in peace, unburdened and free from all sorrow. -Buddha Punk Robot Monk
My sincerest condolences to her family and friends. I appreciate everything she has done for this community. -ds112358
Its amazing, how someone you’ve never met in real life can affect your life so much. NoFap literally changed my life. It transformed me. And I’m grateful for her contribution to our community. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. -meshdUP
Her husband had this to say in response to the community’s outpouring of support:
“This community provided her with ample purpose. Being able to educate and help many people brought meaning and engagement to her that she sometimes struggled to find elsewhere. I’m grateful that she was able to find it and she would be honored to know that so many people are paying their respects.”
A call-to-action:
In lieu of flowers and to maintain her confidentiality, contributions may be made to the “Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance” in honor of “missyaley”. Condolences may be sent to the family by posting on our subreddit or forum threads.
To maintain her anonymity, NoFap will be accepting cards and letters to the family at our PO box. We will bundle anything up and forward them to the family. The family has been incredibly touched by your comments and would love some kind words through physical cards and letters. Please spam them with love!
c/o missyaley
PO Box 81015
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
I respect all your work and I hope God thinks that you deserve to be in heaven and i prayed for that.Rest in piece.
Yaptığın her işe saygı duyuyorum ve umarım Tanrı cennetin senin için uygun yer olduğunu düşünür,bunun için dua ettim.Huzur içinde yat.
Just wanted to say what a difference she has made to my life. I live in the uk so her efforts have gone out a long way! Thank God for her.
Thank you for the kind words. I’ll be sure that they reach her family.
Respect and honours to her. She contributed to change my life. As many many others.
Thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. Thank you for your commitment, love, and care.
May god bless her, she has done so much for all of us here.
Rest in peace.Nice to see so many tough fellows fighting against porn.They have changed many people’s lives.May more people get rid of PMOing. ——Bless from a Chinese