Day 120: “I want to raise young men who value women and don’t feel the need to waste away their energies on PMO.”

Two Words I Never Thought I Would Write: 90 Days

I am 35 and this is not my first rodeo. My previous record was 30 days. I cannot believe that I have made it to 90. I guess what was different for me this time around was I had felt I had really hit bottom. I had hit it so many times before (or so I had thought), but it just struck me 90 days ago: how many times can I go back into this destructive spin cycle?

I quit alcohol four years ago, cigarettes and drugs too, but for some reason, even with all of the self-help/buddhist/meditation/health books and practices in the world – I was still PMO’ing [masturbating to pornography]. I realized: perhaps this was the most nefarious and difficult beast to slay.

Okay, so this time around I had to put my money where my mouth was. I had read too much and knew too much to slip. I would always give myself excuses – but not this time. No edging. No slipping. I was able to catch myself quickly. What I mean is, I would see something simple like “Top 20 Erotic Films” on an “innocent” site like Rotten Tomatoes and I would instantly play the tape to the end – I know what going down that trail will lead to – so I ignore it.

This acronym was simple enough for me to remember: H.A.L.T. If I was feeling particularly weak, I would think: “Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired?” Chances are: yeah, I was one of those things. So I would seek to remedy that with an actual fix (food, prayer/exercise/meditation, companionship, sleep) instead of seeming fixes that don’t actually work (i.e., sugar, fapping, mindless activity).


I see almost everyone as actual people. I don’t sexually view others – unless it is my wife, and she is inviting me to. I somehow nailed a job interview and took a huge step up in my career into school administration. My wife also has been promoted and I have been way more “there for her.” My walks with my dog have become very important. My relationship with my two sons is beautiful, engaging and I really feel like a true role model – instead of a dad with hidden secrets (my secrets keep me sick, so I share them with others like my 12-step group so that I can have a clean conscience). I find myself making wiser decisions and not allowing myself to spiral like I did so often before. That “little voice” that tells me to “fuck it, just do whatever” has grown smaller and smaller and I am able to just make wiser, clearer, better and more beneficial decisions. I can see the benefit of making good decisions as they build up on top of one another. I think this is what lead to landing the job, I was actually able to go in and speak about my positive traits and there was a real truth behind my words – the truth was the buildup of my good actions.


I have not found any. I don’t miss PMO at all. I quit Facebook on January 1st and have cut back my pointless sugar intake immensely.

Anyway, I know this is just reddit and this is just another online site or whatever, but improving your life, being a good father, being a good husband, being a good school administrator – these are the most important things in my life. It starts with sobriety for me. If I am not sober and free from PMO, alcohol & drugs, then all of the other important things in my life fall to pieces. I have to keep my sobriety first so that I can keep my other priorities too – if that makes sense.

I am very thankful for all the veterans on here that have shared their experience, strength and hope for 35-year-old men like me who were sick and tired of the PMO spiral. It is so nice to live in a world without PMO. The non-PMO world grows bigger and bigger each day and it is a much brighter place to be. I had a great grasp of darkness when I came here, I now no longer desire the darkness, I want to embrace good and lightness and expelling character defects from my daily life allows me the chance to live a full, meaningful and positive life.

Update: 120 Days (35YO, Married w/2 kids)

The fact that I didn’t even get to post this yesterday speaks volumes to how great NoFap is in my life. I’m too busy to post something online! I have a happy wife (her husband hasn’t drank alcohol in 4 years, smoked in God knows how long, taken any drugs in 4 years and hasn’t PMO’d in 120 days), two beautiful children, a great dog, and I am rounding out the first month of work at my new job (which I procured while on NoFap).

Now, is everything perfect all the time? Of course not.

Is everything WAY better without PMO? Absolutely 100% yes.

I was going to write way more, but my wife just called for me to read a book to my son – which I will happily do.

I want to raise young men who value women and don’t feel the need to waste away their energies on PMO. They can if they want to, but I want them to know their old man doesn’t.

Good luck fellow Fapstronauts and mad props to all the youngsters out there doing this so early – I wish I could have started WAY younger.

This is a real story shared by a NoFap community member. This content may have been formatted for readability. As always, opinions shared by users of NoFap® do not represent the website’s views.

10 thoughts on “Day 120: “I want to raise young men who value women and don’t feel the need to waste away their energies on PMO.””

  1. Yo man, seems like you really went through some hard times, but I am glad that from what I just read, you really made it now. Keep it up!

  2. MyNameIsOfNoImportance

    It’s easier to follow if you bow to a Higher power. God commands us against sexual immorality.

  3. Hi, your achievement is amazing. Can I ask how you joined 12-step group? I am in my 3rd week and in a flatline. I could really use some help by talking to people in a group.

  4. Por mi felicidad

    Hola necesito ayuda. Cuando estoy triste caigo otra vez. Necesito con quién hablar del tema

  5. i agree. many in the next generation is likely to be in serious trouble considering they have easy access to endless porn as so as they start puberty. they need to be educated in the dangerous of overconsumption of this stuff!

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