
Day 120: “I want to raise young men who value women and don’t feel the need to waste away their energies on PMO.”

Two Words I Never Thought I Would Write: 90 Days I am 35 and this is not my first rodeo. My previous record was 30 days. I cannot believe that I have made it to 90. I guess what was different for me this time around was I had felt I had really hit bottom. […]

Day 120: “I want to raise young men who value women and don’t feel the need to waste away their energies on PMO.” Read More »

Age 27: More Self-Respect, Weight Loss, Stopped Objectifying Women, “Never been more proud of myself”

When I started this, I had the “see if I can do it” mentality. But after a few days and some heavy temptation, I turned to you guys, and I found an extremely strong, respectful and supporting community that gave me a lot of inspiration. I immediately decided that I was going to take this

Age 27: More Self-Respect, Weight Loss, Stopped Objectifying Women, “Never been more proud of myself” Read More »

“Cutting out porn repaired a bunch of things about our relationship”

“I am a lady who from my teenage years was always very sexually eager and curious. I watched a good amount of porn and was psyched to “finally” lose my virginity at 17. I dated guys, slept with guys, had a couple (dysfunctional) relationships but nothing long term enough in my “adult” years to really

“Cutting out porn repaired a bunch of things about our relationship” Read More »

“Society has made women feel that they cannot express their sexuality.”

“Porn has become a something of a sub-cultural all in itself.  From the innumerable websites hosting anything from videos to pictures to webcams, it is a virtual treasure trove of intertwined bodies.  Society has deemed porn a “man” vice, used only by men to obtain orgasm.  It has recently come to light that the excessive

“Society has made women feel that they cannot express their sexuality.” Read More »