“Is porn addiction real?” discussed on The Doctors

The Doctors, a popular television show, covered porn addiction on October 30, 2019.

In the first and second segments of the episode, guests Alex Rhodes (yes, from NoFap) and Dr. Robert Weiss (a clinical sexologist), along with the show hosts, discussed whether or not porn addiction is real.

From Left-to-Right: Travis Stork, Alexander Rhodes, Dr. Judy Ho, Dr. Robert Weiss, and Dr. Andrew Ordon (photograph from the set in Los Angeles)

Alex Rhodes was just 11-years-old when he started to use Internet pornography.

He says that his habit of looking for photos of women online quickly escalated from innocent curiosity to a full-blown compulsion.

He went on to explain that it was a genital injury, not religious or moral issues about porn or masturbation (he was never religious), that made him initially question whether or not his excessive Internet porn habit was healthy. He described that the out-of-control use impacted every area of his life up until and including when he started engaging in romantic relationships with young women – and when that happened, he couldn’t maintain sexual arousal with a real person! (which we now know as porn-induced erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia)

Alex Rhodes spent years discussing these issues online across various websites, which led him to eventually create NoFap, a community-centered website for recovering porn addicts and people suffering from compulsive sexual behavior.

Should compulsive porn use be classified as a behavioral addiction?

Dr. Judy, one of the show’s hosts, was hesitant to immediately jump to classifying compulsive porn use under the behaviorial addiction model. However, she was compassionate and understanding of the issues that were raised and simply wants more research to be conducted on the subject, saying that this issue is current in its infancy. By the end of the segment, it seemed that everyone was in agreement that it’s a problem that children and young teens are often getting exposed to unlimited amounts of Internet pornography long before they have their first relationship.

Is porn addiction real?

We certainly think so. There’s an abundance of research that clearly places compulsive pornography usage into the realm of the addiction model, including neurological studies and brain imaging heralding brain changes such as hypofrontality, sensitization to porn cues, and desensitization. Not to mention 100s of other pieces of research, surveys, and case studies that link compulsive Internet porn use to an array of negative side effects, including decreased sexual satisfaction, decreased relationship satisfaction, and even porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

Regardless of what you call it – a compulsion or an addiction – hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world are suffering from the effects of it. Many of these same people are experiencing tremendous benefits from making one change in their lives: quitting porn or at least drastically reducing their porn use. We appreciate The Doctors for inviting NoFap’s Alex (or Alexander) Rhodes on to discuss this important issue. Please consider thanking them for featuring this important issue under our tweet:

31 thoughts on ““Is porn addiction real?” discussed on The Doctors”

  1. We need this to go national! Enough of the cover ups and lies! Our future generation is currently being impacted in a hugely negative way and porn must be exposed!

  2. The same inbox reward centre that is powered by dopamine, reinforcing behaviour, is elevated during pornography use, causing impulsive, repeated behaviour even when you know it’s a destructive activity. This is the hall mark of biological addiction, visible through brain imaging in addiction to food, gambling, cocaine and amphetamine. Anyone who has experience with the process can see it. There is also clear research indicating that this occurs, causing the decision making part of the forebrain unable to override the more instinctual part of the brain that seeks rewarding activities. Anyone denying this really just doesn’t understand biology and neurobiology enough. Porn is just as addictive as cocaine and gambling in susceptible individuals.

  3. Of course porn promotes an addictive behaviors. Those of us that have/are involved in porn know this.
    Providers of porn know the $100,000,000 (yep, 100 billion green ones) industry preys off multiple generations of males (boys to men, & now females).
    Sadly, physicians (M.Ds.) are on the video sets where females and male models are drugged to into submission or stimulation to keep a maximum of video performance going.
    I’m delighted I supported Alexanders legal campaign to defend helping humanity stay clean.

  4. The exact monetary figure is highly contentious, but it’s at least in the tens of billions. A hundred billion dollars is $100,000,000,000 — you left off three zeroes 🙂

  5. The pornography is going to damage ur penis.
    the sexual behaviors is hurting ur kidney.
    Just like an old saying “上善若水,水善利万物而不争。
    The highest good is like that of water.”
    the kidneys stand for water in Chinese traditional Medicine.
    If your masturbation behavior is not too much, and youre healthy originally, the symptoms wont appear obviously

  6. I am 50 years old and been looking at porn since I was about 8 years old
    Then along came the internet and made it easier to look at porn.
    I am able to block it out of my mind and keep away from it most of the time.
    But I would definitely say I am an addict and I do fear going anywhere near it for sake of losing my mind to it or being absorbed by it.
    I believe it is like a living thing that devours people whole.

  7. Its amazing people still try to promote lies in defense of the porn industry. Absolutely shameful and a disgrace for sharing misinformation. The “Daily Beast” is not a reputable source, especially when it comes to a national health issue.

    Many younger men are now reporting ED to their doctors than ever before. Forget that, just read the hundreds of thousands of people who have come out online sharing their experiences with porn and how despite NOT wanting to partake in the behavior any longer, feel they are powerless to stop.

    The hallmark of any addiction.

  8. What you say is true, and that is why the drug (porn) peddlers are attacking nofap.com. They’re running a multi-BILLION dollar per year business based upon human MISERY. They will deny what you say, just like the tobacco companies denied that smoking is bad for health! I hope the porn peddlers get hit with a huge class-action lawsuit.

  9. Jorge, you are wrong. Look at your source! What a joke.

    Ask the millions of people who are hopelessly addicted to porn, they’ll tell you if porn addiction exists or not. It does and it ruins lives.

    Perhaps you are in denial, Jorge?

  10. V,
    Jorge is not a loser; I believe he is a seriously addicted porn addict in denial. He probably needs help as much as any of us.
    I would encourage Jorge to be very serious and honest with himself. He is obviously looking for justification for his addiction, and he found it in “The Daily Beast.” (Really qualified website to get information – NOT!)
    Note that Jorge is here on nofap. What does that tell you? Deep down, he knows he is justifying HIS ADDICTION. Deep down he knows something is wrong.
    Jorge, if you’re reading this, saying “I can quit whenever I want to, I just don’t want to.” is the LAMEST and most WORN OUT excuse of an addict on anything, be it cocaine, heroin, or porn.
    The website is here to help Jorge, if he will utilize it. I, quite frankly, can’t understand his interest in the subject and his presence here on nofap.com IF he has no problem with porn addiction.

  11. You’re going to see a lot of attacks and mis-information spread by the people who run the porn business. They are trying to protect their profits which run in the billions. They are the seediest creeps in the world, making money off of damaged people (the actors in these films) and the viewers who become addicted to porn, just like people become addicted to tobacco.
    A class-action suit is in order. I think the porn peddlers should be shut down, and many belong behind bars.

  12. please have me addition to masturbation since 10years ago. have prayed and fast about it even I make a vow it God that I won’t do it again but still I do. pls I really want to stop it this year pls help me pls……

  13. Since my class 6. I am in boarding school..I am addicted to porn.
    I used. To spend money at internet centres for watching porn.
    I took porn easy over physical relationships.
    At age of 30 ..I made bold decision to hav girl frnd..
    But more I was addicted to porn so I could not perform well.
    Psychologically I used to feel sexually i may lose control at anytime anywhere….I carried this in my mind for 2 years.i couldnot mingle with family.
    I will not stay home wen i am single bcoz I may think watching porn which I always want to quit.
    Fear of thinking about porn…the moment I want to quit

    My cock has shrunken due to masterbation.
    I lost instant libido.
    My girlfriend are disappointed .
    Due to porn watch my thoughts of having sex is not consistently
    Psychologically disturbed.
    Erections are not frequent and slow. Cycle got disturbed.
    I say ” do natural things.practice it.dont go for unnatural.
    I am still in recovery mode by doing
    1 taking cold showers
    2 daily walk
    3 making girl friends
    4 busy in work
    5 yoga

  14. This is bullshit. Leaving porn did a world of a difference for me. I was completely impotent, I’m no longer.

  15. I feel you man. Stopping is very, seemingly impossible, hard. I am sure God will and wants help you. Nofap is path that can be walked through by and only you. God can help you as he was helping Jesus, but didn’t substitute him on his path. Let’s do great things! God bless you.

  16. Then you must not believe that there are gambling addictions,
    cocaine addictions, or heroine addictions. Porn addiction works just like
    any other addiction by flooding your brain with dopamine when you use any of these things. Porn addiction in some ways is worse than others
    because you don’t have to go out and find it. you just use the drugs in your own body, and isolate.

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