The word “relapse” is overused in the porn addiction recovery community.
What IS a relapse?
Relapse is not only an action, it is a concept. For example, the action of gambling is an enjoyable pastime or many people, but for a gambling addict, it is likely a relapse. A relapse is a deliberate, conscious, thought-out abandonment of your addiction recovery plan. To properly determine the criteria for what a “relapse” is for you, you have to define what your goals are and what you are recovering from. For example, there is a difference between a relapse for porn addiction versus a relapse for non-porn compulsive sexual behavior.
What is a slip-up?
Relapses are related to but distinct from slip-ups, which are defined as a return back to the unwanted habits, or otherwise not reaching your personal goals, after a period of successful recovery. Sometimes, “slip-ups” are referred to as “slips” or “setbacks.” A slip-up refers to an incident that doesn’t quite meet the criteria for a relapse (remember that relapses are a full abandonment of your recovery plan).
What ISN’T a porn addiction relapse?
It’s important to not overuse “relapse” because it helps mental healthcare professionals to properly interpret the anecdotal experiences that we share in the community. It’s good to be on the same page. “Relapse” is a medical term for a diagnosable mental health issue.
- Things that are outside of your control such as wet dreams (also known as sleep orgasm or nightfall).
- Checking out a person who you think is attractive, even if it is a personal goal of yours not to do so.
- Fantasizing. It may be a personal goal of yours to not think about porn or fantasize about sexual encounters, but it doesn’t count as a full-blown relapse.
- Accidentally stumbling across porn and then quickly closing it. While it may be disappointing, again, things outside of your control are not relapses.
- Non-excessive porn-free masturbation. As the mental health community does not support that masturbation is inherently “bad” or “unhealthy,” it cannot be accurately pathologized as a medical issue. Masturbation and masturbation frequency is a personal decision.
- Masturbating once without the use of porn.
What could be considered a porn addiction relapse?
In order to have a “relapse,” you must be a porn addict. Non-addicts have “slip-ups,” not “relapses.” Relapses can manifest in a number of ways, including:
- Deliberately masturbating to a porn video.
- Deliberately using pornography consciously for a sustained period of time, even without masturbating to it.
- Masturbating to porn, even without an orgasm, for an extended period of time. (edging is still masturbation!)
- Going on a porn binge session.
- Deciding, as a porn addict, to give up pursuing recovery.
Remember, a relapse is all about intention. If you have a one-time slip-up by accident or a fluke occurrence where you don’t give up on the recovery process, it probably would not count as a relapse. Relapses are an abandonment of your recovery plan.
What could be considered a porn addiction slip-up?
Slip-ups are a less technical term that you define for yourself. Activities where you are not reaching your goals, but not technically qualifying as relapses, could be referred to as slip-ups.
- Quickly loading up a porn website and then closing it, stopping yourself from a prolonged porn session.
- Checking out a porn-substitute.
- Masturbating, if you set a personal goal of abstaining from masturbation for a period of time.
The phrase “reset” is often used interchangeably with “slip-up.” Within the NoFap community, a reset refers to the act of “resetting” your day streak counter back to day one. You define your own sexual health goals. Before starting your reboot, it might be a good idea to decide on which behaviors will constitute a “reset” for you. You might “reset” your day counter as a result of either a relapse or slip-up.
What about non-porn compulsive sexual behavior?
The World Health Organization recently classified Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder, often abbreviated as CSBD. While CSBD includes porn use, it also is an umbrella diagnosis that also includes partnered sexual behavior. While our website does focus on porn addiction, a number of our users utilize it to recover from non-porn compulsive sexual behavior.
What could count as a non-porn compulsive sexual behavior slip-up or relapse?
- Masturbating in a way that harms others or puts you at risk of serious repercussions, such as masturbating in public.
- Masturbating very excessively to the point that it negatively impacts your life.
- Skipping important obligations, such as work, because of an uncontrollable need to masturbate then and there.
- Participating in sexually exploitative behavior, in a way that breaks laws or violates the consent of another individual.
Even if it is a personal goal of yours to not masturbate for a period of time, the mental healthcare community considers moderate masturbation to be a normal, non-pathological behavior. Masturbation exists in nature, whereas digital porn does not. Orgasms are considered a normal part of human life – and while you may hold personal views, moral views, or religious views about masturbation, there is not a need to invoke addiction terminology. Words can be important. If you want to abstain from masturbation for a period of time completely to “reboot” your sexuality, by all means, avoid masturbation for that period of time. But if you slip up and masturbate once without porn, call it a reset or slip-up. You failed to reach your goals. And it’s okay to acknowledge that.
Stop worrying so much!
So many people ask “was this a relapse?” when the real question should have been “did this move me closer to my goals?” Instead of focusing on the minute details of whether or not a particular thing that you did “counts” as a relapse, focus on making improvements to prevent the same thing from happening again in the future. If you find yourself stuck or wondering which behaviors define a relapse for you, you might want to consider meeting with a porn addiction therapist.
Most people on this thread do not have any treatment, recovery plans, or otherwise- they just wake up one day and say ‘I’m never going to do this again’ over and over hoping it will eventually work.
If you are constantly making the same commitment […] over and over just to break your streak after some trivial period of time, you aren’t relapsing. You are just practicing intermittent abstinence […] Not only that, but once you ‘relapse’ once, you can’t do it again until you actually get sober. You cannot relapse more than one time in the same day!! That’s not how it works! Once you relapse you cannot do so again unless you recommit to your recovery and treatment- the relapse occurs when you break free from the commitment to your recovery in order to indulge your addiction.
If you genuinely believe that you are a PMO addict, then willpower is NEVER going to work. It may work for a few days, months, or whatever- but eventually it willpower will be broken. Please, if you are an addict, go seek help from a real addiction counselor, an organized support group, and develop a real plan of treatment and recovery.
Community Member
This has answered a very important question for me. I was addicted to porn for over 25 years…counting soft porn. A couple months ago, I met an amazing and beautiful woman…and couldn’t get an erection. That’s when I decided to begin the recovery process. In over 2 months, I’ve had one intentional relapse to see if the ED med the doctor put me on helped. It didn’t. But then about 2 weeks later, I randomly got an erection while kissing her. I don’t know which one of us were happier. Since that relapse, I have only masturbated twice…once with sexy pictures of her that she has sent me and once with just my thought of being with her. I’ve asked her not to send me anymore nude pictures even though I don’t consider it porn. Am I wrong?
But starting last week, I will only do it with my thoughts in moderation. Once a week from 3-4 times a day…sometimes even more.
This has made me enjoy life more.
Hi, thanks for your newsletter, I find it very interesting, but I would like to ask you anythink :for almost 25 years, I had epilepsy, and due to this desease and the medication, I had problems to get “” normal “” social relationships, so I used porn and masturbate, now, since 21 years, when I was operated, I recovered from the desease but not from my social life, and I still watching porn on my handset when there’s a break on a movie on T.V.,but I rarely masturbate, since I have trouble to get it stiff and hold it or to ejaculate, most probably due to the medicines that I take ((they are anti-depression, and anti-anxiety…)), Do you think that I am porn addict, just by watching quite some porn???, thanks for your answer before hand, and many greetings from the Costa Brava, in Spain, Carlos López Krefting – 🙂
Thanks so much for explaining things up. Very helpful
I feel having moderation in my sex life has helped my relationship with my wife tremendously. She’s my only sexual output and that makes her so special to me it’s hard to believe I ever had sexual issues with her. I used to compare her to my standards, which came from porn. Now I have absolutely no need to compare her to anything, I just want to be with her.
If you ever manage to drop masturbation entirely and let your woman be your only target of your sexual needs, she’ll be the best in the world.
In my opinion, I would keep the pictures coming but not masturbate. Think of it as building resilience and willpower. When you’re with her, you can fully express all that you’ve held back for so long.
I dont think there’s a need for her not to send nudes, they can be viewed as a symbol of trust between you and her. I wouldn’t recomend masturbating to them tho as it may put you in a fantasy loop of sorts, going down that spiral is usually overwhelming. Best of luck
It’s hard to tell, given your conditions, but I believe that your porn usage is inadequate from what you describe. I feel many psychological conditions are rooted in abusive habits. You could benefit from quitting porn use, but I can see how that can be difficult given your current condition. I personally believe it would be worth the trouble, though.
I just relapsed😿
That… you may not know it, but that’s fucking inspiration right there
How does one get over porn and masturbation when they don’t have a woman and suffer premature ejaculation. I once lasted 100 days But recently slipped up at 29 days I had to reset it. I feel I will never find a woman so porn is my only sexual outlet.
Suffering PE puts me off even looking for a woman because I know I could never satisfy her sexually, this is my issue porn is easy, you please yourself sexually but don’t have to worry about pleasing someone else.
This was informative, thank you.
The last time I had sex was 2015 and I didn’t even last a minute, and somehow I feel this is because I had been masturbating for a very long time. Now I am 24 years of age and I have started searching for a partner, which scares me coz I have to satisfy her sexually.
Is there a way of recovering from EP?
Remember there’s plenty of ways to satisfy a partner without even taking one’s pants off… Women LOVE fore play for starters. And between touching, oral, and hand stimulation, you absolutely can get the job done!
It’s a really tricky one. I used to take a strong medicine for a condition and could not think sexually for about 10 years. Before that I had one amazing uninhibited girlfriend and even premature ejaculation did not spoil it much as it was always interesting. Then one day I got lazy and demanded oral sex which was during a time when on holiday and there we drank smoked and were lazy students. I disrespected her on front of some friends and never had another girlfriend again. But I have had some great dates. Here’s my advice.
I had used quite a bit of porn and really tried to limit it to the girls with their clothes on still. But ten years later and I have seen pretty much everything except fetish. I think it is a good idea to watch the hard stuff, just get it out of the way. At the same time get fit, run or exercise, do something great for work or hobby, meditate if you can and you will get better: with age or confidence and hopefully mutual respect of some decent women too.
Hope it helps
You are not a bad person. You are human. I think what you are doing is brave. Keep pushing bro 🙏🏿
Bro how control my urges
For this, I believe you should start looking for a woman – a wife. There’s no embarrassment in seeking a real spouse. As I’m not married yet too, all I can say now is we need to prep up ourselves. Start reading on marriage relationship articles; how to be a good husband; how to analyze potential partner; or even marriage tips. However, the most important part is to seek any part of our life that can be improve. Not just for the sake of finding women, but truly for our own life and people around: family and friends. The truth is, pleasing someone sexually is only a part of love. You have a great intention to care for a woman’s satisfaction. That’s already a great start. Women don’t go around asking men whether they will “ultimately” satisfy them.
muy informativo, me ayuan sus consejos
I’ve been in a relationship on the other end of the spectrum in which my partner is very enmeshed with his mother and cannot handle intimacy with a woman because of this… Therefore I believe this idea if abstinence for saving oneself for the pleasure of a woman/man is a beautiful loving concept. Some people are just not made the same way. He has been guilted and shamed his entire life from a woman and now I fear this has led him to confusion regarding sexuality and having a woman to share sex with…opposed to using a woman for sex. But ultimately because he has an absolutely obtrusive mother and rage that is taken out against women he will date… And cannot retain a relationship because of her. Anyone here have toxic relationships with their mother or father in which you have used porn as a release from this sexual energy they call covert incest? Open to conversations…
thank you.
Feel grateful
Hey guys I am 17 years old and I have first had the urge to watch porn at the age of 11 years old, where at first I just watched it and no masturbation had occurred but then got curious and one thing led to another, as I have gotten older from around 15 to my current age porn had changed how I saw life and gave me a false sense of reality especially being the age I am now it very much so played with my psyche I now have a girlfriend who I have been with for almost 2 years and in between our relationship I would have the urge to watch porn and masturbate to it which i was aware it was very wrong and recently I had a slip up on 90 days and feel very horrible and found I needed to seek help so here I am
Btw I’m on day 2
If any strategies that could help me get through this porn addiction please give me a message would be much appreciated
Im on day 25 and i feel a strong urge to just bring to an end at 30 but at the same time i wanna what will happen if i keep going.
hey DC:) By quitting porn you did amazing job👍 but you should not matsurbate to photos sent to you by that girl. I am advising you to live happily without any Porn shit.
So just live like normal guys 😀
Hi Lucas, my age is equivalent to yours, 17. I am also a recovering porn addict and I’ve been associated with pornography for 4 years now, I had not realized how it had contributed to brain fog in the past until this year, when I deliberately attempted to stop. Throughout the course of this year, I have had multiple slip-ups and relapses. I noticed significant improvement in the beginning of June, where I had revealed my dirty secret to my leadership counsellor in my institution. That was the first person either than myself to know that I am a pornography addict. The confession made the threat acknowledgeable and more sensible. My rate of submission to pornography had dropped, for about an average of a week as opposed to 5 days before that time. I attempted to get rid of it completely, so it was not enough, I then proceeded to report my progress to my counsellor, and he had given me further advice, but none were successful on my front hence I will not be listing them here.
After my latest confession, 3 days prior to your post, I had decided to adopt the strategy of what is known as ‘hard-mode’, where one should not glimpse at any pictures of or hinting nudity, touch their genitalia (except for hygiene purposes) and even listening to conversations or music that contain words which have sexual connotations. Additionally, I had started to: listen to podcasts that are based on pornography recovery and meditate. Dramatic improvement had occured. My weekly rate of abstinence increased by 100% which is 2 weeks compared to the average 1 week that I maintainted before the newly found strategy. Just recently I had experienced a slip-up because I accidently came across a sexually-atmospheric scene in a movie that I was watching for the sake of comedy. I also had not listened to the podcast consecutively as I thought my addiction was finally erased. I have learned from my complacency and I have started to meditate and listen to the pornography-recovery podcast(s) everyday. A strategy that I feel is the true solution. Up untill now I have experienced no urges so far nor slip-ups. My 90 day recovery period is still due for completion.
Btw, the podcast is named ‘Sex Afflictions & Porn Adictions’ hosted by a recovery coach named Craig Perra. I listen to the podcast on Spotify everyday. You could find it elsewhere I am not entirely sure.
Good luck with your NoFap goal and I hope my response helped. Let’s fulfill our goals and dreams!
You will gain nirvana. ✋
hi guys it’s a quick question, is looking for a girl and have sexual relathionships is considerate a relapse? is because i have wanna take off the masturbation and porn of my life but have a casual date with girls occasionally. what is your point of view?
Ok checking on porn is clear. What do you guys think about all the sexually triggering contents on Instagram or similar social media apps? If the aim is to get rid of the dopamine addiction, shall we also limit that? What do you think?
Don’t get confused, i had wet dream on first and last day of no nut November, (not sure if it was because the belle Delphine video she posted about her porn i was just curious so i saw and then quickly closed it – That’s what w slip up is.)and i think while i was having an orgasm i sub conciously touched my d but you know what ? It doesn’t really matter since i am not sure and i will continue this streak in December too.
Will not master acting during my exams help me focus better
You’re still doing great! Keep going bro!
So having sex with your girl is not a relapse
Right? A healthy sex life with your wife, I’d give anything for that.
Thanks bro
Hi guys I just found this information very essential because am 26 and i had a slip up yesterday and today after a good 14 days, am not pressuring my self and am proud of my progress . As I used to materbate alot like 6 times a Day especially from ages 21 to 25, now I have outgrown the addiction and I am currently looking for a partner which something I was very oblivious about. Am grateful for the baby steps am taking there is this girl I slip up while thinking about but atleast now we stand a chance of having real sex intercourse I hope ot all goes well because this will help me get over this draining addiction 😔