Donations for the further growth of Nofap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Knight Solaire, Apr 30, 2015.

Would you be willing to donate money in order to further help the Nofap community?

  1. Yes

    28 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. firdi

    firdi Guest

    Generally a Kickstarter project results in brick-and-mortar products that continue to sell after the funders have been given the early release versions they were promised. In this case, the product could be the book you guys are talking about and a bunch of complimentary tools like this forum, a mobile app for relapse prevention, a convention, a monthly journal, guided meditation/hypnosis videos or podcasts, t-shirts, bumper stickers, posters or anything that that you have in mind to help reboot and spread the word. Maybe a fapstronaut kit that wives can gift their addicted husbands. If you can come up with products, the money could continue flowing in.

    I hope though something we do, Alexander covers the money he already put in and be able to continue investing time to this cause. I think we all agree it's time to get nofap mainstream.

    Just diverging.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015
    Saracen_, wildwood and Knight Solaire like this.
  2. Nath1234

    Nath1234 Fapstronaut

    I am ready to donate my time too, to do any technical work < I am from an IT background> :)

    I am ready to learn any programming language/ framework/etc and would be very much interested to work with the great and ignited minds out there who are providing their invaluable support to this site/ forum(s).
    Knight Solaire and HippyMinstrel like this.
  3. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Great ideas everyone!! I think we are on our way to something good :)
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  4. Thanks for all of the thoughts, Fapstronauts! I'll definitely consider launching an official Kickstarter or something for something specific. It would have to be for a movie, an app, etc, and run by NoFap itself for accountability and legitimacy. It would have to have clearly-defined goals. I don't think it would work well for hosting costs, but would work very well for a big project as all of you mentioned :)

    As for volunteering, please private message me if you feel like you have a skill that can benefit NoFap. We have had a number of volunteers in the past who worked for a week, never finished anything, and then dropped off the face of the planet. So please only reach out if you are serious about helping NoFap to help the world and level up humanity.

    For hosting, I think a donation subscription might be ideal with some added perks such as a cooler avatar, private forum... something to just show that you're supporting the site. Kind of like reddit gold on (my favorite website). It would be low cost and hopefully if we had enough people subscribe it would pay for the servers and recurring expenses.

    Then NoFap can crowdfund the bigger fixed expenses for projects. Your support could provide crowdfunding incentives (many people stepped up with stuff even as awesome as artwork and books!).


    Again, thanks so much for the concern. It means a lot to me - an overworked and broke person who could definitely use some volunteer support and money to improve the site!
  5. Here is a thought. Right now there is a xenForo plugin that allows for user account deletions. I think it is very important to give users control of their accounts in this manner. So I launched a "trial" crowdfunding campaign to see if this is really viable. Here is a link.
  6. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    I just used my credit card - which is linked to my mom's credit card - and donated $10 to the GoFundMe project. Seriously. Best $10 I've ever spent! (I hope my mom won't get mad though...I'll tell her it's a lot cheaper than all the money she used to buy me AP/ACT/SAT prep books).

    Being 17 years old and not having money sucks. I would donate at least $100 if I had my own money.

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    Last edited: May 6, 2015
    firdi, Aexander and Knight Solaire like this.
  7. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I am so happy that the first project was funded in less than a hour. I never thought making this thread would actually help influence and fund the forums. I would like to give a special thanks to @YiboW and the anonymous donor for helping me and Strugglesaurus fund it.

    Next, I would like to thank everyone who shared their stories and ideas to help contribute to this thread and helping Alexander.

    @Limeaid @Kurapika @Progressive Death Mettle @DannyCool @mumchance @ClearAsMud(Al) @Andrew01 @IGY @tomtom @Strugglesaurus @Immor @Anne-Dauphine @firdi @DutchAnonymous @Diving @Nath1234

    Thank you all for your contributions and continued support! To anyone who voted also, thank you so much!
  8. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    Since people are being awesome and donating, how about making the donate button a lot more visible on the side bar or something. I never knew NoFap wanted donations before this thread.
    Saracen_, Knight Solaire and Limeaid like this.
  9. I'll work on this, for now. I think a donator status on the forum is a great solution (with some random perks like username color, a trophy, flair, etc) for recurring expenses and then crowd-funding for larger expenses that are project-based. Seems like people are interested in helping out which is awesome.

    The crowd-funding campaign can include community-created perks like ebook, artwork, a book, etc.

    Knight Solaire and wildwood like this.
  10. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    I think an eBook would be perfect, especially for anyone who is new on nofap who is looking for solid advice and answers for all their questions. But I do believe there should be a section on 'if you have a partner/spouse/friend/family member', there are many partners supporting and helping their addicted partners on nofap as well friends and family members. As the girlfriend I am supporting and helping my boyfriend battle this addiction as well as others who DM me and also seek friendly support. Limeaid is one who very well knows how this terrible addiction can tear down a person you love, and who has also given me and my boyfriend really wonderful advice that helped me to cope and my boyfriend to understand. Just a thought, thank you for reading =)
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  11. Knight Solaire likes this.