Want to help me pay for user account deletions? (donate to raise 50 bucks for NoFap)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Administrator Account, May 6, 2015.

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  1. It seems like there is some interest in helping me pay the bills associated with running NoFap. That really is appreciated and I'll be pondering it and continuing to listen to the community's feedback.

    I think that I am going to start reaching out for help to see what happens.

    Right now there is a xenForo plugin that allows for user account deletions. I think it is very important to give users as much power to control their data as possible. I find it very strange that xenForo doesn't have this in their stock installation, but that's another story. On NoFap, users need to have control of their privacy. We get account deletion requests all the time and the mods have trouble manually handling them.

    I want to buy this plugin for 19 dollars. The branding-free ad-free version is another 19 dollars (I want to keep NoFap free of irrelevant advertising), totaling 38 dollars. Since I am posting this on GoFundMe.com, they take a percentage of the money raised, which means we need to raise a total of around 42 dollars plus possibly a bit extra since there is a 30 cent fee per transaction. So let's call it an even 50 dollars.

    I figured I'd start out with a tiny crowdfunding attempt to make this happen, mostly as an experiment, although it really would help me financially as well. Every dollar counts since NoFap costs me 15,000 a year or so since I dump all of my extra money into it (I live very frugally, don't own a car, etc).

    In the future we'll need to figure out a more systematized way to raise money for hosting, legal, and other recurring costs (some sort of recurring donation subscription model with perks), but I think this is an excellent way to gauge interest. NoFap will need to be monetized to support itself, grow, and improve, and I assure you that will happen in the awesomest, least intrusive way possible.

    If you leave your NoFap username as a comment while donating, I'll shout you out in a thank-you video I'll create should this is successful. Also if you want some personal advice or something (although I usually give it), feel free to private message me.

    Thanks for expressing interest in supporting NoFap. Let's see how this small trial goes.

    Also, to be clear, if we don't successfully fund this I will pay out-of-pocket like I always have. I think that I'll start the installation process now because this feature is very important to me and has been requested more than any other feature.
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  2. Someone just donated 30 dollars anonymously. Thank you so much! That was fast and now the plugin is 100% funded. I'll get to work installing it.
  3. Closing this. Further discussion can go into this thread. Thanks again, donators!
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