PURE - A good mini series (fiction) about OCD and porn addiction

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by icebreaker p, Nov 7, 2022.

  1. icebreaker p

    icebreaker p Fapstronaut

    I just finished this 6-part mini series, called PURE (click here for wikipedia article). But before I tell you how awesome it was I have to give out a massive TRIGGER WARNING - there is a lot of love, sex, nakedness and sexual vibes in this mini series. So think twice, if you are ready for this.

    It is about a young scottish girl who moves to London on her own. She has a form of OCD that gives one random sexual thoughts. They cause distress, shame and anxiety.
    I didn't know that this existed and had not much of a clue of OCD anyway.
    So while she has to imagine sex all the time she has no clue about her actual sexuality. At the setout she doesn't even know if she likes boys or girls. So her story revolves around friendship, discovering her sexuality but also discovering that she has OCD and what it means for her.

    The second main character is a guy she meets at a SAA meeting (=Sex Addicts Anonymous). He's on recovery from classical porn addiction with ED and I must say he's really lovely characterized. It's rare to find such a good and on the point representation of a porn addict in a movie. And the same goes for the girl, as someone with sexual OCD ... although it was actually the first time for me, to see it portrait in a movie.

    So there's that. Enjoy!