personality types (myers briggs) poll added, please no haters

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 7, 2018.

what is your personality type?

  1. intj/entj

  2. intp/entp

  3. infj/enfj

  4. infp/enfp

  5. istj/estj

  6. isfj/esfj

  7. istp/estp

  8. isfp/esfp

  1. handbandit

    handbandit Fapstronaut

    Nvm, ISFP lol.
    The more I read up on intuition, the less I feel as though I have it.
    and because I want everything to be the same, I rush to try to find excuses for being that type.
    But this means I'm an unhealthy 4w5 or 4w3.
    I'd like to change my beliefs to be more consistent with the way that I feel, instead of faking it, but I go through these bouts of negativity where I don't really know who I am and the only way to find out is to use my sensing to copy off of a person that's close to me.
    My dad is an INTP, we're complete opposites and I've found that it is best to leave the theory to him.

    I'm sorry for accusing you of being a sensor and making a bunch of baseless claims, I just feel insecure about being one myself and I feel as though I have to fake being something more. I've always been this way.
    But still, I'd love to be an intuitive type who can engage in deep conversations over complicated topics. People say that I'm lucky not to have the burden of overthinking, but I always feel stupid from thinking too little and not seeing the big picture.
    I hate being an ISFP.