personality types (myers briggs) poll added, please no haters

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 7, 2018.

what is your personality type?

  1. intj/entj

  2. intp/entp

  3. infj/enfj

  4. infp/enfp

  5. istj/estj

  6. isfj/esfj

  7. istp/estp

  8. isfp/esfp

  1. i am an infp-t, whats yours? take the test here, and try to answer as honest and accurately as possible. If anyone does not understand the test than i will explain, there are 16 personalities that make up the human race, when you are born you are stuck with one, they can change over years slightly based on life experience but generally only the e or i changes. A great example is how in school you have some kids who are outspoken and always talking, and than you have the kids in the corner who hardly speak and dont want to be bothered, the outspoken kids are extroverts, and the silent kids are introverts. The way people act and the way they think and process information is determined by personality types, i have 3 infj family members and they all act the same and talk about similar things, i have even met some of them on here and they act exactly the same. My sister is an infp like me and we are exactly alike. If you take time to study yours and others you will be shocked how accurate this test is. I can even spot peoples types based on how they act. The reason why types are important is because when you know someones type you will know things to do and not to do around them, also its great for raising your kids. So before casting judgement and calling this fake, i ask you to study your type thoroughly and than cast your opinion. Also the US military uses personality tests if that helps assure you some. Just because your type is not as rare as others does not mean yours is not special, every type has something they do way better than anyone else! Also there are more than one website you can use for information,psychology junkie is a good site for info.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2018
  2. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

  3. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    ENTP-A. I did the test like 2 years ago. I usually don't think you can generalize and define people by putting them in categories, but it amazed me how well it matched me.
    ......., Headspace and Trevelyan357 like this.
  4. its amazing because its psychology, the army uses the test to. If you actually study the types youll start noticing people acting a certain way because of their personality, all the infjs i know act the same way so i have not doubt it is real, i have done thorough research on mine and its 100% accurate. Also your not defined by your personality but it is how you think and how you live your life, its all very fascinating stuff.
    ....... likes this.
  5. Jung's theory of types is bad and the test (mbti) is pure crap. Everybody gets an NT.
  6. planning4burial

    planning4burial New Fapstronaut

    INTJ-T, Sometimes when I take it I get INTP, but just retook the test and got INTJ which I usually get
    ......., FX-05 and BravelyKegger like this.
  7. im sorry your one of the unlucky ones.
  8. Huh? Intuitives are supposedly 30% of the population but if you look at the forums you'll see that 90% of test results are N and most of those are NT and most of those are INTJ. A couple of my friends took the test and some of them got INTJ despite the fact they're completely different and the type description matches their personality very poorly. I myself score ENTJ even though ISTP/ISFP matches the real me much better. I'm glad that the recruiters realized that they might as well use astrology, it's equally informative and accurate. They are finally moving away from this terrible pseudoscientific disaster known as MBTI.
    horny nerd and Deleted Account like this.
  9. it hurts how ignorant you are
    FX-05 likes this.
  10. I've taken multiple ones and each time it has always come up as INFP-T
    ....... likes this.
  11. You can call me a lot of things but not that. I've read both Keirsey's Please Understand Me II and Jung's original Psychological Types.

    Jung did not come up with his cognitive functions as a result of some kind of rigorous research, he just felt that brains might work that way. It was more philosophy than science.

    Myers and Briggs added the idea that in the four scales, everyone has a clear preference. The opposite is true - most people are in the middle. This might be the main reason why people often get a different result when they retake the test.

    And finally, the test requires that you assess yourself correctly. I would say that a good percentage of people are either unable or unwilling to do that. That's why you have so many kids who think they're INTJ as I described in my previous post.

    So again, it's a good thing that HR departments are abandoning this unscientific topology.
  12. Trevelyan357

    Trevelyan357 Fapstronaut

    ISTP here.

    As others have mentioned though, it depends on how good the test is, how honestly you answer the questions (who you really are as opposed to who you wish you were), and your mood when taking it.
  13. And that's a problem, Ginny. The result speaks more about how we want to be seen or how we see ourselves, not who we really are.

    It's like picking between Warrior, Mage and Thief in D&D. It's fun but not too objective.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. awesome so your my sibling in a way
  15. the test only gives you what you put in, and if it doesnt resonate with someone than they might be in denial or they just dont know themselves very well and cant give truthful answers. The test doesnt describe your life experiences but it does tell you how you think, and process information. People can call it fake all they want but i have been into this a long time and everyone one i met who was a certain type acted exactly like other people with the same types. So if someone thinks its fake they definitely are in denial. I know two enfjs in person and guess what they act literally the same and say similar things, my mom is an infj and she acts very similar to them, my sister is an infp and she acts exactly like me. I realize i cant persuade everyone in the world and the really damn sucks. I appreciate you being open minded tho friend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2018
  16. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Really? I am ISFJ.
    So, no N or T.
  17. I’ve always wanted to take that test. Even the people in the narrow minded church I used to go to placed a lot of value on that test.

    I’ve had two married men at separate times tell me that they wish they had paid more attention to the results of the test for them and their wife before getting married. They both said it wouldn’t have necessary stopped them from marrying but they would have worked on some issues beforehand.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  18. ISTP/ISTJ/INTP, a combination of all, I guess
  19. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It is not a combination of mine.
  20. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    INFJ- taken multiple times with same result & absolutely feel I identify with it.

    It's a blessing & a curse to be INFJ.
    Deleted Account likes this.