Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by WeShallNotFap, Apr 28, 2017.

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  1. WeShallNotFap

    WeShallNotFap Fapstronaut

    its ok to masturbate. it seems that a lot of people have a misconception here. There's nothing wrong about masturbation, its a natural thing that all human being will go through to discover its sexuality, the body changes during puberty and sometimes to relax(why not?). The bad thing its the addiction, THAT its a big time problem, BIG TIME! Addiction is evil, its disgusting, its gross and will fuck your life up. Not just P/M/O addiction, ANY kind of addiction its bad. I'm not saying to you stop nofap and M to death, I just wanted to make this clear, cause i've seen lots of people here talking about this.

    See ya
  2. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Is it ok to pick your nose?
  3. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    I agree. Eating food is natural and needed to survive, being addicted to food can be very unhealthy. Spending money is fine, but being addicted to spending money is really bad. it's all about learning to act in moderation. That's life.
  4. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Has anyone ever done that?

    (Aside from people who are into choking themselves with a belt while doing it)
    Knighthawk, meh1617 and Zafiro like this.
  5. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    No. That is an unforgivable sin.
  6. Strider73

    Strider73 Fapstronaut

    OMG, I couldn't agree with you more.

    I wish there was somewhere on this forum that people could have real sensible conversations instead of "help I've relapsed" or "I've fucked this or that and I'm losing it." At first I found this forum very informative. Now I'm thinking its all a bit crazy and worse, there are some really "very dark," experiences shared on nofap that I would have liked to not have been exposed to.

    PS I'm not a religious zealot or a scared prude
    Low and Calculas like this.
  7. Calculas

    Calculas Guest

    yup but some people fap for 5-10 years ... Isnt that a lot of time to learn about sexuality lol .... Some women get menopause in 30s .... And still their husband try to discover their sexuality.

    Pretty cool huh?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2017
  8. WeShallNotFap

    WeShallNotFap Fapstronaut

    yeah man...all im trying to say is this....addiction its a problem, not the masturbation, got it?
  9. Masturbation is wrong. End of convo.
  10. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Ah well, there you have it.
    Gamebred305 likes this.
  11. You agree or disagree with my statement?
  12. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. It's only "wrong" when we lose control over it and it begins to harm us and those we love. It's absolutely a normal part of healthy adult sexuality.
    Aries0411 and Gamebred305 like this.
  13. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Sorry, misread: absolutely disagree.
    Aries0411 likes this.
  14. No it's not. It's wrong. The act itself is so wrong and immoral. You're throwing away life when you M.
    Low, ali bebo, LoyalKnight and 4 others like this.
  15. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Well, depending on where in Christendom you stand, you get very different views on the morality of it. Thing is, Christianity itself is so much more about the squandering of resources and the oppression of the poor than about sex. And other faiths have as much diversity of interpretation as Christianity.

    For the purposes of recovery, I think it's much more helpful to leave the morality of the action itself out of the picture, so that one has less shame and more strength to battle the addictive process.
    nehal1989 and Aries0411 like this.
  16. What are you talking about?
  17. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    If we're talking about morality--and I assume that you're Christian, since you liked my outline of the Christian view of sin elsewhere--then the Gospels are chock full of moral imperatives to care for the poor and giving away one's money, and they say very little about sex, except in matters of fidelity.
    Aries0411 likes this.
  18. Estus

    Estus Guest

    No the masturbation itself is bad that's why every culture has a word for someone who masturbates and it is always an insult never a compliment.

    Where do you think the insult "jerk" comes from?

    In UK they'll call you a "wanker" or a "tosser" etc...
  19. If you aren't an alcoholic it's ok to have a drink now and then. But if you are you shouldn't drink, or you'll relapse. If you are truly addicted to porn and masturbation, you will never be able to do it "The normal way" you might try at first just masturbating once a week, but once turns to twice, then three, and by the time you realize it you're back to square one. So addicts are the exception, and I'm an addict so no, I shouldn't masturbate.
  20. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    I cannot agree with this . Your semen is meant for you to share, not waste . A-lot of people use the whole "Masturbation is normal" idea by getting away with doing it but in the long run, they are just sabotaging themselves... hindering progress to reach their best potential as a human in general . I respect other people's decisions on how they want to live they're life or sex life in general but as for me, I cannot & will not live by that code anymore . :emoji_bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2017
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