I cut contact with a blackpiller that I have been messaging for 2 years

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by StayClean&Proactive, Oct 22, 2023.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    During quarantine, I found a few videos on YouTube regarding the pandemic and politics. This guy was a black man who was in the blackpill space of YouTube. At first, he started off by making videos about the dysfunction of the black community but then he dove deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole nihilism and mentioned how hard work doesn't matter and how success typically comes from good genetics (looks/IQ). This demotivated me to apply myself in any area of my life as I was convinced that I had a low IQ due to the fact that I have autism. I dropped out of school shortly after that. I did not apply myself and pretty much half assed most of my assignments because I was convinced that I would not process the information if I tried hard due to having autism.

    After that, I dove deeper into the abyss of the blackpill. This guy made countless videos about how everything is tied to looks, going as far as saying you could get away with sexual harassment if you're good looking. He even claimed anyone who challenged his viewpoints was either coping or virtue signaling. He mentions in a lot of his videos, the only things you need to attract women are looks, money or status. He doesn't mention anything about having a deep connections with anybody. I even added him on social media and regularly messaged him back and forth. I even told him that I know a few guys personally who are fat, ugly, and broke who have girlfriends. He ignored any of my texts that challenged his point of view.

    Not only did the blackpill cause me to have such a negative point of view of the world, but it caused me to self sabotage, I almost ended a friendship with a close friend because of it. The blackpill made me depressed to the point where I had to be sent to a mental hospital twice because it made me feel hopeless about the future. I convinced myself that I was too unattractive to get women and that it was over for me due to having Asperger's, despite women showing interest in me during a few occasions.

    I finally cut contact with this blackpiller and blocked him on social media, I hope I can make the changes necessary to improve my life now that he's gone.
  2. It's best to not follow any man-made systems of belief. As for me, I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ who is God.
    SDJR, restart314, born3 and 2 others like this.
  3. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    I feel terrible for anybody who falls into the "blackpill", which is just a modern term for nihilism. Even if you do struggle with women or being social, the absolute worst thing you can do is wallow in the misery. Hit the gym, get a steady career, get some passionate hobbies, see a therapist, etc. Never give up
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    There's a girl in my class who has ADHD and autism, and I never knew. She's normal to me, and is just a fun person to be around. Intelligent in many areas as well. I find her interesting and if worldview and everything aligned, would date her. So don't overlabel yourself with autism (if I can say that...). Maybe you struggle socially (as I do/did, I was a loner in HS and didn't trust people/was insecure), but there are ways to improve from that and move forward.

    Good job cutting contact.
  5. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    A lot of people in the blackpill also have this philosophy where they believe that you're screwed for life if you didn't peak in high school
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  6. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    That's a very real fear they have (one that I've had), and then when they share it together, they can find people to blame, and when everyone finds the same cause to blame, you have a movement. But people look at me now and see "energetic", "emotionally open", "caring", "tactful", when it took effort and failure to become those things.

    I currently have failures socially. Haha, the other day I met the pretty mom of a friend/former coworker... I told the friend "I see where your looks came from" and she never responded to that text (responded to a diff one). A few days later I asked her if that was weird and she was like "hahaha no not at all lol"... she was likely busy and probably thought it was funny that I found her mom pretty. But it could have gone the other way! Take small steps but put yourself out there. There will always be times you are too quiet, too loud, too much, too little... the only way to know is just to launch in, get hurt, be awkward, and keep going. For me, the alternative of just saying nothing and being awkward for the remaining 60 years of my life would be much more painful than being awkward now.

    Edit: If you ever watch the anime "Blue Lock" you'll see that the MC tries to take different soccer skills from players... I do this in life, where if I see that someone is good socially, I copy them and adapt it to me. Try to remember what other people are doing and copy them, in a normal tone with sincerity. Idk it takes practice.
  7. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    A lot of blackpillers are completely against hard work, they want everything in life handed to them. They typically blame their failures on everything or anything that they can't control. Their looks, their genetics, or their IQ.
    SilentWolfSong likes this.