Hopeful New Guy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mattt001, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    It is day eight, and I am feeling relatively strong. I have noticed that my interest in my work, hobbies, and other activities has already increased since I took my focus off of porn. This is a very encouraging development. Although I know I have a very long way to go, it does give a glimpse of what life can be like if I can kick this habit.
  2. Hi @Mattt001 , it is very difficult to fight PMO without your wife knowing.
    She cannot be your Accountability Partner, because he will always be emotionally affected, but she deserves to know, and it will help you also. The day I told to my wife was the hardest, and we have some tense times between us, but I could have never got to my 16th month clean without her knowing it.
    nbe21 and Atomiccafe like this.
  3. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    I'm glad it is working for you. My marital situation may not be exactly the same, but I will consider what you said.
    nbe21 likes this.
  4. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Day 9 is a pretty good day. I am taking most of the day off to spend with a friend, which should keep me out of trouble. I am looking forward to the weekend, which is always easier for me, simply because I am out of my routine and am around my wife so much. I am not feeling drawn to porn or MO all that much right now. Not that thoughts about it don't creep in now and then, but it is kind off to the side. Of course, who know what next week will bring when I have more alone time. So, I am going to enjoy the good days as much as I can. I feel like I am waking up from a bizarre dream.
  5. Atomiccafe

    Atomiccafe Fapstronaut

    Mattt001, I am elated to hear you are trucking along. As far as marital situations, I know zero about Fercho's but he's soeaking my language. In my desire to kill this PMO thing with whatever poison would workput my wife in the crosshairs. Every slip I was committed to confess. I hadn't gotten involved here--don't think I would have had the courage to talk to strangers about how to treat my wife if 15 years. Such burdensome confession was only burdensone because I continued to nurse my habit, if even from an increasing distance.

    In the end there are better APs than your spouse but you are in a process of coming alive and there's got to be a winsome way of opening that conversation.

    My very best to you. I'm proud to catch these updates. If you stumble, keep your eyes open and learn intensively about the lies that bring us down when we get soft.
    Mattt001 likes this.
  6. nbe21

    nbe21 New Fapstronaut

    Mattt001.Lets do it this time..I am there with you in the same boat..
    Mattt001 likes this.
  7. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your encouragement. Still hanging in there.
  8. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

  9. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Day 10, which seems like a milestone. There was a potential setback today, as I received a kind of risque photo from an acquaintance. It wasn't really porn, but I deleted it anyway lest it serve as a trigger. Two weeks ago, I would not have thought anything about it. Anyway, no harm done, and I am doing fine today.
  10. Atomiccafe

    Atomiccafe Fapstronaut

    Good on you mattt001. Just let it go, right!
    vxlccm and Mattt001 like this.
  11. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Day 12 - Happy Labor Day everyone. I have had to fight some urges to PMO today. Fortunately, there is not much opportunity, as it is a holiday and I am not alone. However, I plan to stay very busy tomorrow, when I will be back to having more alone time. I do not have a constant urge to PMO; rather it is more like an intrusive thought that crops up periodically over the course of the day as if seeking to catch me when my guard is down.
  12. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Day 13. I am feeling a bit ill today, which has damped down any urges to PMO. Not really feeling up to writing.
  13. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Day 19. I have moved this journal to the 40+ forum under Matt's Not Quite Daily Journal.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016