Hopeful New Guy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mattt001, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone. I am here because I need to break a porn addiction that is damaging my social, emotional, marital, and financial life. Although I have viewed pornography often over the years, I always believed it to be harmless. In fact, it seemed to be just one part of a healthy sex life. However, everything began to change several years ago. As a result of an illness, I was forced to reduce my work hours and begin working from home. Thus, I found myself not only with a lot of free time on my hands, but also complete privacy for most of the day.

    What began as an occasional foray onto a porn site became hours and hours of porn viewing and masturbation. I found myself compulsively reading erotic stories, viewing pornographic photos and videos, and engaging in sex chat. (Sex chat is perhaps the most time-consuming and addictive activity of all.) These sessions became longer and longer, to the point that they could last for several hours (even most of the day at times).

    There are few days during the work week that I do not view porn. Even though I tell myself I will limit my porn viewing to say an hour or two, I find it nearly impossible to stop once I start. Even worse, the more porn I view, the kinkier the porn has to be to excite me.

    This constant porn watching and masturbation have had a depressingly predictable impact on my life. Sex with my wonderful wife has dwindled to nothing. I very rarely initiate sex with her, having spent all of my sexual energy masturbating to porn. We go months and months without having sex. Perhaps most indicative of a serious problem, reaching orgasm during masturbation without porn has become nearly impossible.

    One of the worst aspects of this whole situation is that it takes so much time that I could be spending on something far more satisfying. Important and rewarding projects languish because of the time I spend on this worthless activity. I have many things that I want to do with my time, particularly now that I am wrapping up my career. Sitting in front of a computer masturbating is not one of them.

    The truth is that I no longer get much pleasure at all from porn -- arousal, yes; orgasm, usually; but real satisfaction, no. The guilt I feel at having spent so much time on this activity and my seeming inability to stop has greatly worsened an already present tendency toward depression.

    Having painted this grim picture, I should add that I am hopeful. I am a strong-willed person who has lived through some tough times. Moreover, I want to make this change. For that reason, I am looking forward to the challenge of complete abstinence from porn and masturbation for ninety days. Day one starts now.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Yep. Been there.

    Been there, too.

    I'm glad you're here, welcome! I hope you keep coming back.
  3. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    Those are classic symptoms of a huge silent epidemic going on. I'm facing a very similar demon. Shoot me a message if you like to discuss more.
  4. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    I certainly will.
  5. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much.
  6. MatthewSmith33

    MatthewSmith33 Fapstronaut

    Hey man. That sounds like my story as well. How have you been making out with your commitment to stop masturbating? How has sex been with your wife?
  7. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for asking. So far so good. I have not had sex with my wife yet, but I am in no rush.
  8. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    So friends, this is day five. It has already been quite an interesting experience already. I feel a tremendous amount of relief just from finally admitting that I have a problem and taking some small steps towards regaining control of my life.

    I know it is very early, and I expect it to get much more difficult. As I was with my wife most of the weekend, the opportunity to view porn and masturbate was not there for the last two days. So this work week will be the real first test. In the past, when the weekend was over, one of the first things I did on Monday (assuming there was nothing I absolutely had to do) was to pull up porn. I have not done so, which is a small victory.

    I am now noticing how much my porn habit crept into many areas of my life. For example, when I was out with my wife this weekend, I realized just how often I have been checking out women while with her. It is disrespectful to her and to women in general, and I do not want to be that guy. By "checking out", I mean looking at women in a highly sexualized manner, not just noticing an attractive woman. For the first time in a very long time, I was able to stop myself from dwelling on sexual thoughts about the women I see and from deliberately looking around for women to check out. However, any techniques for breaking this habit over the long-term would be appreciated.

    One thing I had not mentioned before is already improving. I had recently developed a terrible habit of touching myself while seated at my desk, even when not particularly sexually aroused (for example, while working). In the last few months, I have been doing this to the point of making myself sore. This compulsive touching is a particularly embarrassing thing to admit. However, since taking the pledge, I have been able to resist these impulses and believe I am on the way to breaking this habit.

    Surprisingly, I am already feeling much more interested in my wife sexually. Although we have not had sex yet, I feel certain that we will when I get a little more distance from the porn.

    Thanks for all your support. Matt
    OuterCircleGuy and UnknownGuy like this.
  9. Atomiccafe

    Atomiccafe Fapstronaut

    Powerful testimony from the OP and others. Thank you.

    Been there too. I'm in the recovery period with my wife.

    Have you thought about her role in this? Does she know? The pattern here seems to be that partners who don't knoway blame themselves. My wife sure did. No true consensus on this but the work required for honesty with your wife might be energy well spent.
    Every minute you take back from porn is a victory and the result of reorienting your life. That is huge and amazing.
    UnknownGuy likes this.
  10. Beth

    Beth Fapstronaut

    Hi, as far as not objectifying women @Strugglesaurus has a great technique!
  11. LifeWorthLiving!!!

    LifeWorthLiving!!! Fapstronaut

    Glad you're here!!
    Trust me when I say that change can happen. I came across this site 98 days ago. I was dealing with a porn addiction for many years. Binging on high speed Internet pornography, losing sleep, losing time , losing integrity.

    I have not looked back.

    After posting in the "new" section of NoFap I ended up going to the "forty and above" section. I found a lot of resonance in the testimonies and the advice.

    Key points that help me:

    1. Education. Reading everything about the brain changes

    2. Journaling, so I can follow my own progress.

    3. Reading others' posts, so I don't feel alone and at the same time find hope.

    4. Using the NoFap app a lot, not waiting for an emergency. My desire for new images that I had with porn is satisfied by multiple healthy images in the nofap app. New, informative, visual, healing.

    5. Cold showers. This helps your will oppose your desire for comfort. I cannot tell you how much this has helped. I'm on day 98 and I started cold showers at day 16. No hot water. Often 2 a day. Never thought I would try it or maintain it. But I now anticipate it because i kniw that major brain change occurs when I do it.

    6. Prayer. I take an hour per day of prayer and stick to it. Been keeping that since around day 18. The most important part for me.

    Quick question- I noticed that your job changed because of illness. Is that still a factor? Getting around people definitely helps. But if you are at home, the great thing is that the computer can become a source of healing with the recovery community online.

    For example- I just woke up at 1257am. Couldn't sleep. I thank God that I am not looking at porn but I am looking at the nofap site, trying to support a new person like yourself. This hopefully helps you and it definitely helps me!
    (Selfish motive)

    So- welcome.

    UnknownGuy and nbe21 like this.
  12. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. It is encouraging to hear from people actively making changes.

    The illness is a factor. It has caused some sexual issues from time to time. However, the main issue is that it has reduced the amount of time I can work, leaving me with too much free time. Moreover, I experience severe fatigue after a certain amount of work, and porn gave me something to fill that time with that did not require a lot of mental effort. Fortunately, my illness does not substantially affect my mobility, at least so far. So, I am making an effort to get out of the house more during the day. I enjoy walking, and that does seem to help.
  13. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I will.
  14. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    It is day six. Although tempted, I am still feeling optimistic.

    Today, I have been thinking about self-delusion. I have never thought of myself as someone who objectifies women. In fact, I always prided myself in treating the women in my personal and professional life as equals and with respect. I never felt threatened by women (or understood men who were). I never sexually harassed anyone, made improper advances, or behaved in a boorish fashion toward anyone. Yay for me, right? Except, as I mentioned in a previous post, I have habitually sought arousal by looking at women (even close friends and colleagues) in a salacious manner. Moreover, I never seriously considered the arguments that porn objectifies women.

    I have seen definitions of objectification as viewing someone as an instrument of sexual pleasure without regard for their personality or dignity. Certainly, what I have done falls under this definition, even if the women that were the objects of my attentions were unaware. So, have I objectified women? Yes, I have, and I must do better.
  15. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    You make a good point about my wife possibly blaming herself. Nonetheless, I don't know what I will do with regards to telling her. I think she would be understanding. On the other hand, I'm not sure she would want to know. If it had been an affair, I am absolutely certain she would not want to know, based on statements she has made in the past. (Frankly, I would not want to know either.) But, of course, this is not exactly the same. I think I will see how it works out before making any decisions.
    UnknownGuy likes this.
  16. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Today is day seven. Very happy to have made it a week, but now it is starting to get a bit more difficult. I am tempted somewhat to look at porn but even more to masturbate. However, I know that if I give in, I may be back to square one. I have read the pros and cons of masturbating without porn, but I think I need complete abstinence for a time to make this work. On the bright side, keeping busy with other things is helping, as is just getting out of the house.
  17. Atomiccafe

    Atomiccafe Fapstronaut

    I did over a year of using M to reprogram from P. Prob not wise to assume our situations are similar enough to transfer, but it has a number of positive provisional effects, which ultimately required ditching M. Ditching M was actually easier than I could have imagined after a year of dependence on it to avoid porn. I knew I was so weak as not to believe I could beat porn straight up. things are very different now but not so long ago July 14 was when I got completely sick of that initial strategy.

    As for communicating with your spouse--do you need her help or accountability? Does she deserve the respect your humility might demonstrate?

    A true brother who I have since invited to the site really called me out on rationalizations of why I didn't need to shake up my wife's world. Seems like a lot of people on here who are struggling with sex in their marriage find communication with their wife and important transition toward recovering or building new ground together.
    Mattt001 likes this.
  18. Hi @Mattt001 , welcome to NoFap

    It is a big step if you can understand what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

    I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:


    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:

    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.
    Let's keep on fighting

    Mattt001 likes this.
  19. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your insights. I am most definitely struggling with those questions. Although I do not think I need my wife's help for accountability, I may well find out that I am wrong down the road. Also, I believe I know her very well after all these years and am not convinced that she will want to know. on the other hand, that could just be my penchant for secrecy talking. I am going see how it goes for a few weeks then approach these issues with a clearer head.
  20. Mattt001

    Mattt001 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for taking the time to provide so much information, Fercho. I am looking though it right now. Creating an emergency toolbox is a great idea, and I will work on that.
    fercho29 likes this.