hi, i'm new.. :P

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by rubix, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut


    i was trying to stop my bad habbit many times. i've watched many motivational videos on youtube last night, and i seriously wanted to stop fapping.. unfortunately at about 23:00, i have failed again.:( but i try to be positive... it's a small step foreward, and i thought i am stronger than this.. but hey... i have jerked off only once today.... and i have learned from my mistake, so i can avoid this tomorrow.... - a simple guy from hungary...

    sorry for my poor english.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  2. William

    William Fapstronaut

  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! Just wishing you all the best. Have you been over to the main forums? Get stuck in and see what grabs your attention and help and be helped just by making an honest contribution.

    I quit heavy drinking, cigarettes, and cannabis on the same day in 2008 after 25 years of use and abuse. I haven't touched any of them since and now I'm doing the same with PMO.

    And I don't mention that to brag (25 years of use and abuse is nothing to brag about!) I say it to encourage and to offer hope.

    Addiction is addiction and to overcome it we MUST make fundamental changes in the way we think and behave which in turn will change our and habits so learn everything you can, KNOW you can do this (knowing is so much stronger that believing) and see this as an adventure in which your potential is infinite (and it's only you who have been getting in your own way:))

    But you have to be truly up for it and in a nutshell I would suggest in the beginning you learn as much as you can about the problem then focus on the solution which is to STOP AND STAY STOPPED and if I could give you seven words to memorize, ponder, tatoo on your forhead(!) they would be...

    'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance'

    ...and the longer you go the more that will start to make sense!

    Just in case your interested I've put the three main resources I used to help change my thoughts/behaviours in my signature below. I can't recommend them enough (especially the 'Changing for Good' book whichis an amazing blueprint for LASTING positive change) but this is your journey and these are only suggestions. You will get plenty of other equally valid advice as there's a very healthy balance of perspectives on this site and together we are making a meaningful, positive, lasting difference which I for one am thrilled to be part of.

    Anyways, stay strong and keep going :)...http://www.nofap.org/forum/showthread.php?2660-Keep-going&p=15194#post15194


  4. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    Welcome to the group! Resolve to stop now!
  5. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    hello guys. thanks for the tips. today i'm going to stay clean.:cool:
  6. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    i'm ok. i have deleted and blocked the porn. lets start the second day...:(
  7. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    after 1 day and 7 hours i have failed again. RESET
  8. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    How? I thought you deleted your porn and blocked the sites.
  9. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    my head was full with erotic thoughts, sexy girls, big tits ect. i started to search on yahoo, than i lost control and switched off the safe mode. i was weak.:p
  10. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Ok rubix, let's understand what porn is. Porn isn't just porn. Porn is seeing porn, it is watching it, it is thinking about it, it is imagining it, it is remembering it, it is thinking about it while MOing even if you are not actually watching it, it is PMOing, it is fantasizing, it is porn substitutes. For me, when I first started quitting, I told myself I was making progress because I moved from very hardcore stuff to Google images, where I searched vanilla nudes. Bikini pics trigger me. Lingerie models trigger me. Hooters girls trigger me. Just girls on the street trigger me if I let them, but I don't. I consciously have decided not to let hypersexualized images linger in my head. Before, I was not making progress, I was still feeding my dopamine fix. You have to avoid your triggers, not flirt with them. Your triggers are not going to be merely the hardcore stuff you are trying to quit watching, they will be much softer stuff than can pop out on you from benign sites like Yahoo, Craigslist, Google. You have know that in advance and plan on avoiding them. You have to get your dopamine levels back down. That will take time (could be 30 days) and requires a total absence of porn in your head. If you are walking down the street in the middle of the day thinking about porn, you are using porn, so find something else to pop in your head if that situation occurs.
    aka711 likes this.
  11. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    thank you for supporting me. i am going to follow your advices.
  12. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    i have watched some pictures again... don't ask me why. at least i didn't jerked off... PORN RESET
  13. Jason2

    Jason2 Guest

    You looked because you're an addict.

    Say it.
  14. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    yes. im an addict. i know this.
    becouse of the frustration, i have gone crazy. i have become totally agressive and antisocial. ...and after i was a jerk to everyone who really cares about me, now... i have failed again. ....RESET. i don't want to hurt my friends.. the sport didn't help. i have watched movies, read a book, played with my rubik's cube, until i have transformed to a raging monster. ... but i trying to be positive......
  15. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    if my calculations are correct... my 1 week counter moves to the next 0.1% in every 10.08 minutes - and every 0.1% is victory for me. i want to concentrete on this instead of porn....
  16. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    1 day 16 hours. RESET i hate this
  17. Asadi

    Asadi Fapstronaut

  18. NewMe2014

    NewMe2014 Fapstronaut

    I find that I enjoy porn and masturbating a lot. What helps me sometimes is to think of something more fun. Find things you would rather focus on instead of PMO. Than it won't be as much of a struggle to not think of things that weaken your resolve. Actively doing something with your thoughts is best.

    Things will get easier. Your will power will get stronger. You can do this!
  19. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    hello guys. thanks for the tips and the useful links. i am still clean. 2 days and 2 hours since my last reset.
  20. rubix

    rubix Fapstronaut

    5 days and 1 hour.:) i don't want to fail again.