Approaching women - my insights and videos

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. I went out yesterday and on Sunday, but I wasn't able to approach anyone. After three months of not doing anything, I had forgotten how hard this thing is. I think I'll need more time and perseverance.
    At the same time, it makes me realize that if I don't do anything, I won't get what I want. It's quite paradoxical. I consider myself confident and positive, but it doesn't make the fear of rejection go away. In addition, I don't know anyone anymore who approaches women, so I'm alone on the street looking for women to have relationships with. I have this feeling that it's quite strange, and I think it is, which has played a part in my lack of action over the past two days.

    I'm going out today. My goal is to gradually open up more and more to others after these three months of focusing on myself.
    This thing is hard ahah
  2. I just came back from downtown and I did it!! I approached 2 women today. The first one was cool but she wasn't interested, and the second one looked me up and down with some sort of disdain and left. In both cases, I recorded the conversation to send it to a friend who is interested in knowing how I approach women.
    When she heard the second recording, she exclaimed, "what a b***." I think she's discovering the world men live in. Men never reject women that way. It just doesn't happen. Sometimes women lack empathy towards men and the difficulties we may have finding partners. But what can we do about it ? Nothing. I think it's important to stay positive even if cold approach is cruel sometimes. Rejection doesn't define you. You can remain and accept yourself.

    My approach anxiety is high, but I'm very happy to have overcome it. It took me 2 days to achieve this, and I know the next few days will be easier. Funny thing is, I became shy again. I have absolutely no idea what to say to women, I look away, I'm not comfortable. Plus I'm hesitating when I see a girl I like. I wait too much before approaching her. But I'm proud I did it! Even after 5 years because I started approaching women at 20. (Oh my god I'm turning 26 soon)

    Another thing is, I show intent when I'm talking to her, so that's pretty cool. At least there's no room for regret.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2023
  3. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Glad to see you back in the game Spiritus!

    I think that the most important thing is that you didn't get bitter vis-à-vis that girl who gave you a blow-out, at least that is my impression when reading your post. This shows to me that you have unconditional self-acceptance and that you don't need the approval of girls in order to be happy, props to that. This is the best mindeset for doing cold approaches. Paradox being is that when you approach without having the "need" of having a girl, you get better reactions from girls, something you have been saying way longer before I figured that out...

    And yeah, approach anxiety can very easily creep back up after not doing it for a while. It can literally feel like you're about to do your first cold approach ever again, even if you have done 100s [maybe 1000s in your case] in the past. Even reminding yourself of past cold approach successes can't beat the anxiety sometimes [what better motivation to approach than to remind yourself of past successes?].
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
    Spirituss likes this.
  4. I agree that thinking back to past successes is a good way to tell yourself "I can do it because I've always done it." It's like your brain doesn't believe you can do it after a long break, when in fact, it's not true. As for not needing women's approval, it's true that I don't think I need it. And it makes me happy that you can read this because there's a lot of work behind it. But I also have other fears and insecurities. As long as these fears don't prevent me from living my life, that's the most important thing.
    Congratulations to you for never giving up man. I appreciate your posts always filled with pragmatism and a perspective that's pleasant to read
    add eddie likes this.
  5. I have a lot of difficulties approaching women regularly, even though I want to. Out of fear. On Thursday night, I approached a table outside with 3 girls and a guy, and I ended up in bed with one of the 3. It was cool! It shows me that I can do it. Even after thousands of approaches, I'm still just as scared as when I started, it's crazy. But at the same time, I realize that I would like to take more action.
    Tonight I'm going to see friends, I'll see what happens and try to push myself a little more.
  6. ZAk1

    ZAk1 Fapstronaut

    who said henry cavill is an alpha male? do you know him in real life?
  7. Nerevar

    Nerevar Fapstronaut

    In my experience, never believe what a woman SAYS he wants, because she will say what’s safe for her which is not necessarily what attracts her.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  8. I approached 3 women yesterday. I think I'm definitely back. The first one there was a kind of discomfort. She didn't speak at all so it was complicated. The last two were much better. I was able to get into that state where I I don't think about what I'm going to say, I just say things simply and with good energy so it's pretty cool. Taking a little break today and I'll be back out tomorrow
    add eddie likes this.
  9. Ok, I've been approaching women every day for the past 2-3 days. The first day was very challenging, but luckily I met a guy on the street who is very cool, and it was easier to take action with someone positive and motivated by my side.

    The last 2 days have been much better in terms of social ease. I've approached about ten women in 3 days, which I think is quite good. My level of fear is drastically decreasing, and I think I need a few more days to regain my previous level and easily meet women I find attractive on the street.

    This thing is quite strange, it requires perseverance, but it's always the same, the more action I take, the more I enter into a virtuous circle where everything becomes easier and more fulfilling. It's almost sadistic, you take action knowing that it's going to be tough at the start, but it gets better over time. I haven't yet gotten any phone numbers during these 2-3 days, but I'm quite confident about what comes next. It's cool because when you frequently approach women, there's really no room for frustration or regrets.

    Also, I have a circle of friends and a fuller life, and I'm happier and more mature than when I was approaching 10 women a day and was a bit lost in my life. I think this will have an impact on the image I project to women and the relationships I will have. I'm excited to see these differences in the coming days.
    add eddie and StoicContemplation like this.
  10. The guy I met on the street is ultimately like all the other guys I've known who practice cold approach: weird. I don't like this mentality. We don't know each other, and this morning he sent me: hey dude, I slept with the girl I approached with you on Thursday. As if it was an accomplishment and he absolutely had to let me know.. It's strange.

    I want to keep approaching women in the coming days, but I think I'm going to do it alone because this community of "gamers" is increasingly off-putting to me. Since I have my circle of friends, I delve deeper into my relationships and base these relationships on lots of fun and trust. No need for narcissism and lost guys in this circle, nor people wanting to become seduction pros. I'm not interested in that anymore.
    However, approaching women on the street is a good way to meet women. Summer is coming and everyone wants to meet new people, especially during this period.

    Not long ago, I said that having self-confidence is knowing the difference between false and true self-confidence. The false one being based on narcissism and need for attention, and the second being based on healthier values such as faith, empathy, and communication. The more self-confidence you have, the better you can recognize where the people you associate with fit in. It's liberating because there's less comparison.
    Having self-confidence isn't about presenting an infallible image of yourself to others. That's far too much pressure to keep up the pace and that level of performance. Rather, it's about recognizing that you have the right to be yourself. It's difficult when you don't know yourself and you're not aware of your needs and what you expect from others, and from yourself. It's quite a journey.

    I'm going to go out every day this week and I hope to meet a woman I like :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2023
    add eddie and StoicContemplation like this.
  11. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    hi i have a question but first i wanted to say that reading your journey is very endearing, though it doesn't sound easy it gives us up i think... thanks for your commitment to whatever you believe in.
    but how do you think you are different from these "guys" and how are you the same? please don't get me wrong i am not making assumptions i just wanted to understand how you think, for me your answer could be anything really.
    add eddie and Spirituss like this.
  12. Good question. I think I've never seen approaching women as a goal to sleep with as many women as possible, but rather as a way to discover myself, unlike many guys I've met. I believe our values diverge. I see it as narcissism sometimes for many reasons, including the fact that these guys approach women but don't really have friends, don't deepen their relationships, and are disconnected from others. Approaching women becomes a kind of unhealthy performance aimed at getting the most numbers and obtaining validation from women.

    I've been aware of this for a long time. But at the same time, I enjoy approaching women on the street because it allows me to meet women from various backgrounds. It's also a way to challenge myself. However, this community has values that no longer align with mine, so I find it very difficult to do as before. That is, going out on the street with my wingmen and approaching women in masses.
    silex_jedi and add eddie like this.
  13. add eddie

    add eddie Fapstronaut

    Hi Spirituss, i have read now your entire journal and it sounds inspiring. You are an amazing person.
    I am writing to you because i feel desperate and frustrated because this game of finding a partner sounds to me exhausting and painful. The more i try to find someone, the more distant i feel towards women. I feel caught like in a Chinese finger trap.
    Could you elaborate this paradox a bit more? How do you approach women, if you don't need them? I mean you wouldn't approach women, if you truly didn't need them, would you?
    And i think i have the wrong mentality because when i see couples enjoying their time together, or guys flirting with women and making them laugh, i just feel jealous and bad and mostly angry at myself. Because i know that these guys are already living their dream while i can only dream of it.
    I am 21 years old and I have never had sex with a girl, i have never kissed a girl, and i have never even held hands with a girl. and everytime i think of it, i hate myself even more.
    i read and hear again and again that the key is to act natural and to be open, but ultimately there is no hobby or activity that i notice which can replace entirely my desire to find love. This is no stronger and more powerful desire than that, imo.
    This entire situation is my own responsibility but at the moment i feel helpless.
    Spirituss likes this.
  14. Thanks man, I was in your situation until I was 20 and then I started approaching women on the street and yes, when you're in regular contact with women you end up in relationships, it's almost inevitable. I don't think it's possible to not need women at all. Everyone needs that. The key is to avoid going to extremes. Maybe gradually challenging yourself could help you gain confidence and realize that women find you attractive? Now, your frustration isn't related to not having women, it's related to perhaps not being happy. Maybe you don't take good enough care of yourself daily, or treat yourself like someone you love. Perhaps you don't have friends you can rely on, or you're not satisfied with your life. It's a long journey.

    Another thing, some guys will always sleep with more women than others, it doesn't make you a loser or weird, it's just life, it's biological and sometimes no matter what you do, you can't completely change that. So no, it's not completely your responsability. It doesn't mean you can't have relationships, on the contrary. But do what's right for you, live your life. life is too short to stress over things that aren't worth it.
    add eddie likes this.
  15. add eddie

    add eddie Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot for your advice.
    Spirituss likes this.
  16. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    thanks, i'm overthinking this but it's sounds like
    you: training your own relational/emotional stability/flexibility as opposed to
    them: counting seduction successes

    have a great day.
    Spirituss and nfpexperiment like this.
  17. Why do I still approach women ?

    I've been speaking out against coaches for several months now. I've distanced myself from that community and realized that this whole thing of approaching women can harm me to some extent. At least, it can make me unhappy regardless of the relationships I'll have. Of course, this is a personal thought, and not everyone will share the same view.
    Naturally, I asked myself the following question: why continue? Why approach women in the street and in my life if I could simply stop doing it and be happy? I mean, I have a stable life, a job, friends, and multiple passions. I have fewer insecurities than before, and I'm more confident.
    This, is an important question, and I believe it's great to reflect on our lives from time to time to make decisions that align with who we are.
    I've found two main answers.

    Firstly, it allows me to meet women. I won't lie, I approach women to meet women and also people in general. It's fun and it brings a lot. People can contribute greatly through their perspectives and experiences. Moreover, it enables me to create relationships. Even though I trust life more than before and I'm less focused on control (approaching many women is also a need for control, which is the opposite of simply living and letting life offer you experiences), I sometimes enjoy pushing myself because it's possible to have incredible stories with women whom I genuinely choose. I could choose not to approach women, and honestly, I do it less than before. Every time I try to approach women every day, I just can't do it. It no longer aligns with who I am. But it's cool to go and talk to a woman I'm interested in from time to time, as long as it's light-hearted and can bring something positive. Again, it's all about balance.

    Secondly, it brings me freedom. Approaching women also means getting used to hearing "No," which is quite rare for men and even women in general. When you constantly hear "No," you become less afraid of hearing it, so you dare more. Not necessarily daring to approach more women, although that's the case, but mostly daring to speak your mind since you've faced rejection, so you might as well leave having said what you think, with no regrets.
    This applies when approaching a woman but also in your life. You'll be surprised to find yourself in situations where you take the risk of being rejected. For example, in a conversation with a friend or professionally. Speaking the truth because you've continuously heard "No" and you're ready to hear it again. It's a sort of strength.

    I think what I like the most is that feeling of being a warrior, of moving forward despite difficulties. Approaching women is just approaching women, but it's true that it builds self-confidence if seen in the right way: as a means to become a better person. More honest, courageous, resilient, and also empathetic
    And knowing how to distance yourself from those you don't want to surround yourself with.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2023
    silex_jedi, add eddie and Mad-Hatter like this.
  18. I approached two women today. I don't think I will meet anyone before I regain pleasure in approaching women, but especially in approaching more than just 2-3 women per day. It's not enough to meet someone for a relationship.

    As for the lack of enjoyment, it's connected to the fact that my fears are too high, which prevents me from having the creativity and ease I had before. It will disappear if I manage to overcome these fears and approach more women. My goals in the coming days are to take action, over and over again. All my obstacles will vanish with action.
    Here's a little tip that can help me: stop believing everything my brain tells me. Before approaching a woman, I repeated all the negative scenarios in my head, and yet everything went well. It's amazing how your mind can lie to you.

    That doesn't mean those fears won't be there anymore. but I'll take action anyway and It will create better beliefs.
  19. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Hmm, despite you have experience cold approaching women, some success some not, still the fear remains, thing is fact is, all who cold approach will have success or failure, we should not be afraid but still are afraid.
  20. It's part of being human I guess
    nfpexperiment likes this.