Approaching women - my insights and videos

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. I approach women every day right now. I face a lot of rejection, but I also get some very positive reactions. I have a date scheduled for next week with a woman whom I didn't think it would go any further with. I hesitated to send her a message, and she responded fairly quickly, saying she's motivated to go for a drink. I'm authentic with all the women I meet. I've reached a level of inner peace I've never experienced before, and I can still progress further.

    I believe I've finally taken full responsibility for my life. I accept the things I cannot control. I accept that I won't please everyone and still send love to the people who are important to me. I'm aware that the women I approach are humans, and it's important to show empathy. For the first time in my life, giving to others is genuinely more important than what I can get. This is a good sign that I'm getting closer to happiness.

    Approaching women on the street remains a challenge because sometimes women can be tough. This is representative of the world we live in today. What's important is to have a warrior's attitude in the face of adversity and to cultivate what's good for you.
  2. I had the best date of my life with a 25-year-old woman I approached on the street this week. All the women I approach and see again are incredible. I am healthy both in body and mind. I deeply understand people and I think it shows. Girls see that I'm happy. I've been on 4 dates this week. Today, I approached 3 women. I went on an instant date with one of them. I also approached a group of 2 girls and got the Instagram of one of them. It's probably one of my best interactions since I started approaching women.

    In short, it's incredible. I emotionnally connect with almost everyone
    CalmingBamboo and 500 like this.
  3. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Hey, so I might have asked you this before.. but to be healthy in body and mind.. you workout 4 days a week, eat healthy, and meditate? And you do meditation without any background music or guided meditation or anything? just purely you and your thoughts and complete silence?

    Sorry if I have asked you this before, I'm just curious about your process because this is also a goal of mine... I admit I struggle with mental health sometimes and was wondering your thoughts
    Spirituss likes this.
  4. Yeah dude, I eat healthily almost 100% of the time and I work out 4x a week. I also meditate but less than before because I see more benefits in eating healthily and exercising.
    However, when I feel anxious, I avoid screens and take deep breaths.

    I understand your issue because I have the same one. My mental health is pretty good but I still feel anxious at certain times of the day. And I accept that I might have it for the rest of my life. However, I do what needs to be done. I refuse to let what happens in my head during those moments dictate my life. It makes you stronger if nurtured over a long period, and enhances overall happiness. Mental health is crucial for your relationships but meditation is clearly not a magic formula that will solve all problems.

    It's a combination of habits and things you can put in place to take care of yourself and do what needs to be done despite your mental state that will make a difference in the long run. And exercising, eating healthily, cultivating fulfilling relationships, speaking your mind, overcoming your fears. Becoming a better person: that's what matters.
    CalmingBamboo, 500 and Green Monstah like this.
  5. Last week, I was strolling through the city center, and I came across a guy who's also approaching women. We chatted for a bit and decided to walk together and approach some women. I went to talk to a woman, and when I returned, he told me I should have stopped in front of her instead of approaching her from the side, giving me a bunch of theoretical advice. It felt so disconnected from reality to me. But at the same time, I understand it. I used to be like that 3-4 years ago, lost in my life and trying to find solutions and something to hold on to. As if a woman would appreciate me more if I approached her from the front and followed a series of steps (like sexualization, etc.) to seduce her. And is that really what I want? To seduce women by learning seduction techniques (if there are things that don't work and things that work well, nothing has ever been proven)? Or do I want to attract women who like me for who I am?

    I have often distanced myself from people who practice approaching women on the street because we have different perspectives. I never started approaching women with the goal of proving something to myself or getting something from them.
    In short, I tried to explain to him in a humorous tone that he's trying to find empty solutions and that the real problem isn't a lack of knowledge or not knowing how to sexualize, or whatever. The real problem is the relationship he has with himself. Because when you feel good in your mind and body, you don't need theory. You are happy, and you want to share that happiness. You think less, you are more present for those you care about, and your self-confidence doesn't rely on a theoretical set of steps to seduce a woman.

    I have never rejected the idea of approaching women because I do it, and I find it incredible, and women do too. I reject the men who are part of this community for their egocentric vision and the misery they immerse themselves in. You have guys who compulsively sleep with women without any value, just to fill a void, without creating any real connections. They have approached thousands of women but don't know anyone in their city. They have no friends and have become clichés of YouTubers doing the same thing.

    I realized that when you start approaching women, you have two paths to choose from: ego or humanity. You will never be completely one or the other, but you can strongly lean towards the one that suits you. From my experience, one path is much more fulfilling than the other.
    You don't need to know anything to start dating. You already have everything you need, and no, it's not necessary to learn anything. You can simply take care of yourself to heal from your wounds, for the sake of your future friendships and romantic relationships, and for yourself.

    I wish someone told me that earlier in my 20s.
  6. I go to the city alone every day, and I must say that it's quite easy to take action. Following my four dates last week, I told myself I wanted to make this year something truly special. I'm going to try to meet a lot of women, being absolutely certain that I'll eventually have a serious relationship. I'd like it to be with a woman I approached on the street. But having had four dates last week without making a lot of effort shows me that I can do more.

    I want to see a woman I have dated last week again. I'll give it a week before contacting her next week. I really liked her; I don't know if the feeling is mutual. After our date, I sent her a message saying that I didn't expect that and that I was looking forward to doing it again. She said, "Yes, it was very nice!" In any case, my relationships are genuinely healthy, and the women I meet have remarkable depth of character. Given my healthy lifestyle habits, I meet women who also feel good about themselves and have worked on their fears. They are charismatic. Insecure women don't come into my life; I naturally don't see them again.

    I'm glad I'm no longer with people who approach women as well. I can do it alone, so why go around the city with guys who are doing the same thing... I prefer to be free in my choices and decide for myself, with my conscience and my own fears, whether I will talk to her or not.
    CalmingBamboo likes this.
  7. Relationship? This is pure short term dating. I bet you barely can provide for yourself, so it's out of question that you are any capable of providing for another person.

    You should stop lying to yourself to comfort your feelings by calling these dates relationships. You are no candidate for a relationship. Not at least at the moment with how you live.
  8. you don't know me and you're judging my life and my choices. Mind your own business. Someone happy definitely doesn't need to do that

    "Healing has become necessity", your username speaks for itself.
  9. Women are ideally suppose to be insecure, that's the right type. Those who have worked on their fears, who are charismatic are very likely high on the masculine quotient. Given the fact that you value "feelings and happiness" more than external success, you are likely to end up in a association where your women will absolutely dominate you, eventually, and you will learn that once your desire for this relationship is fulfilled.

    Knowing that, why is it you keep wailing about wanting a realtionship? It's the end of independence, it's the end of autonomy.
  10. A brief experience report after months of absence. I've continued to approach women on the street from time to time in recent months. With an incredible relationship as a result and a few one-night stands. I am primarily focused on myself and who I am becoming over time. For the first time in my life, I approach women without any anxiety. I have lived with generalized anxiety for 6 years and I think I have definitively overcome it. I feel like I'm in another world. Being charismatic and yet more myself than ever. Naturally, my self-confidence and self-esteem are positively impacted since I have almost no fear left. I talk to women to give love and being proud of who I am. This changes absolutely everything and I realize that this mindset took years to establish, that many guys approach women with the goal of indefinitely getting things from them. Whereas true confidence comes from within. I have projects like posting YouTube videos about fulfillment, my journey, learnings. About life in general. Why not also TikTok videos. I hope this project will come to fruition. In the meantime, I do my best to cultivate what I must cultivate every day.
  11. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    what did you do to help manage your anxiety in approaching women might i ask? without the old generic responses from people “just go outside bro” “force yourself bro” “ask 10 strangers for directions, bro”

    did anything like nofap and good diet help with all that?
    Green Monstah likes this.
  12. It wasn't just anxiety about approaching women but generalized anxiety.
    there are 3 things that helped me:

    - Diet
    - Exercise
    - Exposure. In other words, stop avoiding situations that scare you. I'm not just talking about approaching women, but in life. So you train your brain to realize that there's no danger. So it doesn't need to be on high alert.
  13. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    i do admit on the last part there is still things im scared to do like drive by myself than just up the block from my workplace, let my boss know about an doctors appointment i have upcoming is kind of tough for me, making phone calls are also kind of chores for me.

    but im pretty sure most of it is because of excessive masturbation. i probably burned out my dopamine receptors.

    example when i was a kid (say 12) i would be running around playing chasing neighborhood kids with a scream mask and knife

    nowadays i would be afraid to trip over my own shoelaces in public without with other people think of me.
  14. Approaching imo is to a great extent feminine? Atleast the way you are doing. I believe there are guys who prefer a direct escalation through physical contact? But that just ends up becoming sexual.

    I don't approach women, mainly because I prefer working over spend time running after chics. But I do try to keep myself around a few women, and I am also trying to build a social circle that isn't devoid of emotion.

    Most men when get together is out there purely discussing, work, money, family, etc.

    Isolate yourself with your work too long and you start losing touch with your emotions.

    It can be dark if emotions dry.
  15. I think any competent psychologist would tell you that it's not related to masturbation but to your past and the traumas you've experienced, humiliations, failures. I know a lot of people who live with anxiety, including close friends, and they've all had something happen to them or been affected by something, so their bodies have excessive protective reactions (which is the definition of anxiety), which is normal. Excessive masturbation is the result of emotional dysregulation, but is not the cause of anxiety, but rather a consequence. If you weren't anxious and were happy, you wouldn't feel the need to masturbate compulsively.
    Of course I'm not telling you not to try to overcome your addictions. But these addictions are a means of avoidance (that's why I talk about exposure to anxiety). When you masturbate it's often to relieve stress, when you drink alcohol or take drugs or eat badly too. Unfortunately, the consequences are disastrous.

    It's a kind of struggle for happiness that takes years. But It's worth it
  16. what do you mean ?
    Like everything else in life, it's all about balance. If I spent my free time approaching women I'd probably be unhappy. On the other hand, if I don't take risks in my life by approaching women and facing up to what scares me, I'm just as unhappy.
  17. Well I guess there are guys who need to talk to girls to feel fulfilment. My contacts with girls always end with me grinding to dodge the relationship, and them trying to get me into one.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  18. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    no i unfortunately had a high sex drive as a kid. i didn’t have that much anxiety as a kid.
  19. everyone does. Sex and affection are part of being human
  20. wow amazing insights my friend you sound like you are ascending spiritually and becoming more wise

    giving is better than receiving
    Spirituss likes this.