6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I've suffered this symptom. It's gotten better as I've cut back, but I think the huge difference is that I've conditioned myself to be used to the ease of the porn "women". They don't ask anything of me, in fact I am often resisting giving in, but eventually I break and in return for my weakness they give me the ultimate reward of revealing themselves in the most vulnerable ways. They do what I ask, no effort on my part.

    Real women are not like this. They judge and evaluate, they can be so much warmer, nicer, and rewarding than porn can ever be, but they also judge. They can have looks that cut you to the soul and words that wear you worse than your face rubbed into the gravel.

    If I've not gotten used to that, if I haven't taught my body and mind that that's the real world, that that is inseperably tied to the sexual phenomenon, then why would I be attracted to something so dangerous for my self esteem? They certainly are more real, but my mind already has a sure bet at home, no risk.

    I think that if I can get better at socializing with and around women, if I can learn to give and take the judgments that are part of the human experience, then my mind can start to rewire. Until I get to 90 though, women are not my focus. I will definitely socialize if they are present, but my focus until then is recovery and establishing myself.
  2. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Guys, listen to me. Its a matter of life and death. DO not masturbate.
    I ''resetted'' so hard I am surprised by it. 31 orgasms ... in one month. Its madness!!!
  3. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    31 orgasms wow n I thought my 10 in one month was bad but yea I also hit A reset cause of it
  4. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Call that 33, Sir... it went so bad that I started laughing at all this.
    I recommend this to you too.
    Sometimes thats the only thing we have left. And doing this does not make us any worse humans or people less deserving love.
    We are enough as we are. Even sometimes going backwards.
    stepitup and Andy1517 like this.
  5. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Day one. 38 orgasms in total since 1.5 month.
    theres nothing here, on this side of things only fear, lack of motivation, no energy, social anxiety.

    I am so frustrated that women are more strong sexually than men.
    They dont even need to try, they can have countless orgasms without problem. Even if we gather energy and we sleep with women we lose energy and they gain it. So unfair.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  6. tryingbest

    tryingbest Fapstronaut

    Feeling a strong urge right now. need to put it aside and finish writing this final paper thats due tonight
  7. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    My man, you said it before, this is the matter of life and death.
    Now you answer me, do you want life or do you want death?
    We know you can do it. We have faith in you. Do you have faith in yourself?
    Just do it, my man!
    One step at a time. One day at a time. And you will get there.
  8. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    I know. Been there so many times.

    neverending story

    retain_regain likes this.
  9. En0ch

    En0ch Fapstronaut


    Does anyone have a link to the original version in Chinese? The links provided in the thread no longer work. Thank you in advance!
  10. Mr.Chips

    Mr.Chips Fapstronaut

    nonanino and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  11. En0ch

    En0ch Fapstronaut

    Thank you Mr. Chips for the link. I see this English translation of Soaring Eagle's Chinese Version. I was wondering if the original version in Chinese was still floating around some where?
  12. Mr.Chips

    Mr.Chips Fapstronaut

    I have never found that. I think you need to ask chinese users or search in the chinese forums.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  13. En0ch

    En0ch Fapstronaut

    Makes sense. Thank you for your time :)
    Robbiebob and Mr.Chips like this.
  14. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    many days later
    65 orgasms in 2 months.

    it ruined my life.
    dont do it
    fight for your life.
  15. En0ch

    En0ch Fapstronaut

    The full version in Chinese was posted by eoptda and is on page 36 of this thread. The forum won't allow me to quote his post, might be the link that's flagging it.
    Robbiebob and retain_regain like this.
  16. retain_regain

    retain_regain Fapstronaut

    Hi mate,
    Do you know Chinese? If you can continue the translation work, it would be great to keep this thread alive
    Robbiebob likes this.
  17. En0ch

    En0ch Fapstronaut

    I do not unfortunately :(
    Robbiebob likes this.
  18. MuratGreat

    MuratGreat Fapstronaut

    Staying clean means also no any sex with women? Or a normal human life with sex?
    Dank24 and Robbiebob like this.
  19. It depends on what the goals are for each individual. Some people just want to abstain from P or PMO as that is their goal. But, there are some who want to avoid all sexual activity of any kind, usually only for a period of time while rebooting. Everyone decides for themselves what "clean" is.
    retain_regain, Dank24 and Robbiebob like this.
  20. Mouk5300

    Mouk5300 New Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, since I've almost finished reading the book I might share my experience. (I wrote a whole ass novel so bear with me if you wanna read my story)
    I am a 20 year-old guy who has been addicted since the age of 12 as far as I can remember. It's only been three weeks since I've quit porn after my 4th time with the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION method. Since that day I started reading "Rebooting as the best remedy" and I was astonished about how masturbation can affect one.
    I don't know where to start... I'll have to go back to primary school, when I was 9 or 10-ish years old. I have this memory of me playing at the playground slide during the breaks and discovering that rubbing in a certain way would do me something pleasurable. This is the very starting point for me for the years to come.
    Time went by and later I started using this server called Usenet where you can download tons of different things. I used to download so much music from there (and still have it now on my external drive), video games like cracked minecraft... and obviously I came across erotic pictures. They were pictures of naked women who weren't even that hot but it turned me on. It made me feel a certain way. I used to download these images and look at them in a lustful way. The worst is that even 10+ years ago I can remember some of them instantly. These neural connections are bound to stay forever.
    From there, I remember starting to search for more images, by typing certain words in google images, and started masturbating from there.
    (Trigger warnings)
    After a while I eventually switched to porn sites, and I would watch the same video until I'd get bored of it and choose another to masturbate to for a max of times.
    Fortunately for me I never explored darker stuff such as violence, fetishes, gang bangs... it stayed with one guy and one girl.
    I remember one day going to a friend's house with another of his friends, and we would sleep in a tent in his garden. Back then I had my iPod and the other friend told me "Go on that website", which was a porn site, and we looked for a while at it before he starts fapping and cums in front of us. I didn't know what to think at this time. Later on when my friend came to my house to sleep, it already happened that we were playing like call of duty and out of nowhere I'd have my quick fap literally next to him and then continue playing.

    I can remember right now the precise minute of one porn clip where the girl switches to a position that would just excite me more and make me finish. This is just to say how deep the connections that the brain makes are. Right now I can think of dozens of videos I've watched many times in my life.
    (this is some serious shit I'm about to explain)
    Besides that, I would masturbate to some girls I know from school, for example if one would lean forwards to pick up a pen that fell, I'd remember that image and fap to it in the evening. I would also go on the facebook profiles of these girls and if one had a pfp just being like in a bikini, it would turn me on and I'd have my quick fap.
    I would also save the pictures in a hidden folder on my phone, being worried if someone would find them one day. I would save the pictures of girls I don't even know, just because they were suggested in my feed, I'd stalk a couple ones I'd find attractive and save the pictures.
    I would be at school and have urges to masturbate. There was one time I was late in class because I had a medical appointment (basically arrived at 9 am instead of 8:20) and I'd sit at the last chairs, just behind that one hot girl, and I literally jacked off to her during the class while nobody saw me. I can still remember that, it was in 2016.
    This year I had switched school during the year because of harassment. Being the youngest in class and ugly, I'd get bullied. Masturbation has for sure destroy my appearance and my social skills were inexistant. Even though I was very smart because I had skipped a year, I'd be that dumb kid who would always write shit in the group chats, with the lol/xD/x)/other cringey emojis... I was addicted to video games as well so you can picture me more easily.

    I would just have a crush on girls just for their beauty, and I would spend hours contemplating them on social medias. I would create this emotional attachment and feel bad about it because I had zero game and zero social skills. When I moved to another school, there was that girl who was in the year under me (same age as I had skipped a year), and I had had feelings for her for months, just because I thought she was a caring person when I had first met her. As I had no game I would just contemplate these feelings and do nothing about it. I'd stalk the guys who I thought were flirting with her, and just do nothing. Keep having dumbass feelings for her while she was f*cking other dudes,simply put like this.
    In the end I expressed my feelings in a long ass message which ended up buzzing in the whole school and everybody would laugh at me for this. I'm telling y'all, in these years I was a fucking fool, I swear. I was the geek guy who would play clash royale all day, and just play video games at night. As I said, I had skipped a year in primary school, and I had some IQ tests done and I was told that I have high potential, IQ was 143.
    This high potential stuff would be a major excuse for me saying that I feel different and that people don't accept me. I would literally feel bad about being an intelligent person, while it is truly a gift. I just had this mindset of "I'm too different, I'm not a good person." Fortunately, I stopped caring as I grew up. I don't even remember I have this high potential thing.
    So as I said I would have this crush on that girl and that hidden folder I was talking about previously. At that time I found a new technique for masturbating. I had a massage thing for the head, with these rods that go over your scalp and that vibrate. I would use the base of it (the handle) that vibrates and put it on my penis and eventually it'd make me cum, this while watching these photos or porn videos.
    In my school system you have 6 years primary and 6 years secondary school, this stuff is in the 4th secondary year. (corresponds to 15 years old)
    Later, in the 5th year, I'd start taking creepshots. This is some degenerate stuff. Creepshots are basically taking a picture of someone without his/her consent. So there was that girl in my class, who also skipped a year and was even younger than me, she would be very intelligent and brilliant, and she had pleasing shapes, to say it politely. Along with other girls of the schools, I'd take creepshots and keep them in my hidden folder to masturbate to it later.
    When I talk about neural connections, this is serious. I can take that girl and remember the pants she would wear, the times I'd stare at her ass when having mixed gym lessons, like running behind her on purpose just to stare at her ass bouncing. And this is stuff I would do while being 15 years old. I'm deeply ashamed of all this. I was just addicted. This is so sad...
    One day we were a few students around the teacher's table to look at the answers of a test, and I'd have to lean over one of the girls to look at the answers. I remember first looking at her butt, catching a boner and while acting like I was leaning, discretely rub my boner (even through my pants) on her ass. To her it was nothing, she could just believe it was my leg or something like that, but this is some degenerate stuff that I've never told anyone.
    Outside of school, I'd participate in scouts, some youth activities for those who don't know what it is. At this place I wouldn't get much respect too. And it already happened during camps that I'd hide in the wc to have my quick fap, whenever one of the girls would turn me on. In class, I already acted like having the urge to take a shit while it was just the urge to fap. And I'd do my thing in a few minutes then come back to class as if nothing happened.
    Other examples would be fapping during swimming lessons (acting like going to the toilet), or in the aquatic park, or on vacation, or other techniques such as having the water jet of a pool right on my penis to get stimulated.
    For a long time I've been fantasizing about t*tf*ck, and right now I can remember all these girls with who I'd imagine doing this. This is fucked up.
    Okay, so now the part where I realize porn and masturbation are a problem in my life. This begins in September of 2018, where I discover NoFap. Months and years go by but I don't make progress, or very little progress. I'm still a piece of shit.
    Fast forward to March 2022, I read a book called the E a s y p e a s y method. I've already made posts on reddit about this method and it got removed, reason is that when applied correctly, the user will stop going on the forums, this means less people active and attached to the community, simply put like this. If this doesn't get removed you're lucky to read my comment (or should I say... my novel).
    The book talks about mindset and brainwashing when it comes to quitting porn. Quitting is actually easy! Yet people are entitled to believe it's hard. They're brainwashed. How many relapse posts can we read everyday on reddit? Dozens if not hundreds of them. All these brothers who want to quit are simply brainwashed into thinking it's hard to quit. This book helped me abstain for five months. Then I lacked vigilance and I had one peek that led to another, and it eventually led to relapsing. Reading again, it leads me to abstaining for three months. Then, in November, I started falling back again into the trap, slowly.
    After one relapse in March of this year, I came across "Rebooting as the best remedy". Since then, I haven't looked back on porn neither masturbation. I am at Season 37, and I've been blessed with such knowledge from the translator, I am eternally grateful to him, even though he will probably never see this message (I believe it's not long enough... lmao)
    Easy P E A S Y + Rebooting as the best remedy has been my formula for success. They're what made my mindset drastically change and improve.
    This was my story, from a 20 year-old guy who starts enjoying life for what it actually is and not for his harem.
    Edit: text automatically changes to "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" when I type "Easy P easy".
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
    retain_regain and Robbiebob like this.