35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. jxerxes

    jxerxes Fapstronaut

    Hey fellas... PMO'd last Friday. I've been a little stressed with ththe holidays. Everything seems to be out of routine for myself. I'm looking forward to the new year so that the normal rhythm of life reoccurs.
    I typically tap when I'm frustrated or stressed. I know what I need to do... but I keep from doing it. I need to sit down and devote out a daily plan and journal every day. I dont know why I keep from doing that.
    I watched a YouTube video on a dude who just finished via first 30 day challenge and all the benefits that come from nofap for 30 days. I was so inspired and jealous. Does anyone else have a write plan for nofap or journal?
    Espi1971 and RightEffort like this.
  2. FreebirdFH

    FreebirdFH Fapstronaut

    Would be great to join this group. I'm single male in his 40's. How do I sign up? Just by posting to group?
    RightEffort likes this.
  3. Awesome job for disidentifying from the voice in your head - How did you feel the next day about your ability to resist temptation?

    According to Emerson we gain the power of the temptations that we resist. So you are now that much stronger.

    What was the cause of the recent struggle? was it that you were tired or did you make any change ? may be modify your routines to make sure you dont get close to that place again - I am eager to see you crush the 100 days and beyond effortlessly. :)
  4. Welcome! Thats great man - have you considered pouring that energy into some creative use? What do you like to make as your main focus in life for the next 100 days? :)
  5. Its okay bro - just forgive yourself - get very clear on what you want and try again this time could be your very 100+ day strike - as long as your sincerely trying to learn from you mistakes you are already on the fastest path to freedom
    artifact likes this.
  6. I'm grateful because this accountability group, as well as this forum, has been a super helpful energy in my life.

    I am finding a sense of aversion towards sexuality overall. It seems such a painful and frustrating process - I am investigating this even outside of PMO in form of human relationships it seems super illusory.

    I am reflecting on my previous relationships - it always starts with so much passion and fireworks over sex but after a few years it dies down and then the mind starts to think of other girls and misses that initial high of sex with a new person or better yet porn which gives me the same intense dopamine rush feeling.

    The best tools I find is the Win-Hof breathing method after an intense 40 min+ workout - the positive well-being feeling is instant and follows with a sense of hope.

    Last weekend I attended a social get together, I am starting to feel the same sense of empowerment that attracts others to my field - not in an egoic sense but just feel like I'm more at ease and able to connect with others freely.
  7. Hello FreebirdFH, yes you are signed up.
  8. Hey man, thanks for this. I haven't done anything explicitly creative for a while. I tend to focus on being productive rather than creative. My life has focus - I'm a mature student so most of my energy goes into studying. I also try to exercise every day. But creativity is important. Thanks for this suggestion.
    artifact and RightEffort like this.
  9. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I would like to join. I am 44 years old. I am currently redirecting my energy into a fasting/keto diet/exercise program to slim down to the size I was when I ran high school track and field. It is all about taking in as few carbs as possible and forcing your body to regularly burn its fat reserves. I had quit caffeine in the past 3 or 4 times (back on it now) and there was a withdrawal process, where the worst system was extreme fatigue. What I'm going through now is very similar as the body has a withdrawal phase when there are no longer carbs. I feel very lethargic and the first three days on this plan I didn't even leave the house. It's not as bad now, and I force myself to go walking in the park every day for at least two hours and still keep up with my push-ups program. I have felt my sex drive drop dramatically, which is a good thing as in the past lethargy/boredom were huge triggers for PMO. Staying in the house for 3 days straight and not PMOing used to be an impossibility. I am lucky though, because many have it way worse with the withdrawal, and there is even a term for it called the 'keto flu' as many develop true flu-like symptoms. But at the end of the day, I am slimming down quickly and avoiding PM. Glad to be here.
    Espi1971, artifact, Freeman82 and 2 others like this.
  10. FreebirdFH

    FreebirdFH Fapstronaut

  11. TheGhostWhoWalks

    TheGhostWhoWalks Fapstronaut

    Hello all,

    I would like to jump into this group if it is still open. I am 39 years old and have been engaged in some form of PMO since I was about 14. SA has led me down some unhealthy, unproductive, and ultimately damaging roads. I have tried a variety of methods to "recover" in the past including participating her several years ago. At the time I just don't think my understanding of the emotions underlying my behavior was mature and robust enough. I considered it more as simply "wanting to stop" versus understanding why I was doing what I was doing and programming a new set of behaviors and feeling to take the place of PMO.

    Some accountability would go a long way toward helping me out in this journey as would helping others with there struggle.

    Espi1971, discovery and artifact like this.
  12. welcome bro - yes we got you - go ahead and keep us posted :)
  13. Welcome bro -

    I too have quit coffee recently - and i'm super grateful for it its been about 2 months! I am saving alot of money and feeling more peaceful :)

    As for the keto i have also been through that phase, i had some good results with it but personally staying away from it, I find 2 meal and fasting works better for me. I'm limiting my food to plant-based and limiting it to 2 meals per day as much as possible - Was watching a youtube video on a vegan powerlifting champion who only ate 1 meal per day and fasted 23 hours! he was super ripped :D

    Any way, welcome to our group and look forward see you have a successful recovery
    artifact and Freeman82 like this.
  14. TheGhostWhoWalks

    TheGhostWhoWalks Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it. So far I feel like I am doing reasonably well. Although I can feel that lingering temptation in the back of my head. I am also finding I need to be pretty careful what I am reading on the forum. Some of the material is pretty triggering...I don't remember it being that way when I was participating here a few years ago.
    discovery, RightEffort and Freeman82 like this.
  15. Mate you are making big changes. I just made the switch from coffee to green tea which is not caffeine free but low caffeine and good for neuro-plasticity too apparently. we are closing in on 40 days btw. How will you celebrate? I'm thinking a big gym session followed by a juicy steak...
    Espi1971, discovery and artifact like this.
  16. Hello @discovery and @TheGhostWhoWalks and welcome to our group. You have filled the last two spots in our group and we now have 20 members. Good luck and please review the rules in the first post so you can remain listed in our member ranking.
    discovery and RightEffort like this.
  17. I agree! our mind is so curious - reading some of the posts has really made me want to look up some of the fetishs lol but its just another stupid idea which causes suffering - its no different than an idea of watching porn - just have to learn to ignore it and nip in the bud asap knowing it only brings us suffering if we persue those urges
    Jefe Rojo and discovery like this.
  18. I made it to 30 days today for only the second time ever (since puberty back in the stone age) and I don't think I would have done it without this group. Thanks, guys. Next stop, 60 days!
  19. Hello,

    I'm a 35 yr old male. I know your group is at capacity but I just wanted to put my name on the waiting list in case a spot opens up in the future.

    Good luck to you all.
    discovery likes this.
  20. Yes, you need to be careful about that. We had one guy in this group who was posting inappropriate comments (unfortunately I am not able to remove them) but for the most part the comments in the thread have been recovery-oriented.