To keep or delete Snapchat

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by A_glass1900, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    I have been making on and off decisions as to whether to delete a Snapchat account. I've been logging on to it every once in a while, and when I'm there, nothing much is happening like it's dead. All I see are 1-4 snap stories from my not too close friends. There are not a lot of stories since I don’t have a lot of friends.

    Snapchat is been like half porn kind of place. Every time I check out the discover feature, they show news stories about pornstars which is pretty annoying. And there's get the follow a snap star recommendation are these half naked, fitness model looking girls.

    And most of the time, I post stories on Instagram more and I get more people to see my stories on there. Whereas with Snapchat I find it redundant to get very less people viewing my stories

    And part of me makes me want to stay. Thinking what if I make new friends to add?

    Whats your opinion? Thanks
  2. goldie

    goldie Fapstronaut

    I have never had a Snapchat but I worked for them years ago and the current CEO was one of the most delusional sleazebags I’ve ever met. Super nice guy but even videochatting with him made me want to take a shower.
    Semtex, Mason2879 and onceaking like this.
  3. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    Isn’t there lots of hookers on there?
  4. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    Sounds like he was from a certain tribe.
  5. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Snapchat is useless, delete it.
  6. MaximusDecimus29

    MaximusDecimus29 Fapstronaut

    I would advise you to delete it, it would help you spend less time online thereby reducing your urges or triggers, you could spend that rescued time doing something that makes you feel happy maybe working out or reading a book idk
    Wolves of Wisdom and Vicit_fidem like this.
  7. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    That must have been an interesting job. So it's not a requirement to have a Snapchat account if you work for them? I've heard Facebook employees have to have a Facebook account.
  8. FastNCurious

    FastNCurious Fapstronaut

    sounds like they were on the same page
  9. goldie

    goldie Fapstronaut

    Let me clarify: 1) I was hired in a contractor position and 2) this was years ago but I guess on a technicality I did need one, but I only used it for internal projects (literally signing in to look at graphics or something). I never had any friends on it or opened the app for another purpose.
  10. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    Is Snapchat even still a thing for people in their late 20’s? I haven’t posted anything on there probably in the last 4 years
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  11. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I had it for a year or so. It’s pretty much the most important app for teens, even overtaking TikTok in how highly kids value it. It also made me brain dead. It’s been so nice not having it. You can speak to people without needing all the online context of their life. It makes me feel fake to have the app. I may need it in college though.
  12. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut


    Snapchat is trash. Most relapses start on social media. Be smart brother. Get rid of the damn thing. Get off social media unless you absolutely must use it. Don't set yourself up for failure.
  13. Mason2879

    Mason2879 New Fapstronaut

    I deleted snapchat 3 years ago and it helped a lot. I may ger it back eventually, but it was a nice break.
    A_glass1900 and Be Inspired like this.
  14. flapabstainer

    flapabstainer Fapstronaut

    why wouldn't you add them on instagram if you say that more people view your stories there anyway?
  15. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut


    I don't have many friends in general. The followers I have on Instagram are mostly people I knew from high school, family friends, and others I've met in the past. Also, None of them are pretty girls, female models, celebrities and pornstars.

    As for Snapchat, I think it's more of a social media platform for messaging your close friends, especially if you have a large group of friends. Since you have to get their phone number to add them as friends, I've only added a few people since I have very few close friends. That's why it's been pretty quiet on my Snapchat.
  16. Olympus2567

    Olympus2567 Fapstronaut

    This is my philosophy… If someone needs to tell you something worth your time then they can just text you.
    A_glass1900 likes this.
  17. flapabstainer

    flapabstainer Fapstronaut

    I'm more confused now. What does it matter who else follows you on instagram? You can also chat with people there not only share stories and posts. If you want only some people close to you to see what you post there is an option for that too called "close friends".

    Why would you want celebrities and p-stars to follow you? Especially when you're trying to recover from PMO?

    But yeah as Olympus said there's also a preinstalled app called SMS on our phones too if you don't want the trouble with any of these apps. On iphones you can send voice messages and memes and everything too. Nothing you're missing out on
    Olympus2567 likes this.
  18. And part of me makes me want to stay. Thinking what if I make new friends to add?
    I'd delete it, I avoid FB for nearly the same reasons.
  19. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut


    My apologies for making this confusing.
    I meant me following them.
    And sms messaging is definitely a useful option.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  20. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    It’s late, but I deleted my Snapchat account the last 2 months now. It’s quite reasonable not to hold on to it since it’s pretty much dead to me. I have made a new friend from surfing class almost a year now. I talked to him the other day and questioned me if I use Snapchat. And I said to him I used to have one, but I deleted it. And he said oh it’s OK. His side of SnapChat is pretty dead too. The only person he chats with on there is his girlfriend. And that’s one small thing I kind of felt bad about deleting Snapchat. But it’s still not worth checking it out on there while it’s so quiet.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    LostSon41 likes this.