"I just need porn for X"

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Seahorsesareweird, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. Seahorsesareweird

    Seahorsesareweird Fapstronaut

    I am making this post because I saw another post on reddit of a man saying that he just needed porn to fall asleep.
    Let me tell you this is a LIE. You do NOT need ANYTHING to fall asleep. if you are tired you will fall asleep it is as simple as that. Yes sometimes you have massive anxiety due to things going on in your life. That is the time to think about those things and work them out, so you can fall asleep at ease. Porn is NOT one of those things. You are simply tricking yourself into thinking you do need porn when you do not.
    This is not only true for sleep, but due to literally ANY excuse you can find for watching porn. I don't care what it is. " I just need it for my anxiety " " I just need a reward ". I get it guys - I have gotten these sick demented thoughts too. They are NOT true. When you question these thoughts and dissect them, and actually try and fight against them, you can destroy them and eradicate them for the false crap they are. Think about it logically - Did you sleep well before porn? Of course! are there literally millions of people who sleep well without watching porn? Of course! Just try it, and see for yourself, PROOVE it to yourself that you are wrong about your views. You do not need porn for sleep, anxiety, friendship, excitement, literally anything you do not need it for ANYTHING. You simply WANT it, and unlike food, water, shelter, (all things you do truly need), you can cut it out of your life.
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Amen, bro. The sooner one recognizes the source of his/her problem, so sooner they can recover from it.
  3. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    No, it's not as simple as that. Some people have insomnia.

    And some people who never watched porn have trouble sleeping.

    The reality is porn can help some people sleep.
  4. Seahorsesareweird

    Seahorsesareweird Fapstronaut

    Ok so your advice is to tell those people keep using porn to help with your sleep? My overall point is you do not need porn to fall asleep.