Donations for the further growth of Nofap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Knight Solaire, Apr 30, 2015.

Would you be willing to donate money in order to further help the Nofap community?

  1. Yes

    28 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I love how you guys are banding together to help figure out a good donation method. It's so nice to see people so motivated to help like myself. I'm not really good with creating business ideas so I will just stick to motivating and help get the word out there.

    Thank you guys
  2. This is one of the greatest websites on the internet. But don't feel the need to shoulder the burden, Alexander. You've helped a ton of people already. And somewhere down the line I can almost guarantee that one of the people on NoFap will go on to great financial success and start something in a similar vein. This is the progenitor of something massive.
    Saracen_ likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I feel it would be better written by someone that has personally travelled this road, rather than the wife of a former addict (no disrespect implied by this suggestion).
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  4. tomtom

    tomtom Fapstronaut

    I'd be happy to donate if I can do it completely anonymously. The easiest way for me would be to mail in some cash in an envelope but I'm not sure if that would cause problems for Alexander.
  5. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    Hi, IGY. :) I believe @Limeaid and @mumchance were speaking of collecting an assortment of tips, tricks, and posts from the wise minds of nofap and instead of writing it themselves.

    Really good ideas in this thread! I, personally, think it's a wonderful idea to give member-made e-books to those who donate. I honestly had no idea there was already a donate page. :confused: Which leads me to believe it should be readily-available and easily seen. Maybe a donate button in its own box on the side of the page underneath online members, etc? Revamp the actual donate page a bit? Some users had issue with the giving of personal information such as addresses and names, so perhaps add a check box that takes the whole thing out of the equation and provides complete anonymity? Just my thoughts.
    Last edited: May 2, 2015
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  6. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I respect your opinion and if others feel the same way and feel I give shitty advice on this forum then this is fine, I will bow out. I will however point out that as someone who travelled this road beside someone who was an addict and helped him overcome his addiction (over 2 years and still going strong) I will say I feel more than qualified.

    Also this is not an opinion piece. It is a collection of tips and tricks mentioned here and other websites from people going through it. It will obviously be proof read by Alexander before it's put up.
  7. Yes I figured that we would ask members for all their best tips, so in fact it will be written by all of us.

    And Limeaid, you don't give bad advice. You are one of the most helpful people on this site. Obviously you did your homework and learned about your husband's addiction, and I would say that you are as qualified as any of us, more so even, since you have seen the process through to its conclusion.
  8. Immor

    Immor Fapstronaut

    I still like the idea of using money as an incentive to quit, with NoFap collecting on failure.

    This would help both the users and the site. The only problem would be the possible conflict of interest.
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    There was no need to take it personally Limeaid - suggesting that my opinion is that 'you give shitty advice on this forum'. I expressly stated: "no disrespect implied by this suggestion".
  10. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Honestly I did not take it personally!! I never take differing opinions personally, I welcome them. I wanted people to feel comfortable telling me the way they feel so I called myself out as possibly "giving shitty advice". There was no disrespect implied by what I said either :)
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

  12. I wish I was able to donate :( need to draw more so I can get better and sell more drawings and be able to donate because this site saved me
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  13. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    This a rough landscape, but as a community and I can see us building our beautiful site with all the love and care of its members. I am simply asking if anyone would donate a dollar. This is my incentive. My plan. I just wanted to hear what you guys think it. Thank you so much.
  14. DutchAnonymous

    DutchAnonymous Fapstronaut

    Okay guys, we need to setup a really good brainstorm session. I already got plenty of ideas. Making ideas is my personality and I'm doing a minor entrepreneurship where I learn to make business models etc.
    The thing of a good brainstorm session is that you first just shout out all of your ideas. No limits! Example: "Putting an advertisement on the moon". That's called diverge.

    Then after some time you start combining all those crazy ideas and start prioritizing them, called converge.


    I've been doing different kind of brainstorm sessions and the reason I'm explaining diverge and converge is that when people want to give ideas, they immediately think of 'is this financial possible' or is this 'technically possible', but that's really something you should do after the diverge.

    The question is: how can we setup a good brainstorm session online?
    (because I've not done online brainstorm sessions before)

    What about setting up a live stream of someone using a whiteboard and that other people can give reactions via a chatbox?
    HippyMinstrel and Knight Solaire like this.
  15. firdi

    firdi Guest

    How about starting a kickstarter crowd funding campaign. It could really turn huge and help people who have never heard about nofap.

    There are people here passionate about the cause that can help out in implementing a multi-discipline campaign. There are good writers, programmers, musicians, graphic designers, painters etc. Many would like to give back to the community that has given us so much.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
    Knight Solaire and HippyMinstrel like this.
  16. Excellent idea firdi.
  17. Just so people know I am reading these comments and continuing to ponder.

    I think a Kickstarter would need to be a particular project. Maybe I could do a Kickstarter per NoFap goal I have, such as a podcast, video, hosting, etc. But again I would probably prefer something recurring and predictable since money dries up quickly.
  18. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone. This is exactly what I mean by putting your ideas out there. I love how much everyone is coming through.

    Well, I mentioned kickstarter and Patreon to Alexander when I told him I was making this thread. He didn't give me much feedback because he was leaving for his camping trip, but I believe we can do it.

    I wonder if the people who have collected all of the useful info in one place (such as @Kurapika) would be willing to email it all in to a specific person that would be willing to start on the video. Some good programs like Movie Maker Pro or something. Then, as we compile all of the info and have someone good with those programs, set up a kickstarter with the video in the front explaining what we are trying to do.

    Brainstorming session commence!

    Edit: lol I guess we posted at the same time Alexander
  19. Mótus

    Mótus Guest

    Hi everyone!

    To jump right into the question of how nofap could obtain a steady income so to speak, I thought of the following. As 'firdi' said: "...writers, programmers, musicians, graphicdesigners, painters etc..." This gave me the following idea. How about some monthly rewards? Though the book idea is awesome :). I would suppose that this is a one time deal. If however, people would receive something every month, they would (presumably) be more willing to donate monthly.

    Quick example: Every month, a painter paintes a original drawing related to nofap/freedom/something in that area. They would be sent out as gifts to the monthly donaters.

    With the example above the particular artist would have to be willing to do this, but I'm sure some people would love to :).

    Inspired by the Kickstarter idea :D.

    Good luck everyone!

    - Diver
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  20. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    I will be happy to do that.
    Knight Solaire likes this.