To those who want to retain semen

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Racco, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Yes it's almost 11 years.

    Emotions aren't different from thoughts, it's part of the same thought structure. When you emphasize a thought it becomes an emotion.

    Yes, I too have emotions, likes & dislikes, but they don't control my actions.

    Most confuse compassion with emotion. Compassion is bodily thing where as emotions are part of the mind. See, when a life form gets hurt around you, you also sense that physical pain and this is compassion.

    Others psychological pain doesn't make any difference in me in most cases but a physical pain disturbs me and make me to act in certain scenarios. I really don't know why only in certain scenarios.

    Emotions makes not to act appropriately. Having emotions aren't a problem but surrender to the emotions makes you weak.

    Eg: A mother out of emotions towards her son becomes fearful and not allows him to become efficient man to deal with the life and it's challenges. Even though emotions are there she has to prepare her son strong, courageous and efficient to deal with the challenges.

    Some say emotions give you strength to take action, but the action isn't spontaneous and born out of fears which is always inappropriate.

    Here you need to observe one thing the fears I'm talking about are the psychological ones and not the physical fears(dangers).

    Being in SR journey, you may feel empty, emotional numbness, feeling of stuck in the cross roads, sudden emotional highs & lows, joy without any reason, sort of crying & sadness without any reason, long-term memory seems weak and working memory is strong, sometimes you forget where you are and who you are, feeling of something is dying inside are the signs that you are surrendering. It takes sometime to find the balance.

    After a good amount of time in the journey, you sense your behaviour is something like a child, the freshness, observing without any reason, playful attitude, &c.

    Also the changes in the biology mainly in the brain makes the vital life(breathe) freely flows and this shuts the thoughts(emotions part of it) which aren't good for the system. That is the same you're sensing it now.

    All that is stopping your potential to express are flushed out so that all the energy is utilised orderly to keep the body healthy, to deal with the actual challenges and also to express totally & completely.

    The paper(mind) should become clean so that it is used to write a better story. Better story I mean a better perception.

    A complete perception shift is going to happen at the end of the journey.

    By saying all this, what I ask you is, the best guide is in you waiting for your readiness, to come out and express and that has no parallels.

    Last edited: May 2, 2024
  2. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Passion & Action - passion is the product of the thoughts, without knowledge there is no passion. The knowledge acquired adds to the passion and passion makes you to acquire more knowledge and this cycle continues.

    Action is something inbuilt and you can see the same in all the species. Action is required for the survival and the maintenance of the life system.

    Where as in humans passion overtaken the action and this led to suffering and misery.

    In the long term SR journey, a switching of the above mentioned happens and action becomes dominant.

    Be yourself!
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
  3. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    This post brings much-welcomed reassurance to and resonance with me, @Racco .

    I sincerely am grateful to have read it, and thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I think I will need to continue reading it a few more times -- these days, or actually for a long time now, I have been feeling at my wit's end on this journey, feeling like I cannot stand another day of the sheer brutal agonizing stress of it. Surrendering makes me go to tendencies I'd rather emphatically avoid, but I tell myself it's to teach me something, or to dissolve certain habits once I see the totality of it.

    On a deeper level, the tendency to keep going despite all this is a knowing of what you've written in that post.

    Thank you again.

    There might be things within that reply that I may individually respond to, but for now: just expressing gratitude for the support.

    Last edited: May 4, 2024
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  4. Hey Racco,

    I had an interesting experience last night… I was looking up on my phone “conjoined twins” and then I also looked up other rare birth defects and saw images. It was really frightening in a way.. the conjoined twins thing I kinda feel like is information that is suppressed, or at least it’s not widely shown in the media, maybe it scares people too much

    what do you think this fear is that I felt when I was looking at the pictures of conjoined twins? Why was I troubled?

    after putting my phone down, I had a brief thought on my head that I had somehow expanded my awareness and I was unsure of reality and felt scared, idk if I’m correct or not though
  5. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You're most welcome :emoji_pray:
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  6. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    So long the identity is there you go through all sorts of fears and realising actuality is a tough job.

    When fears are bombarding you, is a sign that the identity is cracking. May take sometime for the identity and it's resistance to dissolve in the wisdom. But in a very few it's instantaneous and the identity shatter to pieces and free from thinking structure.

    Identity propagates through imagination.

    Fear of losing the known is more frightening than stepping into the unknown.

    Who is losing the known and what it lose? Identity is afraid of losing itself and the structure built around it, that is knowledge, culture & society.

    There is no ultimate reality, only subjective.

    Say suppose a reflection from a surface on the retina doesn't know what it is, thought interfere and produce the image of it and says so and so. So the recognition and the naming are the same. Memory(thoughts) is sound and is quite slow. The moment you recognise the object it is no more a present, so your reality is based on the past memory aka knowledge. All your experiences, feelings, emotions are part of the thought structure and is based on the previous knowledge. This previous knowledge is what most think as their identity. When the identity shatters, the emotional link between the past and actual now breaks, there you have freshness, newness and actual action happens.

    You already know who you are, but the fears clouded you and in the courageous these clouds vanish and the truth surfaces.

    I can say only one thing, be courageous & be yourself!
  7. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Many afraid of ghosts, they are nothing but prior knowledge. Thoughts can produce anything before you, not only ghosts but gods too.

    Both are illusions, but we aren't ready to accept the fact.

    First fear( ghost) and then we need hope(god)

    The same goes with culture, society and even businesses. First they create fear and then they sell hope. I'm not against culture, society, businesses and money, it is a practical reality.

    This you see more in spiritual business. The problem with the spiritual business and spirituality is, it strengthens the identity even more rather dissolving.

    The sign that you're completely courageous is, nothing influences you.

    Be yourself!
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
  8. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    As the wisdom surfaces, the reality as you know shatter to pieces, this feels like the awareness or consciousness is expanding. Nothing expands, your fears are dissolving.
  9. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    I had a question in dm, I thought I'll post in the thread, so it might be useful to others.

    Through tantra(using the body), mantra(using the mind), yantra(using a device) you may achieve certain desired results, if you do it properly and towards the goal, but not possible to eliminate the identity.

    Through thought you can't be thoughtless, likewise through identity you can't eliminate the identity.
  10. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You can't imagine and give a form to anything without the help of the words, this is where information comes into play.

    What makes humans different from the other species? The world where you've meaning of the words.

    Sounding of a specific word might have a different meaning in different part of the world. If the meaning is soothing it produces certain chemicals in you otherwise a different set of chemicals and you act according to the chemicals produced.

    We as humans living in the world of words.

    If you don't know a meaning for a vulgar word, what difference does it make in you? Nothing, right.

    As long as you don't understand how the words and it's meaning controlling your biochemistry and your actions, you can't free yourself from the thought structure and it's hold on you.

    Identity is just a word(your name) and all the meanings attached to it.

    Be yourself!
  11. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You can't pick a thought that doesn't produce meaning inside you. It just passes through you. Likewise so many pass through you without you knowing about it.

    Your intentions make you to pick thoughts and give it strength & power to strengthen and extend the meaning.

    Also know that the thoughts aren't your own.

    Be courageous & be yourself!
  12. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Imagination and willing to have it, makes your reality. Timeframe might be different, but it certainly becomes your reality. You can't imagine that which isn't possible.

    Imagination is a possibility and willing makes you to take action, imagination + action = reality.

    As you progress in SR, fantasies become less and action becomes more, know that imagination without action is fantasy.

    Be yourself!
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  13. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    When you aren't bound to influences, you can read others mind. Don't think it's a super power, this quality is meant for survival of the human life system, a natural instinct.
  14. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    All desires born out of deficit. Nothing wrong with the desires.

    Do you desire to eat when you're full?

    Your desires are telling you what you're lacking.
  15. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    We're just biochemical robots not different from the computers out there.

    Naturalness in a man is the activity of the life itself, the body and it's senses are the instrument through which life flow and is highly intelligent. The problem comes when the thought interfere in the natural functioning of the senses for its self motive and to gain from it.
  16. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    There is an extraordinary thing within you, that can guide you, how to have a balance in life, how to do SR and it's duration, how to have a tranquil mind and what to do with the life.

    Abide in that wisdom, you'll be guarded & guided to the other side safely.

    Cultural reference point aka identity don't allow this to happen, be courageous & be ready for the inner wisdom to carry you to the other side.

    Be yourself!
  17. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Manipulation happens through propaganda, persuasion and might be in coming years through GE.

    The innate intelligence knows all this drama.

    You may ask, why it support all this drama? It is neither supporting nor rejecting, but in the one who is ready, it gives the clarity in regards to the drama.

    @Warrior4Freedom mentioned about the drama in the people's life in his last post.

    Once you have the clarity about this drama, you just play your role efficiently and appropriately otherwise you stuck in the drama with your fears & possessions.

    Possessiveness is the culprit and won't allow you to freely flow in the drama, you know the possessiveness is the base of all emotions.

    Be yourself!
  18. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Functional world is concern, you can repeat the process to achieve the same result. Where as to live your unique potential there is no way defined already. If someone says this is the way, they're fooling you. The person may be expert, saint and whoever it may be, they're trying to impose and motives behind may be anything. Don't fall into the trap.

    These fellows are just selling hopes.

    When you stop doing things out of hope, you're with the flow of life and naturally your unique expression whatever it might be naturally flows.

    Fear is hope, hope is fear.

    Be courageous & be yourself!
  19. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Blindly accepting the information passed on by the authority, form your belief. Your perception depends on your belief and that perception has an effect on your biology.

    These beliefs are the illusions not what actually is happening.

    Question your beliefs, this requires great courage.

    Several years back, I was reading a book named, Think and grow rich. Hill tells about there is a secret in the book that he received from Carnegie and he didn't reveal it explicitly. What he was actually talking about is Belief and that is the secret. Yes, as I said beliefs can release certain chemicals needed to support the belief. See, beliefs always comes from outside. Where as your uniqueness is a inside matter and that is unparalleled potential expressing differently through your body. That doesn't need any outside belief for its expression. In reality, beliefs suppress your natural unique expression.

    When you don't have an understanding, you believe. Beliefs motivate the mind into specific direction, whereas understanding gives confidence.

    Even the identity is just another belief.

    New age movement emphasize more on belief. Their propaganda is, mind is the master, through a strong belief you can achieve anything.

    Yes, in the functional world is concern but then you are just a slave to the mind so long the beliefs control you.

    You aren't a belief.

    You've to believe other than what you are.

    Be courageous & be yourself!
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
  20. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Before SR, you replace one belief with the other. While on SR, beliefs are going to be destroyed through understanding.