To those who want to retain semen

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Racco, Oct 2, 2022.

  1. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Tapas(no exact english word), having very highest goal and let it boil internally so that the sex energy becomes fuel & building blocks to it. It takes time for the goal come into reality, but PERSISTENCE makes it happen.

    Persistence makes you discipline yourself, applies faith and patience automatically follows.

    It is this persistence that manifests the goal.

    Be yourself!
    Warrior4Freedom and Icewarrior like this.
  2. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The identity(name) is a bundle.of memories, habits & ideas. Is that the actual you?

    You ain't even the consciousness. Consciousness is there as long as the body is there.

    Mind is part of the consciousness. Consciousness is measurement through which you're projecting your world. Consciousness is a construct of that which is total & complete.

    Consciousness is like a ocean in which waves of beings come and go.

    What is the base for the consciousness? If that is not there, there is no field of consciousness exist.

    You can't pinpoint THAT, if you say it is silence then it becomes noise, if you say it is noise then it becomes silence. If you say it is wisdom then it becomes ignorance, if you say it is ignorance it becomes wisdom.

    None in the world captured it, they realised the nature of it and kept themselves calm. Because if you say this and it becomes that.

    Don't be a copycat, be yourself!
  3. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The cure is being yourself.

    When you understand your beingness is the life force itself and the identity you carry is a bundle of memories, habits & ideas. Once you realise that there is a sort of oneness, knowing deeply that the oneness is consciousness itself that holds the entire cosmic happening in itself. Going even deep you see there is a source for the consciousness also. All the changes are happening in the consciousness. When you transcend this consciousness you realise what you are.

    Almost when they reach the oneness, they start to think they got realisation and write volumes describing that.

    Go beyond even that oneness, you know your truth.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  4. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    An atheist argues about god because there is a small doubt in the mind that god may exist.

    A theist argues about god because there is a small doubt in the mind that god may not exist.

    Both are god centric and both don't know a piece about god and his existence.

    You're neither atheist nor theist.

    Other than the identity given, is there anything called you?

    Be yourself!
  5. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Being yourself doesn't eliminate the pain but makes you enjoy the pain as you enjoy the pleasure.

    God is needed for the religion but the religion isn't needed for the god.

    There is only one good that is being witness to both good & bad.

    It isn't you born in the world, the world is born in you.

    Difference between courage & fear - surrendering totally & completely and accepting the life as it is, is courage, unable to surrender and expecting life as you want is fear.

    Being prepared for the consequences and whatever you do doesn't make any difference.

    In cinema, all characters dialogues come from the same speaker, likewise all sounds in the world come from the same center.
  6. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Journey towards realisation of your potential,

    Status quo > try to realise your potential > start to change > ego attacks > facing the ego > allowing the beliefs to surface & release > pain & discomfort > persist > realising that expectations limiting your potential > start to accept > surrender to the intelligence aka erasing predetermined genetic programming > aligning with the flow > realisation aka actual wisdom.

    Be yourself!
  7. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    SR choosen you to make you realise your potential.

    SR choosen you because you're ready.

    SR choosen you because your potential want to surface.

    SR choosen you to release you from the bondage.

    SR choosen you to let you know your true nature.

    SR isn't what most think. It is part of the process to your actual glory and to live your potential.

    You didn't choose SR, it choosen you and then you got inclination towards it.

    Be yourself!
  8. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Never do self talk to satisfy your ego. This type of self talk may stand in your way to live your potential.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  9. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Mind is a powerful beast, it can be your best friend or worst enemy. Disciplined mind gains tremendous power. It is upto you how you direct that power.

    Calm mind is so powerful, it can achieve where it is directed to, weak mind fluctuates alot and can't achieve anything big.

    Whatever the mind believe totally & completely, it gains power to achieve it.

    Integrate the mind on a very big idea and believe it, it certainly achieves it.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  10. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    As long as there are influences, you can't live your potential. Even my words shouldn't influence.

    If that is the case, why should I write something over here? Initially it may influence to trigger your actual potential but later along with all influences it goes away.

    The final influence that goes away is the predetermined genetic destiny and that is the script you're executing through your behaviour, reactions and character traits that you inherited through your ancestors.

    It needs great courage to kick away all the influences and live your potential.

    That is why I'm emphasizing on courage & intelligence.

    Through efforts you can't change your fate aka genetic destiny. Effort implies you know, how to. There is no defined how to. Once you allow the body's intelligence, it can do that. A small fear is enough that stop the free flow of the intelligence. Truly courages can allow that flow. Those who ejaculate frequently are mostly cowards and never allow the intelligence to freely flow.

    Be yourself!
  11. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    The thinking world is the functional world, the one who thinks is the thinker aka identity. The identity plans, thinks, takes decisions, expects, suffers and all is part of the thinking world, where there is only reaction. The body's demands aren't part of the thinking world, to fullfill it's demands the body acts and that is action.

    Who is that thinker? What purpose does the thinker stays? Is the thinker is you?
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  12. Hey Racco,

    I was curious your perspective on job/career.

    at my current job, I don’t enjoy it most days. Also, I’ve noticed that pretty much every week I get some sort of minor injury or some ailment that happens to me.

    for example, last week my leg was sprained. And then, as soon as it got better, I now strained a muscle in my stomach and also have a blister on the side of my lip. I’ve also experienced multiple minor neck injuries. It seems as though each week a new ailment springs up as soon as the previous week is healed.

    is this evidence that a new career path should be pursued?
  13. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Don't take my words as granted.

    Even though I'm not against main stream education and doing job, but the fact is, in most cases education prepares urban slaves and the employer utilize the slaves.

    Coming to your question, take decisions on your own, stop holding onto which hurts you and move to that makes you feel good.

    Regarding ailment or injuries, don't be superstitious, no relation to the job and those. Might be because of climate changes, food intake, not enough water, too much physical activity, &c.

    Don't take decisions that may lead to financial crisis. Be practical, be on your own, be yourself.
  14. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Imitation takes you away from your potential and it's expression and that leads to mediocre life and suffering.

    Be courageous & be yourself!
  15. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Thought seperate from life and do what is required by the situation and merges back into life. The thought is functional in value and it's usefulness is in functional world.

    But in the most because of the conditioning and imposed framework to ask the individual continuously fit into the framework make the thought to continue and run a show parallel to the life. This is the conflict most are facing and don't know how to solve. Thought is quite slow to the flow of life, it can never understand the life wholly.

    If the individual is courageous and is ready to kick out the conditioning and the framework then thought falls into its natural rhythm and merges with the life as there is no demand.

    But the culture put before the individual a continuous demand to fit into the framework, if not followed attaches a label misfit to the society. Most are afraid of this label and continuously drain their energy by putting efforts to fit into the framework. Lifelong they suffer and with conflicts & frustration.

    Be a misfit and be yourself.
  16. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    You know a funny thing, you use others as mirrors to understand yourself. Nothing wrong in that. Once the realisation done, mirrors will disappear, as there is no need of them anymore.
  17. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    @Racco , as I've read that you had been at least 10 years on SR, would you please comment on the journey's effect on emotionality? What are emotions like after a long SR-stretch and surrendering to inner intelligence? Are there emotions at that point, in the sense of how we knew it pre-SR and Surrender? I often feel that there is a certain richness of lived experience that emotions provide, but I am also all too aware that it is a pleasure ("happiness") and pain (suffering) cycle.

    Does SR & Surrender, after a long time, allow for emotional experiences in a healthier way? Why do I feel empty often, and that when I do feel emotions, they remain limited to within my mind and hardly expressed? Is this lack of physical expression bad?

    I cannot express them because SR and Surrender only allows my actions, words and expressions to go according to its underlying "knowing".

    Sorry if any of this is not clear in how I wrote it; it's quite late and I might be drowsy.

    Thank you in advance :emoji_pray:
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  18. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    God & devil are the two faces of the fear. Fate( genetical destiny) is the fear itself. You need great courage to step out of the fate. You already born with that courage but conditioned differently as you grow up. The body don't have fears and has a great intelligence operating all along. But the conditioned mind has all the fears and it uses fears to control you. This control is nothing but fate. What you call karma, binds to you because of reactions born out of fears.

    Your fears are your curses.

    Don't worry about the pain that you face when you are courageously taking steps. Pain is essential for healing and cure. Pain isn't permanent and neither pleasure.

    There is a slight demarcation between courage & stupidity, beware.

    Realise that you aren't slave to any and can't be influenced. Fate can't influence the courageous. You're the all potential that is beyond consciousness and space-time continuum.

    Be prepared & be yourself!
  19. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Ok, I got the gist of it, give me sometime, I'm middle.of some other work. I'll elaborate my understanding in sometime.

    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  20. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    Thank you Racco. Please let me know if you need clarification.

    This what I'm worried about, or at least very, very concerned. Especially in this situation here:
    Again, thank you :emoji_pray: