Zeit.de article

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by moonshapedpool, May 20, 2017.

  1. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    Well guys, looks like we got featured in a German newspaper, Zeit.de! For those who can read German (like myself, sorta brokenly), check it out.
    wake_up and FrankSchiener like this.
  2. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    Ok, well skimming it while I have a moment—NOT the most flattering picture. It's a satire piece tied to an alt-right/redditers/etc. critique, if that's the sum of it I read. Lame. Lame lame lame. Bummer.

    Sorry to get hopes up on this.
  3. We will be contacting them about how inaccurate this article is.
    moonshapedpool likes this.
  4. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    At least they mentioned us. German media is absolutely useless atm.

    EDIT: Actually read it. Wow that was horrible! It's almost a mock article.
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  5. Sorry, "Die Zeit" gehört bei mir zu der hochgeschätzten, meinungsbildenen Wochenzeitung in Deutschland. Aber dieser Artikel verwehrt sich jeglichem Niveau, das ich von der "Zeit" her gewohnt bin.
    Der Artikel beleuchtet in keinster Weise den Sinn und Zweck von NoFap und weshalb ich mitmache.
    Ich verbrachte Nächte mit pornorafischen Videos - immer auf der Suche nach dem neuen Kick. Aber der Kick blieb aus. Ich verbrachte meine Nächte sinnlos damit und auch das Masturbieren brachte keinen Sinn mehr für mich.
    NoFap hat mir einen Weg gegeben, meine Zeit sinnvoller zu nutzen, als einem Kick hinterher zu rennen, den es nicht gibt.
    Ich freue mich jetzt schon, mein NoFap-Ziel zu erreichen
    moonshapedpool likes this.
  6. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    Well certain German media, yeah. Like @FrankSchiener I also thought Die Zeit was decent—but from time to time, at least a few things I read lately, they really get things way off and misrepresent certain positions. Real shame, pretty stupid.

    Thanks, definitely @Alexander! Let them know!
  7. Give us "Zeit" to reach our goal
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2017
  8. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    At least the author makes it clear that it is a not so serious article. Kind of a shame, because it really sounds like he did his homework and understands our concepts. Any publicity is good publicity I guess.
  9. wake_up

    wake_up Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the info.
    Yeah, the author mentions, it's a gloss (annotation), but nonetheless a really stupid article.
    At least the people in the comment section are on our side.