Youtubers you recently stopped watching?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BrighterFuture, Aug 1, 2021.

  1. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    It always amuses me how some people are able to watch the same Youtube channel for more than 7 years without getting bored at all, it's the same person with the same old jokes and the same damn face, everyday none stop from ears to tail tip, how are you able to cope with it?
    I tend to unsubscribe to most youtubers at some point because their focus changes from building a fun, simple and lively content to a "business channel" that only talks about selling merch to you, becoming follower to someone and donating money to "help" their already growing business? It's all too weird for me so I just stop watching them simply.

    Anyway what about you? what channels have you stopped watching recently and what was the reasons behind it?
  2. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    The big one for me is Cinemassacre. AVGN used to be one of the most entertaining shows on the internet and then the creator sold out to some company that turned it into a soulless husk of what it was.

    Then there's Pewdiepie. His content was always nothing but easy watching, but his content is so low effort now that I can watch it and forget I did as soon as the video is over. I have better things to do with my time.

    Honestly getting bored of Redlettermedia right now. Great content, but the videos are sometimes so long I just dont have the patience to sit through them.

    What about you?
    tiger-uppercut! likes this.
  3. A long list.
    Why did I stop? It's simple, I found they were hypocrites.

    I am somebody who values genuine content. I don't care about flashy editing and meme content. Be real, be honest, upload quality content. That's all you need to do to earn my subscription and support.

    I now have a subscription list that's about two score of channels and I don't think I'll be adding any new ones in the near future.
    Bill Johnson123 likes this.
  4. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Yeah I un
    The one channel the consumed my time the most was Jackspticeye, stopped watching him because may god, the video games he played a while ago are really disturbing, not to mention I pretty much knew he was acting, fooling us, forcing his laughs, pretending to be happy all the time, he even said it in many videos, it just makes you feel weird to watch an adult do that over and over again you know?

    I did also watch Pewdiepie at some point in my life, but yeah after 2018 I pretty much forgot his channel even existed, sure it's funny, but just like you said, really low effort.

    also a channel like Your Daily Dose Of The Internet, at some point I literally watched ALL his videos, but never did I learn something actually useful from his channel, a time waster really,

    I did "don't recommend channel" in most of the channels I stopped watching, it's pretty neat feature, possibly the best new feature Youtube has added recently
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
    Bill Johnson123 likes this.
  5. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    I fully Agree with you, in fact I forgot to write just about that, you did explain it in a wonderful way, yes, most of them seem like living actors rather than genuine people,
    DM10 likes this.
  6. Bill Johnson123

    Bill Johnson123 Fapstronaut

    This is pretty much why I do not watch any "youtubers".
    Gina3111 and BrighterFuture like this.
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    A lot of the channels you mentioned are fine if you are a young teen or someone just looking to waste time. But personally I feel like we can all find better things to do than just watch YouTube videos. This is not to say there are not many great videos on the site, but at the same time the majority are not.
  8. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    So true
    The only reason I mentioned this topic or any of these youtubers is not out of hate or anger towards them, In fact I think they're good people, but rather I feel confused at what they're doing to us, the manipulation to our emotions, for example, when they're happy you feel happy, when they laugh, you laugh with them, when they're sad, you comment a good comment to make them feel good.. and never do they reply back to you. it's a roller coaster that never ends unless you choose to jump of the ride and burst the bubble to get back to reality
    But just like you said, it's best to avoid it, avoid all the confusion, let it sink down, never to be remembered again, I have better things to do, I have Nofap ;)
    AtomicTango likes this.
  9. I was subbed to Jacksepticeye for a little bit before giving it up because of the editing style. It's too wacky and "in-your-face" which made me feel like I was 5 years too old to be watching him, so that didn't last long. I used to be subbed to PewDiePie up until around 2017. His content got too weird for me back then and I quickly lost interest, though. I did recently check out some of his newer stuff and it is a lot of low effort content, but... I guess he's so big and has so much nostalgia now that whatever he makes will generally do pretty well. Although despite being a channel with over 110 million subs, he only gets around 3 million views per video.

    Another one is Cinema Sins. I can't really say why I unsubbed from them, I just... lost interest.
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  10. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Every gaming channel. Pewdiepie, markiplier... Idk what the others are there so over satturated.

    I only watch videos I can learn from not to fill my head with water.
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Only good gaming channel is Oneyplays, just a bunch of retards talking shit the whole time. Good stuff.

    There are good channels for people talking about games in more detail, but the issue is most of them are pretentious douchebags who think they are smarter than they are.
  12. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I watch lore dives on occasion and analysis (I watch a lot of film analysis)

    There are a lot of pretentious people. Especially ones who try to use their worldview and political agenda to examine a piece of media. Like this one guy who uses Marx to analyze my favorite game FNV, not cool.
  13. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    'Red pill' videos that are saying there are no good women left... Just becomes an echo chamber in the comments section especially. I don't want to be put off women before I even give dating a proper shot again!
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

  15. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Yeah lol
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    That guy and his breadtube associates are all a bunch of absolute (REDACTED.) I dislike him specifically though cause of a video he made about Dark Souls 2 where he shit all over a YouTuber who is actually based, Matthewmatosis. That led to some other turbosperg making a 10 hour series ripping him apart. Very comfy viewing. At one point Hbomberguy tries to argue that the Harvest Valley tower having an elevator that goes UPWARDS into a castle floating in lava is "good level design" because it "is unexpected" despite the area from the outside showing no tower that high, and despite it making no geographical sense. He's one of those people who will twist himself into knots to defend whatever shitty thing he likes instead of just admitting "yeah this is dumb, but I still like it/doesnt bother me."
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  17. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    PM me this. I would love to be comfy for 10 hours.
  18. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I never watched youtubers as in, I will watch the video because is this guy's video, I watch content I think I might find interesting and discard the rest.
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  19. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    First one that came to mind too. I still check in once in a blue moon, James is still a funny guy, and he has reached the point where AVGN is reviewing stuff from my childhood in the late 90s. But the golden years are gone. The Covid episodes were/are particularly disappointing.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It's obvious at this point James is completely tapped out and uses AVGN as a source of income. It's sad to say but I think his movie flopping broke him, because his dream was always to be a big time director, and that didn't happen.
    fredisthebes likes this.