Young adult struggling with PMO and gay porn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by LeBobo, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. LeBobo

    LeBobo Fapstronaut

    Greetings Fapstronauts!

    I'm a 27-year old male in a long-term relationship who has been struggling with PMO and gay porn since I was 10.

    It has been a long, constant, frustrating battle with these evils and I have personally experienced and regretted multiple occasions where I succumbed to them (read: parents finding out my gay porn stash, many one-off sexual encounters, HIV scares, etc.)

    Only by the Grace and Mercy from God (pardon the preach) I am still alive and struggling. I even found the love of my life whom I cherish so.

    Many resources I read describe the importance of accountability partners in breaking these habits - two of which I pray I could humbly receive from this community.

    Fight on, Fapstronauts!
  2. Hi @LeBobo
    Glad you are here. And very welcome to join us in our journey to a healthy, fulfilling life without any self harming habits.
    Gay porn is self harming isn't it?

    It's a safe place here. We all are in the same boat, so there is no single space for judgement here.
    Maybe it's a good idea to keep a journal. Sharing your struggles, thoughts and feelings may help you to understand the underlying issues.

    Keep coming back and get the most effort out of nofap!
    You don't need to do it alone!

    I can relate to your struggles with gay porn. I've been involved in such things and even worse.
    You are right. Gods love and grace is able to set us really free! But... it may be a tough process because sometimes we are intended to believe our feelings more than the word of God....

    I wish you lots of luck!
  3. LeBobo

    LeBobo Fapstronaut

    @Roady , many thanks for the very warm welcome!

    Gay porn to me is indeed self-harming. I have always been intrigued by the NoFap community and I pray that the community can be used powerfully by Him. May I (we) not rely on our own strength but seek Him first.

    Plus it is always wonderful to meet fellow brothers in Christ!
  4. User6162

    User6162 Fapstronaut

    solution to the gay part is to accept it. Maybe you'll stop liking it after some nofap, maybe you're just a little bi? Trust me, being honest with yourself is a better long term solution than suppressing something to the point of depression.

    Good luck.
  5. LeBobo

    LeBobo Fapstronaut

    @User6162 thanks for the reply!

    Haha believe me, I have been struggling with the lust and temptation for so long there has been numerous periods during which I tried to embrace it and be content with the homosexual life.

    However, with each try, I grow increasingly unsatisfied with homosexuality and I long for a fulfilment - which I found in God and my current long-term partner. I can't say there has been no temptation (obviously) but by and large, I am much more content (and definitely not depressed!) in my current heterosexual relationship than I have ever been previously.

    We can do this!
    Former_CD likes this.
  6. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

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  7. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

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  8. LeBobo

    LeBobo Fapstronaut

    @Exponential Power thank you so much for your inspiring story and resources! I am really grateful for the open sharing, especially from people who have walked the path before me.

    Regarding the plan and ideas on how to overcome PMO and our other evils, I particularly like rededicating my life to God, scripture memorization and men's group. Will definitely keep these in mind as I go forward.