Yet Another Attempt

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BWatkins33, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. BWatkins33

    BWatkins33 New Fapstronaut

    I remember coming across NoFap 2 years ago and instantly connecting the dots. It didn't take much to convince me that I had a problem, but I was very naive. I remember watching a video by Seth Alexander (Formerly Black White Guy in America) and when he said his NoFap journey took him multiple years I laughed. I seriously thought this would be easy and I could just stop. That maybe at most it would take a couple of months at most.

    Obviously I was wrong or I wouldn't be posting here. After many attempts I can say I've had a couple of good streaks but nothing I'm proud of. Now I have decided to get serious. I hope being a part of this community can help me do that.

    If any successful Fapstronauts have any advice, I would love to hear it! Thank you and a great day!
  2. Welcome! Write your plan down and execute!
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