Worse case scenario...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TooOldNotToQuit, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. TooOldNotToQuit

    TooOldNotToQuit Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    Guess I'm here to gain some hope and knowledge on how to stop. I'm really, really, new to this and don't hold out much hope... yet, I do have some hope. I'm 42, been doing this since I was 7. Habits are buried deep and yet I do enough reading to "neuroplasticity" or Brene Brown on Shame, love tED Talks, I have a serious bookshelf full of info and great books on topic, I've been talked into leading classes on the subject (yes they knew I was not recovered). I'm a Christian and have faith, I know the scriptures, yet apparently I'm refusing something, in denial, or perhaps not committed enough.

    I'm up against a wall.

    I think I use masturbation to feel better and hide my stress there... like a pill twice a day. And sometimes I binge. My wife is awesome and supportive. I guess I don't know what else to say. I'm here for hope and direction. Maybe when I can lift my head a little higher I can encourage someone else too.

    Sorry for the down tones, I'm grateful this sight is here and for all of you who are a part of it, already you've given me enough hope to start here.

  2. angryman

    angryman Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your note. Glad that you got some encouragement.

    What I can see of it, the whole thing boils down to embodiment; practising to stay present in sensing the body when in intimate contact with another. I never did completely realize how I numbed my body with the fapping. Which also means, that now I stopped, I will have to learn to tolerate the very intense sensations that life presents without fapping them away. Quite a challenge!
    Actually .. I guess the intense sensations are presented to us, so that we don't miss them .. nature (God?) has a way of letting itself/Himself known to us. But to just listen is not so easy often.

    And even though I hardly have any sexual experience with the other sex .. I have the impression the contact is already starting to change. I can just feel how my heart is being affected .. even now I am writing this.

    So please .. don't give up. The world needs as many nofappers as possible.

    Best wishes!
  3. TooOldNotToQuit

    TooOldNotToQuit Fapstronaut

    I know now what you mean by "intense sensations"! I never would have put it that way or even thought to reflect on or label how I was feeling. The sensations have always been so intolerable that I've always ran to porn. Just acknowledging it makes me feel more powerful. I read another older guys post and he referred to this NoFap as a new adventure, I think I can face the intense sensations as long as I know they will pass and that it will get easier, I just never had a name for it before.

    Of course I am barely 12hrs into this so I have no idea the benefits that lie ahead but I imagine you are 100% correct, this will change many of my relationships and experiences. Great job on your last 10 days, I have a much smaller goal since I've had zero luck stopping at all in the past. If I can do 7days then I will go 14 and we'll go from there. Love the counter in your sig I ran out and got my own. Have you started any new habits that I might find helpful?