Working Out And Losing Weight At Home

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by wickedgayz, Mar 30, 2024.

  1. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    Hi all,
    I'm aiming to lose around 18kg (in order to be the correct weight for my height and age and in order to be eligible for gender-affirming surgeries). However, I am unable to get to a gym as they are incredibly far away and expensive. I was wondering if it was possible to get fitter, and also skinnier at home with a workout plan.

    My equipment is:

    - 4.5kg non-adjustable dumbbells [X2]
    - (Up to 7kg) adjustable dumbbells [X2]
    - 2.5kg non-adjustable dumbbells [X2]
    - 1kg non-adjustable dumbbells [X2]
    - Mountain Bike
    - Huawei fitness tracker
    - Workout log book

    I am in an unusual situation, as I'm under 18 and living with my parents. They are "you are healthy at any size" believers and are very much opposed to diets as they think it leads to eating disorders. I'm unsure how to proceed as I can't eat lesser portions as my parents would notice and stop me from eating less.

    Thank you.
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    You don't need to be eating less your two best exercises for losing weight are running and jumping rope.

    Running is straightforward, just 5 km (at a good pace) can burn 500kcal, you should eventually be aiming for 10km per day.
    Jumping rope also just 30 min can burn about 500kcal.

    You should add in some other exercises as well for strength and general fitness but they won't burn nearly as many kcal. Try working out for 3-5 days at least in the week.
  3. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    This bit is bad advice, get my fitness pal installed and run a small calorie deficit initially (200/300 calories), something thats not hard to stick to, coupled with your exercise.

    when you stop losing weight and want to lose more, increase the deficit to 500, I wouldn't advise a calorie deficit much greater than that because you will start burning less cals cause your body will shit itself and start conserving energy. Too unreliable to lose weight on exercise alone. After all, abs are made in the kitchen.
  4. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for replying. For Chaos Space Marine, I'm unsure how to count my calories without my parents being suspicious that I'm eating less. As I said in the initial post, they're very my anti-diet
  5. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Do they check your phone? If not just type in the brand name of whatever you are eating and try and estimate amounts, wont be perfect, maybe off by a couple hundred especially when it comes to stuff like rice and pasta, but should help you keep track of your snacking at least, even just switch out full sugar juice for the diet version and cut out sweeties if thts not workable
  6. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    Thats actually a good shout, thank you. They don't check my phone. I can count how many calories are in my meals, and cut out snacking
  7. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    I think tomorrow will be a good starting day to begin counting calories and exercising. Today is Easter and I'm eating like a pig due to all the Easter eggs haha
  8. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Following this with interest. I have been doing dumbbell workout every morning - the one from someone recommended on here once - 3 days a week building up to 5 days a week. A few months later, my shoulders and arms are much bigger, squats are easier etc, which I appreciate. But I still have a belly. As expected - have to sort my diet out to tackle that!

    Do your parents cook every meal? Or do you have more of a choice for 1-2 meals per day? I suggest concentrating on what you can control. If your parents cook you a big pasta dinner, eat it and be grateful. If they serve you too much, quit halfway through and ask to put the rest in a box for tomorrow's lunch on the move (for example). If you are by yourself in the mornings, no need to help yourself to a massive breakfast - you could even skip breakfast, if that's an option.
  9. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

  10. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    My parents cook my meals - they don't trust me to make food, although I'm unsure why.
  11. To me it sounds that you don't have an open communication with your parents.
  12. wickedgayz

    wickedgayz Fapstronaut

    I've tried talking to my parents about it, but they either don't tell me why I can't cook on my own, or they tell me I'm not ready.
    Roady likes this.