Where I Stand Now

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sondae, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I have recently stopped posting on NoFap and abstaining from PMO altogether, but that is not my main problem. Unfortunately, I have let my myself go in terms of health and hygiene. Luckily, I have made a few improvements.

    One of the problems I had previously mentioned is that I do not take good enough care of my skin. Recently, I've been washing and moisturizing my face twice a day regardless of if I take a shower or not, and I have been using lotion and lip balm to combat the cold weather. I was dealing with very bad eczema last year, but that seems to have gone away completely this winter. Although I don't think my skin is great, it is likely the best it has ever been.

    One of the problems that I have not overcome is my laziness and lack of motivation. Yes, my plants still go unwatered. Yes, my room stays dirty a lot. Yes, I skip showers a bit. Sometimes I wonder if it's my job that makes me so unproductive. I have a great job, but it is often a very boring one. For example, I worked 9 to 5 today and only had two customers come in. Perhaps that boredom is affecting other aspects of my life?

    Another problem is my weight. This seems to be the most pressing one. After previously loosing 60 pounds during quarantine, I have gained back 23 pounds since Fall. My eating habits aren't even that bad, but I think it is rather my lack of exercise since I am constantly at work (where I clearly don't move around much).

    However, despite every issue and lack of improvement, there is one over-arching thing that seems to have gotten better: I am happy. I've never been so happy. I have a loving girlfriend who treats me wonderfully and I enjoy spending time with. I have a great group of friends who I have been seeing a lot recently. I am so happy. In fact, I think my happiness is why I've gained so much weight. I'm constantly eating out with my girlfriend and my friend group. We're constantly getting milkshakes, hot chocolate, ice cream, cookies, and all of that. It's honestly nice to have gained weight from personal enjoyment rather than stress eating.

    Although I am very happy, I am still dissatisfied with my appearance. I want to lose weight. It does make me sad sometimes, knowing that I don't look half as good as I was just a few months ago. I hope that I'll be able to further improve myself and fix these problems by the end of this year. For the meantime, I'm just glad I can be happy even in the midst of my struggles.
    M_H likes this.
  2. PeacocksTale

    PeacocksTale Fapstronaut

    Have you considered Intermittent Fasting? Only eat one meal per day and count your calories. If you know where your eating out look at the menu and enter the calories into an app like myfitnesspal, then make up the difference with protein shakes, eggs, and healthy fat. In Australia a lot of places have a macro breakdown, and even if not they legally have to put the calorie count on the menu.

    In terms of laziness an easy action to take is to find the smallest action towards what your goal is and make your goal to just do that. If you want to clean your room, clean up ONE THING only: throw one thing away, put one pen in the cup, etc. I dont know how it works, but it eventually grows naturally. If you don't want to skip showers, then wash only one finger, or even better just turn the shower on and off for one second. Then add on one second every day, then wash one finger, then the hand, etc.

    Those are things that worked for me.
    M_H likes this.