What's your opinion on Andrew Tate ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by she-dernatinus, Aug 26, 2022.

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  1. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    what sort of dumb remark is that ? it depends on the context where the resisitance will be made. If most male offenders end up dead at the hand of their potential victims, would it have the same weight as a regular prosecution ?

    that's when you completely dismiss the potential consequences of that strategy, if there are enough cases where women retaliate with firearms against attackers, the rest of misogynistic and potentially dangerous men wouldn't feel as confident to enact on their ideas and perceptions, since the chances of a deadly encounter would be high enough to be taken into consideration.

    As for the desired effect of changing their minds, granted it won't happen overnight. But what would help greatly is targetting their sense of entitelement, so they would no longer feel as 'safe' when pursue this path, and so no longer take the other side's passivity for granted.

    What would also be helpful, is to let them experience rejection as potential romantic partners for their own dehumanizing beliefs, to counter their bigotry with rejection and their violence with violence so even the incel path wouldn't feel as seductive as before. Since this time, there would be additional 'problems' to take into concern, ones they currently dismiss as 'low probability'.
  2. You know, I find it interesting that you are so insistent that "my" way of doing things (i.e. being reasonable and trying to talk to people when possible and maybe changing some minds with kindness) wouldn't work, but you never did respond to the article I sent you in the previous thread, about the black man who converted tons of KKK members using this very method.

    Do you deny the reality of his story? Do you think it's meaningless evidence to see that this black man actually changed the minds of racist white supremacists by befriending them?

    The Passenger likes this.
  3. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    Excuse me, is not dumb at all, if a misogynist with an "you are only good for sex and making me sandwiches" attitude, just have that superiority view of himself and low view of the value and capabilities of women, that is not something that will ever justify getting him killed, or does it? He would basically be immune to such type of retaliation.

    What constitutes an attacker? because most cases of misogyny are not the extreme cases that end up on physical violence, or are we allowing to have someone shoot someone else because they got their feelings hurt? I don't completely follow the reasoning, an attacker, yes, to root in jail, or even shoot, fine, but what about the vast majority, the rest of them, the actual bulk part of the problem?

    You see, at least now you admit there is a chance of changing their minds, only you seem to think that the only way is making them feel physically threaten with being killed...

    This is the most sensible approach so far from all you have said when it comes to address the problem.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  4. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You keep speaking about this case like it is some standard, default outcome. But let's speak about racism in general, do you think the minorities would have made so much progress from only resorting to this strategy ? I am sure history begs to differ.

    Change happened not because they 'converted' kindly those who believed they are subhuman because they weren't white, it happened when their movement gained enough weight for the authorities to consider the outcome of total civil unrest, alongside the privileged white citizens clearly getting the messages that black people aren't going to be submissive anymore and were by no way afraid of escalating matters.
  5. I'm an acne faced 18 year old, turning 19. Porn addiction has been my biggest problem since I was 10. Oppressing women doesn't solve my problems, only my actions can. I'm trying to fight my porn addiction, work at my new food service job, and balance that with enough sleep, a good diet, and some exercise. I have goals, challenges, and things I want to experience in this world. I have 600 dollars and I'm debating on going to college to become an engineer. I'm just a dude with a nuanced opinion. So yet again, tell me what you think my motives are?
    Taylor25 and MrPriest like this.
  6. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I never said changing their mind was technically impossible, instead I said that debating with them isn't the most effective way to reach that point, nor to delude their entitelement.
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I already explained my thinking, so stop pretending you didn't get it.
  8. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    You literally said you would never even try to reason or negotiate with them.

    So what's exactly your plan then? threaten them into abandoning their stance?
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Yes, and I still stand by my words. By 'negotiating' it's mostly Steps's strategy that comes to mind, not mine. It's not
    about negotiating, it's about limiting their options to act on their misogynistic beliefs as much as possible , while deluding the entitelment that drives them, and reducing any sort of validation they might get for their visions.
  10. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    Ok, but how do you limit their options etc? reducing the validation is quite straightforward, I get that, is the limiting their options and deluding their entitlement that I don't fully grasp what you mean by it, and as I want to understand what you mean by it, I would appreciate if instead of getting defensive you would please try to phrase it differently, or expand on it, so maybe I can get a better understanding of what you mean by it.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    By reducing their options I already explained enough formerly, it's hard to believe you're unable to connect the dots.
  12. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    So, by threatening them with fire arms and violence so they are scared?
    The Passenger and TakingTheSteps like this.
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    that is a part of this sure, but still only a part.
  14. No... I brought it up twice, and I never claimed it was a standard or default. I simply said I'd like to hear what you think of it, because it means something.

    You're comparing apples and oranges now, though. We aren't talking about racism back when segregation and slavery were legal and the norm. We are talking about current times.

    Similarly, we aren't talking about societies where misogyny is legally supported and lurking around every corner. We are talking about modern day, which I think is a very apt comparison to the experience of the man in the article. I would say extreme misogynists are probably about as common place as members of the KKK, in this day and age. Meaning, they exist, yes, and there are probably more than we even realize, but it's not some kind of normal standard practice that is legally supported (at least not in the US).

    I just find it frustrating that you seem to just completely dismiss this guy's lived experience because it doesn't fit your narrative. You act like it's some outlier that doesn't matter, but I don't think converting 200 KKK members is an outlier... it seems more like a good solid strategy that has worked with a ton of people (literally hundreds) and that we should consider trying in other areas of life, like with misogynists for example.

    I dont think you can just flippantly ignore this guy's strategy when it has worked on hundreds of people. That seems noteworthy and worth considering.
  15. Well that's your opinion, and it's perfectly fine for you to have that opinion. You could even be correct. Who knows. What people have a problem with is the way you talk about and treat anyone else -- especially other women -- who have different opinions on that.

    And you seem to think it's fine that you treat those women poorly, because you have decided that they are doing something horribly evil by not agreeing with you, since they are sympathizing with the enemy or something. That's the part people have beef with. Or at least that's the part I have beef with.
  16. I really have no idea what you even mean by this. I wasn't even aware that I had a "strategy" for converting misogynists. But it's interesting that you apparently know exactly what my strategy is.
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You keep bragging about your way of changing their mindsets and now you suddenly aren't aware of having any strategy for converting misogynists ? That's the lowest bar of self-awareness.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    These women make unfounded accusations without giving my words much thought, obviously I am going to defend myself and clarify my points, especially if they persist in accusing me based on their own empty comprehension.

    It is not me who began treating those women poorly, it's the opposite. I don't think I should underestimate the length in which some women need to feel as the 'better' one, especially if there's another one they can throw under the bus to make sure it's easier.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  19. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Maybe but I don't think it can be effective on a large scale.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    It is still supported only not overtly. And I think the collective defense is far more efficient than some time consuming debate based process of conversion
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