We call it 'batting' down here...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by number96, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. number96

    number96 Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys,

    I have been thinking about taking the challenge for a while and have finally taken the steps to change things.

    I have tried to stop POM before and had some pretty good streaks, although what usually happens is that something stressful happens OR I become complacent and believe that I will be able to fap and not begin fapping on the regular. I have always been proven wrong in the past. Recently I have had problems feeling stimulated by my wife and have experienced some delayed ejaculation, and I have decided rather than masturbate my way out of the problem I will stop fapping AND take a serious look at how I got to this place and what is truly at the root of the issue.

    I began this journey around 13 years ago, for a time I would masturbate daily, sometimes more than once. I have thought it a problem for a long time.
    - It disturbs my sexual ability (cum too quick and now dont cum at all!)
    - Ruins my ability to concentrate and enables me to procrastinate
    - Depletes my energy

    As a married guy I have decided not to go the hard method, but definitely not use porn for as long as possible. I would like to go at least 3 months, but I am not fully sure how long it will actually last. In a perfect world, I would give up this habit for life and find new ways to self soothe and find a longer lasting pleasure - prolonged gratification. This is somewhat of an experiment for me!

    Thanks for reading and wish me luck!

  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut
