Trying something new

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Trying90, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. Trying90

    Trying90 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Bit of a random post, and something that stems for a renewed effort to improve the sensitivity of my penis due to years of heavy fapping (3 to 4 times per day, most days for 20 years).

    The result of this had culminated in serious problems while trying to reach O through anything other than aggressive masturbation.

    I've spent some time researching how to increase sensitivity and maintain general health of my penis and hope to share the progress of this if it pays off to provide other guys at least some hope that things can be restored.

    So, having looked in to things, it seems virgin coconut oil is one of the best placed solutions to moisturise the skin. Due to heavy fapping, needless to say I spend a lot of time washing and cleaning. This itself I believe has added to a decrease in sensitivity due to the use of soaps, additional handling and rubbing of my dick and increased temptation to jerk off. My experiment, starting yesterday involves starting off with a 30 day nofap spree. This will then involve bathing my penis in a solution of warm water in which I'll dissolve 1 teaspoon of compressed virgin coconut oil, for c. 20 mins. I will avoid handling it in the shower, with cleansing maintained based on the natural antifungal properties of the coconut oil solution. I'll pat dry, rather than rub, then apply a small amount of Aveeno daily emollient cream over the shaft and glans.

    To kick start this, I spent yesterday rubbing the coconut oil in to the glans and shaft periodically throughout the day and have already noticed the skin feels more supple.

    I'll update this post every few days to outline any observations (and ideally improvements). I acknowledge that a 30 day nofap streak will itself enhance sensitivity but I I curious to see if the use of this approach will yield additional benefits. Ultimately, minimise contact with my dick in anyway that is particularly stimulating, and maintain moisturising to keep the skin clean and supple.