Trigger warning

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mr. Kaplan, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. Mr. Kaplan

    Mr. Kaplan Fapstronaut

    Tl:dr - existential crisis of if I am gay or straight or bi or none just dead inside.

    I was on day five and wanted to know what I'm attracted to - straight p or gay p.

    I spent a short while on Google but nothing...
    My dick was limp!
    So I grabbed it and started stroking and stroking after a while I was pretty hard and a little wet...

    I drew a conclusion that I was never attracted to any kind of porn but I got addicted to the physical stimulation of my genitals. I have been assuming I'm bi and have been trying anal play too before I decide to quit pmo but now I really am wondering...

    Never been with either sex in anyway - pretty fucked up like that I guess...

    Any advice?
  2. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Give yourself some time. Determine your sexuality after the reboot. My opinion...
    Mr. Kaplan and TheManDude like this.
  3. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Pretty sound advice, I've seen a lot of people here that question their sexuality due to porn... best to quit it and then see what happens.
    Mr. Kaplan likes this.
  4. Mr. Kaplan

    Mr. Kaplan Fapstronaut

    @hardowner and @TheManDude Thanks for the replies! I agree, there are actually a lot of similar posts out there. Day seven here I come
    TheManDude and hardowner like this.
  5. ClassyKing

    ClassyKing Fapstronaut

    Do you see yourself dating one sex over the other? Do you find yourself looking at a guy or a girl longer than usual? If your a homebody it's harder to tell, but those little things help you figure out what interests you.