Took my shot

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by rob13_, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Asked this girl out who I've been texting back and forth for a week or so. And I'm proud of myself.

    Even if it's a rejection, I gained something from this: confidence. I slayed the dragon of fear, and took my shot. Hopefully it's a yes, but no harm if no.

    Either way I've grown from this, and I'm grateful for that.
  2. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    You have to go thru a lot of NO to get to the YES. So good work! keep on building you confidence and eventually one will say yes.
    rob13_ likes this.
  3. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Got an iffy answer. Not sure if I got rejected or not, gotta clarify further tommorow. But I'm happy that I got the load off my shoulders, and that I can go forth without regret.
    For sure man, that's the plan. Keep improving and meeting new girls until I get good at it.
    Do it man, make your fear of regret stronger than your fear of rejection. Either way you'll feel better than taking no action.

    Will respond again to how this ends up resolving :)
    Cynamooo likes this.