To be a better person

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by JD101, May 4, 2015.

  1. JD101

    JD101 Fapstronaut

    Hi there. I heard the Nofap challenge in 2011, I did not sign up but thought it was a great Idea to do . The reason why I am trying to do this now is to improve myself as a person, back then I used to use porn a lot to masturbate for at least six years, a big part of that I believe ended my two year relationship with a great girl. I was a mess for quite some time and I decided to do something about it. The longest I've been without porn / masturbation would be two months, and now I would say I average anywhere between two weeks to one and a half months abstaining but I've never seemed to be completely without it.

    I must admit during the pass three and a half years there where times where I felt amazing to not masturbate or watch porn for longer periods of time. It certainly Improved my life. I started to have more energy, focus, I started meditation, I got off my ass and travelled to some amazing places and built up my career. I saw women in a different way, actually I realised that men and women can simply be friends, we don't have to screw everything that moves. This realisation in my mind made me much more confident and be more compassionate towards other people. I also could see my sex life improving tremendously, I used to suffer from Erectyle disfunction when having sex but now it isn't a problem, I dated quite a few women and then I fell in love again.

    My strong addiction towards porn before I feel has certainly Improved leaps and bounds , sometimes I just see pictures on the screen and walk away, but sometimes its different and somehow I never completely got rid of it. I would say I've shifted more of my addiction on general things on the internet, procrastinating and wasting time. Recently I broke it off with my girlfriend of 2 years, I believe we had a great, deep and meaningful relationship but long distance and circumstances didn't work out between us. I didn't feel porn and masturbation was a big problem in our relationship as it was before, I loved her for who she was and try to stay of it as much as I can. However what I noticed is when I am bored or stressed, that's when I get sucked into it again and that's where I need to work on.

    I do feel like now that it is the time for me to take up this challenge, my goal is to Improve on myself and try to eradicate porn completely out of my life, To lower my internet use and Improve focus. In terms of masturbation well I don't know yet but I would like to Improve on not doing it for longer periods of time. And in terms of having sex, well I feel like I need to be alone for a while, not sure what will happen but there's plenty of time for that later.

    Anyway, thats a little bit about me, my first challenge is to go without Porn/Masturbation for 3 months (90 days).

    Thanks for reading.
    Jay Broda likes this.
  2. Hi bro,I'm a newbie but i have struggled with fapping a long time.If you want to improve concentration,try to meditate everyday just before and after sleeping at night for atleast 15 mins.It's when the subconscious is most active and it will certainly improve your focus.Practise mindfulness.As for procrastinating, try to do things that are actually constructive such as learning a new skill you've always wanted to or working towards a goal.A schedule before you start your day would be good too.The key,i think is not only nofap but to build a life and person who you've always wanted .
    I hope this helps.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

  4. JD101

    JD101 Fapstronaut

    Hey Ray, thanks for the advice, I used to meditate before bed but haven't done it in a while due to the nature of my job, I usually do it most mornings , you have certainly reminded me of how important it is. Im going to start again both regular nights and mornings and sticking to a schedule. I am getting into more exercise now which I find helps me focus. By the way what kind of meditation do you do? My main thing to do is to focus on the breath and look at what the mind is doing.
  5. JD101

    JD101 Fapstronaut

    Hi , thanks alot for these links, there's some great tips there which I didn't think of, I will implement them for sure. Much Appreciated
  6. I mainly focus on the breathing,i don't count or anything but focus on paying attention to breathing in and out and if my attention wanders,i bring it back to it.It's called mindfulness attention i think.When i'm awake i usually follow Sherlock Holmes tips(Sounds crazy i know) of practicing mindfulness i.e focusing on what's before me and bringing back my attention mentally to it if it wanders or b if that doesn't help i focus on a phyisical action to bring me back.Also,i try to observe not see.All this sounds nuts( believe me,i know but masturbation really weakened by mind and doing all this provides me better cognitive function and makes me sharper like i used to be.
  7. Jay Broda

    Jay Broda Fapstronaut

    Hi all!
    I'm new here too. Signed up for this to see a better "me" in future! *fingers crossed*
    JD101 likes this.
  8. JD101

    JD101 Fapstronaut

    Hi Ray, I do agree with you with the fact that masturbation does also weaken my mind. I think I do a similar meditation to you as well. The technique that I do is called Shamantha, one pointed meditation focusing on the breath then the mind it self . Sometimes I try to be aware of certain sensations of the body, relaxing and being fully in the moment. In the next few months I'm thinking of doing a meditation retreat which I find last time helps a lot with a boost general wellbeing and improvement of the mind. Even just to get away from technology and everyday distractions for a while is a good thing. Otherwise I have been much more consistent with meditating mornings and night since I stopped PMO, feeling good and I will continue on with it. How are things at your end? I'm Interested to know how you felt after your previous best of 105 days ?