Tldr: new fitness plan

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Urbancottage30, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. Urbancottage30

    Urbancottage30 Fapstronaut

    I've been doing calisthenics circuits for about 6 months(plus a diet for 3) and i no longer look skinny fat, but my frame has noticeably gotten smaller because of the fat loss. Don't get me wrong,I love my new body. Having less excess fat and water weight feels amazing,both in mental clarity and corporeal sprightfullness. I've managed to add some muscle with circuits,especially when it comes to chest,abs, biceps and back. I know that I must not expect a bodybuilder's body with calisthenics,but I want to be able to fill at least a medium-sized t-shirt,and right now it's very difficult to fill even a small one. So I'm starting old school body splits,sets and reps with rest in between,and training to failure(at least what Red Delta Project calls high fatigue). Will stay doing calisthenics,but I'll use more advanced(for me) moves. Fitness is something new for me still. When it comes to diet I stay away from junk food(duh), dairy, peanuts, msg and aspartame(allergens that personally affect me). I eat protein in every meal,but maybe I should increase the amount. Building muscle is harder than losing weight,so I'm probably doing something wrong. Will log tomorrow's workout here.
    GeeJ likes this.
  2. Nasyb

    Nasyb Fapstronaut

    Could you tell us more about the excercises your doing?
  3. Urbancottage30

    Urbancottage30 Fapstronaut

    Burpees,bench dips,bodyweight squats,lunges,sumo squats,leg raises,sit ups,pull ups,chin ups,bear crawls,jumping jacks,push ups,classic dips,bodyweight rows. Not all of them on the same day of course. I pick some of them for a full body circuit workout. Three times a week to start,but if fatigue isn't extreme,I do circuits as my main fitness strategy for 6 times a week. Some jogging too.