"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Hello!

    I've just finished book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. And I reccomend you to read it as soon as possible.

    You may be sceptical as I was. I never liked this "Help-Yourself" books because, let's admit, majority of it is rubbish. You get either an eyebleeding with it's obviousness advices, or some really unhealthy shit.

    But this book is different. It covers the problem of habits, how we develop them, how to get rid of one. The narration itself is very nice. Many examples show how to apply author's advices. So do it. Read the thing.

    The most important thing is that it's not a secret knowledge. Actually, what we are doing here is pretty close to what Charles Duhigg describes. But this book summarizes all advices you can get from different members of NoFap community. So it's much easier to read one book. Saves the time.

    P.S. Don't think they payed me to promote this book. But if they want, my InBox is always open, we can talk about remuneration.
  2. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Someone I know suggested that I read this book as well . I'll go ahead and put this on my list .
  3. The best thing abou this book that it is not an instruction "How to make life better" but just a simplified theory of human habits. Of course, it helps you to understand the nature of your habits and change them ot develop new one.
    vulture175 and I Free I like this.
  4. Thanks for suggestion. I'll check it out.
  5. Panda20

    Panda20 Guest

    I'm currently reading a different book but I will definitely check this out.
  6. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It's a solid book. I'd also recommend it.

    And just because it made me think of this, here's the late, great George Carlin on self-help. Obviously I'm a huge fan of self-help books, but still, this is pretty damn funny.

  7. Nymeria

    Nymeria Fapstronaut

    Read it not too long ago, fantastic book. Intriguing to find out about the basal ganglia. Personally i think this may be responsible for sleep fapping where i unconsciously start fapping during the night but am semi/awake!