The NoFap reddit has reached over 70,000 fapstronauts!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Cross-posting from the NoFap homepage onto the forums. Also, I uploaded my first NoFap video onto YouTube.

    NoFap started out with just a few guys from the “GetMotivated” section of off of the idea that abstaining from orgasm for a week raises blood serum testosterone levels in men, the original purpose of NoFap was to host weekly and monthly challenges for no higher purpose. The program was simple. We were to simply challenge our willpower to see how long we could last. However, something changed. We started quickly realizing that we were experiencing tremendous benefits from completely cutting out porn out of our lives. We started out with just a few guys and soon we had a few hundred people. Then a thousand. Then five thousand. Every milestone that we reached was surprising to me. Suddenly porn addicts started flooding in because the NoFap programs worked for them.


    I never expected NoFap to reach so many people. I didn’t know how many people are harmed by pornography and were looking for a solution. I never thought that NoFap would be a project that would improve so many people’s lives and it warms my heart to see how many people are experiencing tangible benefits from it.

    Here are some of NoFap’s other fapstronaut milestones:

    • NoFap was created on June 20th, 2011.
    • 50,000 subscribers on March 03, 2013
    • 40,000 subscribers on December 29, 2012
    • 30,000 subscribers on September 17, 2012
    • 10,000 subscribers on March 30, 2012
    • 5,000 subscribers on January 14, 2012

    Thank you to the entire community for making NoFap what it is today. NoFap truly hosts one of the most supportive communities in the world and it wouldn’t be the helpful and life-changing place that it is every one of the 70,000 fapstronauts that it hosts.

    Attached Files:

    V∧DΞR likes this.
  2. Ulick Myers

    Ulick Myers Fapstronaut

    Congratulations to those who started it. These milestones give great encouragement to all involved. To me one of the wonderful things about sites like this is that people have a safe and supportive environment where they can express and discuss their most personal thoughts, fears and problems. I would never in a million years be able to discuss my issues with masturbation, porn and escorts with anyone I know personally, even my closest friends.

    I would like to see a great deal more systematic scientific research carried out on NoFap and its participants. This movement is still very new and I think there is a lot more to be learned.
  3. PracticeCompassion

    PracticeCompassion New Fapstronaut
