The Nofap Eunuch (Saw Palmetto)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. could I take saw palmetto and something to counter act the effects of palmetto?
  2. ive had gastric bypass I kant lift right now, I just do cardio
  3. SupBruh

    SupBruh Fapstronaut

    Goddam you beta geek just go on Backpages and get yourself an escort

    Start lifting and supplement that with 500mg of Test E/week
  4. I`ma christian I dont beileve in sex before marriage, but if you do thats fine. Ok I`ll look into some test, I have to talk to my doctor though. What about Monks Pepper?
  5. SupBruh

    SupBruh Fapstronaut

    Just a reminder that whilst MGTOW men are talking about theories guys like me (would post pics but mods are too upset at the image of an attractive young male) are having the time of their life with the girls that rejected you

    Get surgery and tan, whiten teeth, style hair, clear skin, you might have a chance

    If God existed would he have made you the way you are, but more on this later etc
  6. But I dont want the time of my life, I just want to be a eunuch and destroy my sexuality. God made me the way iam for a reason. I just want to take something that could get rid of my sex drive for good.
  7. Hey guys I`m day 3 on nofap once again, I have experienced some symptoms of saw palmetto side effects and will be taking DIM to counter act the effects. Feel numb as usual. No feeling down there, tried to do some stuff was completely un interested! BEING A EUNUCH IS GREAT!
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    If you mean the kinds of girls attracted to brahs in backwards caps who take mirror selfies while they pretend they're not flexing, then I don't think Angelod is missing out on much.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  9. hey guys day 4 on nofap, I`ll be ordering DIM. The saw palmetto gave me some minor side effects, so I will be counter acting the estergen effects with DIM pills. Anyway other than that I`m fine. :) I slept most of the day, I work 3rd shift at my job. I havent spent much time on the internet :) Anyway I`ll be building my first computer tomorow! I will also be blocking it with K9. Ok bye :D see ya tomorow.
  10. Hey guys I`m day 4 on nofap right now, I know I'm not on that much but I'm busy with school and work lol. Anyway ive been numb as usual, not able to really obtain a woody. Anyway I seem to be mentally needing to look at racy things. While my body isn't responding with saw palmetto (I will be taking DIM) I still have this psychological need to look at social media and Asian girls. I think all the racy things has made me psychologically dependent. Anyway what do you guys think? Ok bye :)
  11. Hey guys I messed up again, im back on nofap and almost on day 2. lol. Hopefully I will go through sexual transmutation. I still am numb, ill be buying DIM soon to counter act the saw palmetto. Anyone else has the herb can express thier experiences on this thread. Ok bye :)
  12. I like transgendered people but I dont wanna be one lol. Why you ask? Im looking for another saw palmetto alternative the estrogenic stuff is messing with me. Any suggestions?
  13. I want a herb that can numb out my sex drives and balance my mind out. If I kan find another one ill ditch saw palmetto.
  14. I`m going for 100 days on nofap, I want to numb it because I dont want it. I want to be a eunuch, im seeking herbs that will numb the sex drive like saw palmetto. THATS why I keep taking it, im trying to buy borrowed time and look for another herb or a way to counter act what saw palmetto does to me.
  15. yes it makes nofap very easy. it balances me out and helps me function better.
  16. Thats why I'm looking for an alternatives for saw palmetto
  17. anyone know any DIMs I kan get to counter act the effects of saw palmetto? Just relapsed again :(
  18. do you know any test that will metabolise the saw palmetto estrogen? I heard about DIM. I just need to take some and I kant lift because I had gastric bypass. Im not fully healed, I do cardio. I burn around 400-700 calories
  19. ok guys I`ve bought some other herbs, Ive been taking the warning of saw palmetto seriously. I haven't noticed much but puffy nipples. I`m now taking chaste berry pills, I just bought them last night. I also have hops herbs, these are seen as anti androgen pills, they are like birth control for males. I hope this is the way I can go to balance myself and destroy my urges once and for all and allow me dive into nofap and be the eunuch I was destined to be. :)
  20. hey guys day 5 on nofap! I`m feeling good, I got monks pepper to counter act the effects of saw palmetto. Plus I scaled back how much saw palmetto I would be taking. Instead of 5 pills I`ll be taking 3. So yea still the same numb effect. But I'm still getting hard and wanting to look at women, I still have that psychological need. but my body is numb almost the entire time. anyway see ya on day 6/7