The MacManus Playhouse

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Connor MacManus, Sep 23, 2016.

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  1. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    So I relapsed today, I've recently had a 27 streak but this last 2 weeks I've failed twice now.
    So I've made the decision to turn on restriction on my mobile browser.
    I've searched many terms that would normally bring up explicit stuff especially on google images and I'm amazed it's completely filtered them out, and some words don't even bring back results.
    Literally ive searched everything, there's absolutely no explicit images, only typical like semi nude stuff that's either modelling, lad magazines etc, which none are from P videos (I would know I've seen nearly every P film since my addiction)
    This discovery has given me new hope, it's the truly explicit stuff I want to leave behind you see.
    I think I can go months now.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  2. The best blocker/restrictor you can ever use is called MINDFULNESS. I do hope the browser settings help until you can wield an inner awareness and mental discipline sharper than a Diamond Vajra Blade forged by Śakra himself.
  3. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    With this new found tool it will be so easy knowing I can't find what my subconscious wants.
  4. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Fun fact.
    Every single dance track in existence has 32 beats between every transition.
  5. I was never into dance but I was into electro house and Goa/psy in my senior year of high school & freshman year of college that I failed at horribly, partied my skull off and completely bombed all my classes just stopped going to them as I wasn't waking up till like noon from partying so hard every single day. I almost died from tweaking so hard then I hit my first bottom and went to rehab.



    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2016
    Star Lord and Connor MacManus like this.

  6. Shit. Why bother arguing with the underdeveloped human race? Just go own your destiny and be awesome. When will people wake up and grow?

    Star Lord and Connor MacManus like this.
  7. Mad love to my peeps whose awareness is big enough to know what's real here.

    Star Lord and Connor MacManus like this.
  8. Murph we have to be patient and lend a loving, helping hand. It's not most people's fault they are undeveloped spiritually and in their life in MIND and don't know how to be virtuous. It's due to environmental and societal factors including the way their parents raised/are raising them.

    Love, understanding, and patience Murph.
    Star Lord likes this.

  9. I am light
    I am infinite
    I am the channel
    I am expanding
    I am psychedelic
    I am vibration
    I am timeless
    I am unity

    I am activating
    I am resonant
    I am galactic
    I am radiant
    I am defined
    I am electric
    I am lunar
    I am magnetic

    I am planetary
    I am balanced
    I am organized
    I am connected
    I am inspired
    I am in harmony
    I am integrity
    I am perfect

    I am manifestation
    I am dissolving
    I am releasing
    I am liberated
    I am dedicated
    I am universalized and divine and transcending mantra
    I am being
    I am communicating

    I am spirit
    I am breathing
    I am cosmic
    I am essence
    I am power
    I am action
    I am dreaming
    I am abundance

    I am intuition
    I am god
    I am extreme
    I am internal and external
    I am flowering
    I am the clocking
    I am aware
    I am life force

    I am surviving
    I am DMT
    I am spiraling
    I am art
    I am accomplishing
    I am healing
    I am beauty
    I am elegance

    I am pure
    I am flowing
    I am love
    I am chakras
    I am coinciding
    I am playing
    I am magic
    I am elusive

    I am free will
    I am wise
    I am exploring
    I am space and time
    I am waking life
    I am vivid
    I am enchanting
    I am timelessness and complete infinite design

    I am alien
    I am human
    I am receptive
    I am vision
    I am energy
    I am mindful
    I am questioning
    I am answering

    I am intelligent
    I am fearless
    I am evolving
    I am opening my third eye to the unseen vision, translating
    I am synchronicity
    I am reflecting
    I am endlessness
    I am order and chaos

    I am the tao
    I am crystalized
    I am self-generation
    I am affirming
    I am enlightened
    I am blind
    I am the tone
    I am the color

    I am electronic
    I am lunar and solar, opposite and polar
    I am language
    I am radial
    I am particles of plasma
    I am endurance
    I am cosmic
    I am releasing

    I am liberating
    I am perfect
    I am pulsing
    I am realizing
    I am the one because the one are all
    I am form
    I am in the infinite nothing that becomes the everything
    I am symbolic

    I am relative
    I am the divine spirit that harmonizes with the laws, projecting the digital loom
    The tool of experiencing the desire and finding ecstasy in the process
    I am me, we are you
    Star Lord likes this.
  10. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Im just glad I grew up before social media brainwashing attained full swing.
    The only online community I log into is NoFap, I don't have any other accounts for social media.
    Im a thinker for sure.
    So glad I'm not a typical zombie like the majority of people.
  11. Social media can be wonderful or it can suck.

    It's not inherently good nor is it bad.

    It's great for connecting with friends and family. It's great for many things beyond that actually. It can also be poisonous and harmful just like ALL OTHER MEDIA CAN. Your own mind makes it good or bad and you attract to yourself what you put out.

    This isn't a real social outlet here dude. The majority of people here ARE ANONYMOUS BRO THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER IN REAL LIFE THAT IS NOT SOCIALIZING BRO THAT IS A HALF ASSED EXCUSE OF A SOCIAL OUTLET DUDE. I don't mean to sound harsh but your perceptions are limited my man, no offense.

    Social media is beautiful when used wisely.

    Dude this is a show we are putting on, as you can see the users are named after movie characters and the like, there's nothing genuine about this kind of social interaction other than the subliminal energies being exchanged.
  12. I ain't gonna deny social media is responsible for the dumbing down of society, nah I don't deny that, but it can be a powerful tool when used mindfully in the right ways.


  13. YOUR MINDS BELONG TO US EVERYTIME YOU ENTER ONE OF OUR THREADS. Don't worry, we are master surgeons and only have love and your best interests at heart. If it scares you stop reading.


  14. @RepentMySins You better believe that if we weren't anonymous we'd recover in half the time and connect more fully.

    It's unfortunate most people stay in the dark with this silent addiction for a lifetime and some never recover. I hope being anonymous still allows you to master the addiction but for the majority they will go to their graves with this vice as they do not come into the light for help somehow someway. Just doing Reboot Camp by connecting with Mark and Alexander over the phone is enough light to overcome this. Pray you can do it solo alone in the dark but this vice thrives in the dark. My friends and martial arts Master know about this issue of mine, I ain't in the dark bro.

    Connor MacManus likes this.
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