The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by dontlookdown, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    I'm new to this site, so I'm hoping that this is the right forum to talk about my lack of motivation to do nofap recently. The last time I PMO'd was January 2021 which was almost two years ago (I stopped counting the days a while ago). I've heard of many nofap benefits mentioned by people on YouTube and other sites like this one. These benefits range from increased energy to attraction from the opposite sex. However, the primary benefit I've experienced (though it may not seem beneficial) is that I've become aware of all the glaring holes in my life.

    Before starting on nofap, I was a skinny 24 year old who had very little in savings (less than $10K), was still living at home, with a very low income job and zero experience with dating and relationships. I thought I was relatively happy in my life circumstances. I even FELT happier back then, but I came to realize that this was blissful ignorance as PMO was obstructing my view of all the problems in my life that needed fixing. With that bit of background information out of the way and in keeping with the title of this post, I'd like to report on the good experiences I've had on this journey as well as the bad and the ugly experiences:

    • Started going to the gym 6 months after starting nofap and have made significant progress on building a more attractive physique.
    • My social skills have improved and I'm able to have better conversations with people and maintain eye contact longer than before I started nofap.
    • Landed a new job earlier this year where I enjoy the work and I am paid well (5 times what I made at my last job).
    • Managed to increase savings by over $20K.
    • No longer living at home. I now have my own place.
    • Connection and intimate relationships are missing from my life and I can't seem to fix this problem. I've had trouble finding someone who will give me a chance at even just a first date, let alone a relationship.
    • Before starting nofap, a lack of intimacy in my life didn't really bother me and I used to not put so much pressure on myself to fix this part of my life
    • I've thought about seeing escorts to gain some experience with women, so that my lack of experience doesn't detract from my overall attractiveness.
    • A few months after beginning nofap, I found myself deeply depressed and dealing with feelings of sadness and hopelessness. This depression still persists today and I have started seeing a therapist to work on this.
    • I have actually experienced a decrease in my energy (possibly related to my depression) which makes it difficult to get out of bed and face life.
    • My therapist has recommended gratitude practices, but I've found it next to impossible to be grateful for the improvements I've made in my life.
    • I've found it harder to be present in my everyday life and I'm losing the motivation to continue with this journey due to the loneliness I feel and not being sexually fulfilled.
    I want to learn how to foster a healthy relationship with sex and intimacy, and I think we can all agree that excessive PMO is not conducive to fostering healthy sexual relationships with a partner. At the end of the day, we are all human. Most of us want to experience a happy, normal love life, but this is THE ONE area of my life that I just can't seem to improve no matter what I do.

    For those of you who started dating or had partners during your reboot, how were you able to succeed in this area of your life? Did you have to read books on dating or buy dating courses? How did you meet your dates/partners? Did you get dating/relationship opportunities by cold approaching?

    Some advice for improving this area of my life would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
    Brad_B likes this.
  2. Beyond the holy trinity of shitty dating advice, I can't help you. However, as far as mood and self-image is concerned, I will suggest that you read Psycho-Cybernetics, if you haven't read it already. You'll see the book appearing in my comment history and it does for good reason- it made the difference between me having a shitty mood in a reboot and an overall pleasant experience. I say this because the last time I went close to sixty days, I was extremely irritable and impulsive, notwithstanding having a really bad opinion of myself. As a result, the reboot wasn't sustainable. This time around, it's much different.

    That being said, I can imagine the tenets of Psycho-Cybernetics being used in the context of dating. Maybe when I move to Germany and actually get on the dating scene in a month or so, I can report back to you on that.
  3. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Hey Servo_Operator, thanks for your reply. I can definitely relate to your struggles on your sixty day streak. The reboot that I'm on is getting harder to sustain day by day. I thought that making improvements in different areas of my life would help me with dating, but it just hasn't worked out that way so far. I've read a few posts here and in the "Success Stories" forum where guys would report on massive improvements in their relationships or dating lives, so I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from the people on this site.
  4. Hey man. Dating is about feeling good about yourself and sharing that happiness with women. If it doesn't work for you, you're not ready. You already go to the gym and see a therapist. These are very good things to do.
    On top of that, you could eat healthy. Take an interest in diet. Eating healthy improves your mood and energy. It is a very good way to fight depression.

    Doing meditation as well. Avoiding distractions. You won't have relationships with others if you don't first learn to be at peace with yourself. Happy alone. If you're not, you'll talk to women with a demanding attitude. Someone who is trying to fill a void. That's not what we want.

    Along with these efforts, I advise you to overcome your fears and approach women in your everyday life. You will be rejected but you will become a better person. And one day you will be free, happy and with fulfilling relationships.

    Good luck :)
    StoicContemplation likes this.
  5. Meditation, I can definitely say, has helped me have more patience with people- especially after reading The Mind Illuminated, I’ve come to such a profound intellectual understanding about the conscious experience that I can better understand where people are coming from. 10/10 highly recommend
    Spirituss likes this.
  6. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, Spirituss. I need to get back into meditation and eating a better diet. I put a lot of pressure on myself these days to figure out this area of my life because I’m almost 26, and I believe that having no experience becomes more and more unattractive the older I get. I could focus on continuing to improve the other areas of my life, and in five years I would have made a lot of progress in these other areas, but then I’d be almost 31 years old with no dating experience and THAT would probably ruin any chance of me finding love. Have you been dating during your reboot? If so, has it helped you stay motivated on this journey?
    Spirituss likes this.
  7. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the recommendation @Servo_Operator. You seem to have some great book recommendations. I'm a bit of a self help junkie, so I like it when someone recommends a book that can help me improve myself.
    Servo_Operator likes this.
  8. I'm just lucky to come across the right things sometimes lol
  9. I think the best compromise is to do both. To see your well-being and your mental health as the priority. But at the same time to meet women, even if it's uncomfortable.
    Try to find motivated people to approach women, it's always better than doing it alone. You'll have someone to push you.

    One last thing, 26 is very young. Even 31 years old. I know guys who started much later and have fulfilling relationships with women. But I still agree that the earlier the better.

    If you approach women you will realize that women like you. That's already a huge thing.
    To give you my opinion on my case, I am not motivated. I am consistent. Motivation comes after action, not before!
    Brad_B likes this.
  10. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement. Have you had success with online dating at all? It seems like that's how most people are meeting and forming relationships these days.
  11. I met my one and only girlfriend through YouTube and Instagram of all places. We met in person and then a year later we broke up. I look at the times we had with fondness and appreciation, but by that same token, I wouldn't want it now, especially since I'm in a different and better place than I was then.
  12. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Those are huge. Those are where it starts. You are getting your life together, that’s outstanding.
    Connection and intimate relationships happen as you meet people, you have eye contact and conversation, you find you get along and you say “hey, it was great talking to you. I’d love to hang out again, can I get your number?” You can do this with girls platonically, you can do this with guys platonically, you can do it if you’re attracted physically. If they decline it’s okay, you can just say “cool, well I enjoyed talking with you anyway. Have a fabulous evening.” And walk away having enjoyed the conversation for what it was. This is how you build friendships. Out of friendships you build community. Out of community you build a network.

    You need community. You need a network. You didn’t feel like anything was missing before because porn was tricking your brain into thinking it had what it needed. Now that it doesn’t have that need filled, you are being cued to search and fill it. The benefit of filling it with real relationships is that you get reinforcement from actual people, who can bring actual value into your life. Porn just offers an illusion.
    Don’t. Experience with an escort doesn’t count as real experience. There’s stories here on the forum, I can find them if you don’t want to, about guys who used the same exact reasoning as this, and regretted it. If lack of sexual experience detracts from your overall attractiveness to a partner, their priorities are screwed up and you shouldn’t have anything to do with them in bed. Real sex is nothing like porn. Real sex is about caring for one another and bonding, not about bodies and Os.
    Depression is awful. I’ve been there, I know. Sometimes quitting porn exposes the problem that was already there. I’ve never heard of NoFap causing depression.

    Sometimes meditation helps with depression, like these others suggest, sometimes it makes depression worse. I’d try it, but if depression gets worse I would not double down and meditate more.

    One thing you can definitely do is that gratitude journal. It’s hard when you’re not feeling it, but you can tell yourself, objectively, you are in a far better place than you were six months ago. You can also try gratitude for small things every day. But a job you enjoy that pays 5x your previous income?! That’s huge! 20k in savings, already? That’s incredible! You are in a much better place than 90% of the guys that come in this place. I’m not saying this to guilt you. Depression starts someplace real, but it gets irrational real quick, I know it isn’t something you can argue yourself out of, or flip a switch and just be awesome instead. Reminding yourself of what you have, though, goes a long way toward helping your mind get past what you don’t.

    You really do have a lot of things going for you. You don’t have that one relationship, yet, and you might not for a long time. I know a guy who knew loads of women, could have made sexual relationships with a lot of them, but never clicked until he was almost 40. Then he met that one, and she was worth it. I’m not saying that will happen for you, that you are guaranteed sexual satisfaction or anything, just that it can happen so don’t despair that it hasn’t happened yet. And in the meantime, form a life that you enjoy.
  13. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, @Meshuga. Sometimes I need to remind myself that I have made progress in my life, even if I'm not exactly where I want to be yet. I wouldn't say that NoFap caused my depression, but rather being awakened to the problems in my life that were previously obscured by porn. I've been spending a lot of time recently on trying to get into a relationship to take the pressure off of myself. I don't want to spend my time reading dating books, buying dating courses, going out and approaching women etc. I have other goals that I want to achieve in life. Dating, or learning how to even date, is honestly exhausting in my opinion. Have you been dating anyone during your reboot? If so, how have you been going about meeting people (online dating, cold approaches, reading books)?

    I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post and offer advice.
  14. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    I've heard of guys meeting their girlfriend through Instagram and always thought that was interesting. I don't know how I would go about that, so kudos to you. I've been trying my hand at online dating as I haven't found many prospects by going out. When I go out it seems like ~95% of the women are already in a relationship. You'll see them holding hands with their boyfriend, and when I talk to a woman at an outing, she almost always says she has a boyfriend. I don't see how people get into relationships so easily nowadays.
  15. All relationships are chance-based. You can try your best to improve your chances, but at the end of the day, it remains beholden to the complex probability of the universe. Ironically, resigning one's self to this fact in apathy is what makes one's self the most attractive, and it's better for one's mental health in the long run.
  16. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Ah yes, it is far more common for NoFap to be the light that exposes the roaches in your life. Turning the light off would hide the problem, it wouldn’t fix it.

    I’m married, and I’m probably the worst to ask about dating as I had one girlfriend who was a friend first so I’ve never made a romantic relationship materialize out of nothing. I can positively say, though, the first step is to make yourself into someone worth dating, and you’re doing that.

    I imagine if something terrible happened and I were back on the market, I’d try to go on as many dates with as many different kinds of women as I could manage. I’d do it for three reasons; exposure therapy, learning who is out there and what is reasonable to expect, and increasing the odds. On the exposure count, it’s well known that if you’re afraid of something, you experience it as much as possible until it becomes familiar and less foreboding. I’d probably be super stiff and nervous, and I’d definitely not want to present like that with a date I was super invested in, so it would make sense to practice with low-stakes dating. Just hanging out and having a conversation, with small hopes and near zero expectations that anything “more” will come of it. Then, when a high-stakes date comes around, I’ll (hopefully) know how to make a date interesting enough to get a second, and even if that doesn’t work, I’ll know I can sometimes make it work so I have options and I can try again. For knowing what’s out there, I’ve heard lots of stories about what the dating market is like, what “women” are like, but I don’t know if any of it is true. I’d like to know a true high-value potential partner when I meet her, not let her slide by because I’m looking for a unicorn. And finally, the odds of finding a unicorn are increased when you meet a lot of horses. Or goats. Unicorns sometimes have more in common with goats. Not that any woman is a horse or a goat, it’s an analogy… ah, never mind.

    So yeah, I’d try online, I’d try offline, but remember that it’s about making yourself worth dating. With that in mind, I’d work on learning how to listen and ask questions to keep the conversation moving, rather than worry about gains or cutting at the gym. And, since this sounds like a lot of dates, I’d work on free or inexpensive options for the first couple dates. Spend money only on the ones you want to impress, when it’s appropriate. But most of all, don’t take my advice because I have no idea what I’m really talking about when it comes to dating.
  17. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    It's really crazy how many external variables have to coalesce just to bring two people together. If any one of those random variables were changed, the two may have never met and formed a relationship. Like you said, this is perhaps something that I may just have to accept. I've been really unlucky thus far, but hopefully that changes in the near future. I know you said you weren't focused on getting into a relationship now, but do you feel that the universe will conspire in your favor again in the future?
  18. Well, since I'm moving to Germany, there's definitely a change of scenery involved. But I've found some things more important than relationships and will gladly prioritize that over finding somebody. Even so, I'll still give it a shot when the opportunity presents itself.
  19. dontlookdown

    dontlookdown Fapstronaut

    Hahaha I love the horse/goat analogy. I hope to have some options one day. I definitely agree that getting experience with lots of women is a good way to get exposure and to figure out what you want and don't want from a partner, and wow it's great that you're married; you're very fortunate. I'd like to get married one day, but I've got to land a first date first (baby steps lol). It's gotta be nice to have some support and company when fighting PMO. Has being in a marriage helped you along in your journey?
  20. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    I can’t definitively say, having not explored the alternate timeline where I journeyed without her. I suspect, though, that the relationship and she in particular have helped with abstinence/sobriety, but not made a difference with depression. You might think, “If only I were in a loving relationship, everything would be better,” but I think, “If only I weren’t screwing up this lovely woman’s life in ways she definitely does not deserve, she’d have been better off never knowing me, my God, I am a horrible person and do not deserve to live.”

    The things that have helped me most with depression have been sobriety, managing ADHD, and daily introspection in my journal. One piece that has been particularly helpful, I think, in drawing me out of the morass, is asking if I am making the best possible use of my time. I’m not who I want to be, but when I see I am doing what I can in this particular moment to make progress toward being that person, that’s the best I can do and that has got to be enough.