The flat brain theory (Flat earth)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. For all the normal people here, do you know that these flat earth people are simply not gonna change their minds?
    There is a theory that tries to explain what is going on in the brains of these people, I accept this theory because it's very valid. It's a phenomenon called "outsider physicist", where someone starts learning complicated stuff (especially physics) and get's totally lost, this way they will accept and hold on to anything that helps them learn physics in their own way. This is in my opinion a failure on the educational system that is not good or engaging enough to make everyone learn.

    Do you disagree? What do you think is going on?

    (This theory might not catch all flat earthers and definitely not all conspiracies (there is another explanation for other theories in general), but I think that it hold it's value).

    If you believe the earth in flat -> Keep and eye on here! Are you truly open minded? The first trait of open-mindedness is acknowledging our predisposition to biases and listening to both sides to overcome them. Come here and join us!
    Deleted Account and HatePorn like this.
  2. All this flat earth stuff is hilarious. I like to laugh so keep it coming!
  3. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Where is the old thread? WHERE IS MY COTTON BALLZ?!!!
  4. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    the globalist theory

    people believe everything their perceived authority tells them instead of thinking outside the box. they hold on so dear to their childhood and remember wanting to be an astronaut, being taught the globe and planets.

    they are incapable or do not want to have any cognitive dissonance and can not admit they might not know everything which admits their failure of lifes system of learning.

    everything they thought they knew turns upside down and in a panic they decide not to heed any knowledge but rather stick to what their masters tell them like a dog to its owner seeking the safety of ignorance instead of the fear and bravery of exploration and experiments

    this explains the sharp response by globe earthers
    Alligator77 likes this.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Bit hypocritical coming from you lol. I dont accept any statements up front.
  6. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    The true conspiracy is that they used stupid theories like the flat earth theory, so they can confuse us.
    kayesem and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  7. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    I think it's more interesting to talk about how most people today actually believe that people in the middle ages believed the earth was flat.
    Gotham Outlaw and Alligator77 like this.
  8. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Hey, instead of arguing, we can actually work together and find out something interesting. There is a LOOOOOT of stuff unexplained by the flat earth society, for example "How does a moon and sun eclipse happens?" ,there are a couple of places where physics just doesnt work out, mostly related to the sun and moon.....but whatever. Lets imagine the flat earth is real, arent you curious how exactly a sun set and sun rise will look like(of course its gonna be different, but how exactly?).
    @todaysresolution , I am gonna need for you to find out the exact diameter of the sun, the amount of lumens it produces and the distance between sun and earth at the ocean level. Oh, and a sketch of the O-zone layer would be great.
    Meanwhile I will calculate the diameter of the flat earth.
  9. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    If flat brainers had any sort or knowledge on how the world works, and proven science, they would know that seismic waves travel through earth and are detected at the other side of the earth.. UH, EXCUSE ME?? I THOUGHT THE EARTH WAS FLAT!!
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  10. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Mate! How this information will help me built a sunset simulation according to flat earth theory?
  11. But you know what mate, in the end even if you took 50 years of your whole life to finally have evidence of flat Earth, who cares? What is the point? even if NASA has apparently lied, what does that knowledge grant you or future people and where does this get you? I'm seeing no benefit to any of it.

    Oh, and I'm sorry, I ate them. :(
  12. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Amen sister. I don't see how the knowledge of the shape of the earth will improve my life or make me a better person... Simply put, who cares.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Hah after all this time I figured it out, there's an Earth inside Earth, they had it all wrong.
  14. There are obviously things that should be answered or I would like them to be at least, but all this effort and seriousness that's put into this theory is wasted. It really doesn't benefit anything other than a quick pat on the back and the feeling of "I did it!".
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    What if there is a flat earth inside a sphere earth! DUN DUN DUUUNNNN
    Choca007 and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  16. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Flat-earthers explained:

    They’re usually in one of these groups:

    1. A troll wanting a reaction
    2. An edgy person wanting to look cool supporting counterculture
    3. Someone not accepting anything outside the realm that they can observe (although if you hike to a mountain, you can literally see the earth’s horizon CURVING as a spheroid shape would).
    4. Someone who’s been exposed to proof, but whose IQ is below room temperature
    5. They lived under a rock
    6. They somehow time travelled from the medieval ages
  17. Sounds like you're not open-minded
  18. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    A ship at sea also provides an adequate demonstration.
  19. This "IQ below room temperature made my laugh so loud, damn it will be funnier here that we use Celsius lol.
  20. Have you listened to "globe earthers"? Sounds like you didn't.
    Choca007 likes this.