For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. It seems like relapses happen sometimes because of a lack of joy. We start falling when we look for joy in material things, or in focusing on the wrong things. In things that are not God, whatever they may be. I don't think that means we need to sit in a room and pray all day, and do nothing else. But I think it means we need to put effort into the "do it all for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31). Not only in broader terms like asking God to help us with that for the day. But in specific terms like: How can I live out this verse when I browse this forum? When I study? When I buy a coffe? When I eat? When I sleep? When I rest, read, watch tv, youtube, play an instrument? All these things must be done for the glory of God. I think when we slack on that, we start missing out on a lot of joy.
    Tao Jones and timcia like this.
  2. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Galatians says to “Walk in the Spirit.” To walk in the Spirit is to allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives. Note #1 To prepare for the Holy Spirit we must repent and plan our war with sin. #2 If you keep falling again and again, consider practicing “Rapid repentance.” God knows if you are trying, and if you are, practice rapid repentance.

    Second, Great Christians may consider memorizing this verse: “Thy will be done.” Then they spend time in prayer to be empowered to do “His will.”

    Often we need to pray and ask Jesus to increase our will to surrender and give up control. To ask Jesus to empty us of anything that’s preventing the Holy Spirit from being in control. Ask Him to increase our faith in His promise to give us the Holy Spirit.

    Once we are ready to submit to “His will,” then we can spend time in prayer.

    Third, believe. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to “know” that life will be better when I walk in the Spirit.”

    I think I need to pray that prayer about 1000 times.

    Finally, repent, surrender, believe, and then spend time in prayer to be more filled with the Spirit. Doing so will start to add power to your life.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  3. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    It is wise to be honest when we slip into blatant sin. Our car needs a big repair, our brother is making us mad, and the dog has fleas. We have a perfect excuse to fall back into sin. We have every right to fall. Every reason. It is justified. God will understand. Wait! Will He?

    When I slam the door on God's face by sinning, the very least I can do is to be sheepish about it. Better yet, I could say I am sorry, in advance. Better yet I should say, “I know this will cause destruction and darkness,” in advance.

    My sin is not caused by bad things happening. The circumstances are not the problem, the sin is.

    Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit when He died on the cross for us. When bad things happen we ask the Holy Spirit to help us through those bad things. If I write an article on a bad day (instead of falling) it seems like more people appreciate it. My trying to fight through a bad day helps a lot more people than some complicated article with big ideas.

    Prepare for bad days by fighting bad thoughts several times a day. In what place can you put a verse on lust so that you see it every day? Example: Place this verse on your bathroom mirror and read it while brushing your teeth:

    Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy,[b] your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

    Second, have a sticky note prayer reminder. If you have been working on this prayer you might be prompted to pray it by writing, “Turn, care.” The whole prayer is:

    “Father, help me to turn from lust, and care about people.”

    Pick a place where you can put a note like this.

    Third, give God an hour on a bad day to start steering you in the right direction. Better yet... If you want joy, just give Him the whole day.

    Finally, bad days are often the best days to be more filled with the Holy Spirit. Because He wants people who would rather have Him than sin.
    Tao Jones likes this.