The 10 Challenges

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by SuperSaiyan99, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    This comes from the book Can't hurt me

    Challenge #1 -- What are the current factors limiting your growth and success? Break out your journal and write them all out in minute detail. Don’t be bland with this assignment. I showed you every piece of my dirty laundry. You will use your story, this list of excuses, these very good reasons why you shouldn’t amount to a damn thing, to fuel your ultimate success. Quit out the noises.

    Challenge #2 -- I tacked Post-It notes on my Accountability Mirror, and I’ll ask you to do the same. Digital devices won’t work. Write all your insecurities, dreams, and goals on Post-Its and tag up your mirror. Once a goal is achieved, remove the note and post the next goal of two to five pounds until your ultimate goal is realized. Whatever your goal, you’ll need to hold yourself accountable for the small steps it will take to get there.

    Challenge #3 -- Dig out your journal again and write down all the things you don’t like to do or that make you uncomfortable. Especially those things you know are good for you.

    Challenge #4 -- Choose any competitive situation that you’re in right now. That may mean acing an exam, or crafting an ideal proposal, etc. Whatever it is, I want you to work harder on that project or in that class than you ever have before. Do everything exactly as they ask, and whatever standard they set as an ideal outcome, you should be aiming to surpass that. Take their negativity and use it to dominate their task with everything you’ve got. Take their motherfucking soul!

    Challenge #5 -- Rather than focusing on bullshit you cannot change, imagine visualizing the things you can. Choose any obstacle in your way, or set a new goal, and visualize overcoming or achieving it. You must also visualize the challenges that are likely to arise and determine how you will attack those problems when they do.

    Challenge #6 -- Write all your achievements in your journal, as well as life obstacles you've overcome. Add in those minor tasks you failed earlier in life, but tried again a second or third time and ultimately succeeded at.

    Challenge #7 -- Push past your normal stopping point. Whether you are running on a treadmill or doing a set of push-ups, get to the point where you are so tired and in pain that your mind is begging you to stop, or in this case urges, dont fight them, overcome them. Shine less lights on the pmo monster and it will be gone into the darkness

    Challenge #8 -- Build a schedule! It’s time to compartmentalize your day. During week one, go about your normal schedule, but take notes. In week two, build an optimal schedule. Lock everything into place in fifteen- to thirty-minute blocks. By week three, you should have a working schedule that maximizes your effort without sacrificing sleep

    Challenge #9 -- If you truly want to become uncommon amongst the uncommon, it will require sustaining greatness for a long period of time. Torch the complacency gathering around you, and continue to put obstacles in front of yourself, because that’s where you’ll find the friction that will help you grow even stronger.

    Challenge #10 -- Think about your most recent and your most heart-wrenching failures. Break out that journal one last time and write them out. First off, write out all the good things, everything that went well, from your failures. Then note how you handled your failure. Now go back through and make a list of things you can fix. .


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