Super Hero Challenge

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by User3475682, May 25, 2019.

  1. User3475682

    User3475682 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,
    has anyone done the "Saitama/Super Hero"- Challenge? (10 km run/ 100 squats/ 100 situps everyday)
    And what was your experience, are there any problems?
  2. Reborn_

    Reborn_ Fapstronaut

    I haven't tried it, but I can tell you this....It's garbage.
    Your body will quickly adapt to the 100 squats and situps, and they will be useless, since you aren't challenging your muscles. AND
    Running 10km daily is going to badly overtrain you, as well as hurt your joints.
  3. User3475682

    User3475682 Fapstronaut

    What kind of workout routine do you recommend then?
  4. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    Do what feels right with your heart, not what others say. If you feel like running 2 km, run 2 km. If you feel like running 10, run 10.

    Here's the deal: when you were a child, 4-10 years old, did you think about playing soccer/football/baseball whatever with your friends for 45 minutes? Or, did you think you should ride your bike for 10 km every day? Or run three times around the block every day? And yet, you were probably very active and looking healthy and happy (or am I wrong?).

    Go back to that state, do what feels spontaneous, be a child and do what a child does. If the child in you says 'I'm off to play', then play! If the child inside you says "I want to run!", then run. If the child inside you says "I want porn!" or if he says nothing, then he's rather scared by being constantly berated over the years by the other side of you, the "adult/parent", so getting that one out through meditating on your emotional pain will probably help.

    I do the exercises from Starting Strength by Mike Rippetoe. Three big ones: squat, standing press and deadlift. Heaviest weights i can lift, 5 reps x 5 sets. This will break the muscles every time, so recovery time will be important. 5 reps x 5 sets does not create mass, creates strength. So often I do either simple barbell or machine training, moderate weight, but do 20 reps x 3 sets. My understanding is that few reps with heavy weight builds strength, many reps with moderate weight creates shape.
    helpinghand4all likes this.
  5. 100 squats and 100 situps sounds like nothing. If it's tough in the beginning, it won't be tough for long. Running 10 km every day on the other hand sounds like a very bad idea. I did a challenge with myself recently where I woke up 05:30 every morning to run as long as I wanted but the shortest distance was around 1 km. I can tell you this: I do not recommend it. I ran everything from 1 km to 11 km depending on how my body felt. Everytime I had been running 11 km, I ran around 1 km the next day. The problem with this was that even if 1 km is a short distance, it inhibited my body to heal correctly from that 11 km run.

    If you want to be a better runner, well first of all, you shouldn't go for a distance some other guy tells you to run, you should run the distance that feels comfortable for your body. Your body needs to get used to the running and that takes time. Be careful when you increase the distance because if you increase the distance too fast, there is a higher risk that you will get hurt somewhere. That doesn't have to be bad, you can just rest then and wait for you to heal at which point you start running again. Point is, this isn't very optimal. I ran 8.7 km 10 days ago and obiously, that was too long for me because I still have some pain behind my knee in a tendon.

    When it comes to running, you should increase your distance at around 10% per week.

    When it comes to sit-ups and squats... well it depends on what goal you have. If your goal is to warm up the body every morning to get your heart pumping, I don't see anything wrong with doing this. If you have a goal to become stronger, you should probably challenge yourself in a bit more incremental way.
  6. Reborn_

    Reborn_ Fapstronaut

    Anything that allows you to progress.
    If you go to the gym, you can increase the weight. If you do bodyweight exercises, find exercises that you can only do a few reps. Keep doing them until you can do 15 reps, then swap them for something more difficult